Lediga jobb som Internationell säljare i Uppsala

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Teknisk Säljare till Uppsala

Vill du jobba med försäljning mot tillverkande läkemedels- och livsmedelsbolag? Texor AB söker nu en engagerad och kunnig säljare som tycker om att prata teknik och skapa goda kundrelationer. Jobbar du som säljare idag eller kanske som teknisk konsult inom industrin? Läs mer och sök tjänsten!     Om tjänsten Som teknisk säljare på Texor kommer du representera ett ledande företag inom teknik och konstruktion för bio-, läkemedels- och livsmedelsindustrin. De... Visa mer
Vill du jobba med försäljning mot tillverkande läkemedels- och livsmedelsbolag? Texor AB söker nu en engagerad och kunnig säljare som tycker om att prata teknik och skapa goda kundrelationer. Jobbar du som säljare idag eller kanske som teknisk konsult inom industrin? Läs mer och sök tjänsten!  
Om tjänsten
Som teknisk säljare på Texor kommer du representera ett ledande företag inom teknik och konstruktion för bio-, läkemedels- och livsmedelsindustrin. Det förväntas att du själv och tillsammans med bolagets ledning jobbar fram nya intressanta kunder och samarbetspartners samt utvecklar affärsrelationer med befintliga kunder. Försäljningen bygger på förtroende och tekniskt kunnande och kräver en stor lyhördhet för kundens önskemål i kombination med Texors erbjudande och produkter. 

Tjänsten består av uppsökande arbete med hjälp av telefon, mail och framförallt via fysiska besök hos både befintliga och nya kunder. Det förväntas att du medverkar vid mässor både i Sverige och internationellt och att du vid behov samarbetar med andra bolag och säljare i koncernen kring dessa arrangemang. Givetvis ingår resor som en del av tjänsten där du har stor frihet i att själv planera och disponera din tid på bästa sätt. 

Placering: Flexibel, med föredragen bas kring Uppsala/Stockholm. 
Tjänsten är på heltid och tillsättning sker med fördel under sensommaren 2024.
Vem söker vi?
Utifrån rollen som teknisk säljare söker vi en person med stort tekniskt intresse och erfarenhet från tillverkningsindustri. Med fördel så finns erfarenhet från läkemedels- och/eller livsmedelsindustrin då det skapar en förståelse för komplexiteten och kvaliteten i de produkter som Texor tillverkar. Vi söker en person som utifrån eget teknikintresse och erfarenhet trivs i samtalet, älskar att lyssna in kunden samt har möjlighet att komma med konkreta lösningar vilket slutligen ger långsiktigt goda kundrelationer. 

Ingenjörsbakgrund, företrädesvis inom maskinteknik eller liknande.
Erfarenhet från tillverkningsindustrin, helst inom bio-, läkemedels- eller livsmedelsproduktion.
Teknikorienterad med förmågan att kommunicera tekniska koncept och lösningar.
En god kommunikatör som behärskar svenska och engelska väl i tal och skrift.
Datorvana och trygg i Office-programmen.

Vi värdesätter rätt personlighet framför år av erfarenhet och söker därför dig med självständigt driv och positiv energi. Din bakgrund kan vara inom försäljning eller alternativt att du arbetat som teknisk chef, konstruktör, teknikkonsult etc. inom industrin. 

Vi tänker långsiktigt kring denna tjänst och söker dig som vill växa in i bolaget och bli en del av Texorfamiljen. Du kommer få goda förutsättningar att lära känna oss, våra produkter och bygga upp ett nätverk av kunder i din bearbetning för att på sikt ta försäljningen av våra produkter och tjänster mot nya höjder.
Om Texor 
Texor är ett ledande företag inom teknik och konstruktion för bio-, läkemedels- och livsmedelsindustrin. Med en imponerande kundbas, inklusive branschledare som Cytiva och TetraPak, strävar vi efter att erbjuda innovativa lösningar och utmärkt service till våra kunder. 
Vad händer när du har sökt tjänsten?
I denna rekrytering samarbetar vi med OnePartnerGroup. För frågor och liknande är du välkommen att ta kontakt med Andreas Lindqvist, ansvarig rekryterare, tel: 073-4130611 alt mail: [email protected].

När du har visat intresse för tjänsten matchar vi din ansökan och kontaktar dig via mail eller telefon för återkoppling. Är du aktuell för tjänsten träffas vi på en intervju och under processen sker även referenstagning och bakgrundskontroll. 

Sök tjänsten idag då vi jobbar med löpande urval och intervjuer. 
Välkommen med din ansökan! Visa mindre

Sales Manager - Drupps

Sales Manager at Drupps About Drupps Drupps is a Swedish water innovation company focusing on reducing water footprints through airborne water recovery and Atmospheric Water Generation. We provide industrial-scale solutions that recover water as well as enable reduced energy cost and CO2 emissions. The company is considered one of the global frontrunners in this market and our focus is truly global. Our customers are found in several different segments, r... Visa mer
Sales Manager at Drupps
About Drupps
Drupps is a Swedish water innovation company focusing on reducing water footprints through airborne water recovery and Atmospheric Water Generation.
We provide industrial-scale solutions that recover water as well as enable reduced energy cost and CO2 emissions. The company is considered one of the global frontrunners in this market and our focus is truly global. Our customers are found in several different segments, ranging from Food & Beverage to Building material. For more information about the company please visit drupps.com.
Drupps has an exciting time ahead involving system sales, installations at customers’ sites, and further reinforcing the company for rapid growth. We need to strengthen our sales team with a superstar that has an engineering background as well as experience in commercial roles.
The job
You will be a very important person in our commercial team and your workplace will mainly be at our headquarters in Uppsala. Nevertheless, the role will require traveling to customers both in Europe and around the world.
You will be driving the sales work together with both our technical team and the CEO. The sales work includes qualifying leads, managing dialogues with potential customers as well as closing deals. The role also entails managing our CRM-system, preparing sales material and maintaining and reporting our sales funnel. You will also be participating in exhibitions and other sales supporting activities in different parts of the world.
We need you to have the ambition to grow with the role as the sales work at Drupps evolves over time.
As our customers are located all over the world, fluent English is a requirement. Moreover, as Latin America is a key market for Drupps mastering Spanish and understanding business culture in Latin America is strongly meriting.
Bachelor degree in Engineering or similar discipline
Sales experience
Self-going, ambitious, and not afraid to take initiatives to get things done
Relevant job experience of customer-oriented problem-solving
Living in Uppsala region
Prepared to travel globally
Enthusiastic and always willing to go that extra mile for the customer

As we are still an evolving organization we value your initiative and problem solving skills as well as your urge to constantly learn, become better and join us to make Drupps and our product offerings even better. We are not a large company yet, but we will be and we need you to be comfortable in this type of changing environment.
The position is permanent and is full time. Vacation is 30 working days and overtime may occur from time to time.
How to apply
The selection process is continuous so please send your application as soon as possible. To apply send a personal letter and CV with your background details to:
[email protected]
For questions contact our CEO Mikael Nolborg via email. Visa mindre

English speaking sales person

Hello, are you a person that appreciates to talk to people, contact fellows using your phone? Can you work independently? We are growing in the English speaking market, and now we are looking forward to hire one or more people to take care of our "English" countries (Mainly USA, UK, Australia, New Zeland, however, we are open to sugestions). The company have been around for 16 years and have highly appreciated ecological products made in Sweden. You will n... Visa mer
Hello, are you a person that appreciates to talk to people, contact fellows using your phone? Can you work independently? We are growing in the English speaking market, and now we are looking forward to hire one or more people to take care of our "English" countries (Mainly USA, UK, Australia, New Zeland, however, we are open to sugestions). The company have been around for 16 years and have highly appreciated ecological products made in Sweden. You will not be required to work from our office, unless you want to. Salary, time you want to spend etc is all flexibel and depending on the right person. Welcome Visa mindre

Salesperson German speaking

Hello, are you a person that appreciates to talk to people, contact fellows using your phone? Can you work independently? We are growing in the German market and now we are looking forward to hire someone to take care of our Germanic countries (Mainly German - Austria and Switzerland). You will not be required to work from our office. Thank you Visa mer
Hello, are you a person that appreciates to talk to people, contact fellows using your phone? Can you work independently? We are growing in the German market and now we are looking forward to hire someone to take care of our Germanic countries (Mainly German - Austria and Switzerland). You will not be required to work from our office. Thank you Visa mindre

Field Sales Engineer - Passive Components, CODICO

In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer to manage our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in the Nordics and Baltics. CODICO is a successful family-owned company whose headquarters are based in the suburbs of Vienna. We are a 'design-in' style, Pan-European Distributor of electronic components. Our continuous growth is based on cooperation with leading manufacturers, close customer relationships, motivat... Visa mer
In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer to manage our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in the Nordics and Baltics.

CODICO is a successful family-owned company whose headquarters are based in the suburbs of Vienna. We are a 'design-in' style, Pan-European Distributor of electronic components. Our continuous growth is based on cooperation with leading manufacturers, close customer relationships, motivated employees and a successful corporate strategy.

Your sales territory
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Baltics

Your job
- Provide technical design support to our customers for product development
- Proactively find and develop new business opportunities in focus markets like E-mobility and power management
- Strong communication with purchasing and development departments of our customers
- Build and maintain customer relationships
- Liaison between our worldwide suppliers and customers
- Coordination of all activities with the headquarters in Austria

Our requirements
- Profound technical knowledge in electronics (technical college or university)
- 3 to 5 years of sales experience in the electronic market
- Ability to identify and pursue technical projects
- Assertive and communicative personality
- Team player
- Fluent in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or Finnish
- Excellent English skills

Your job location
- Home Office and/or Stockholm

Our offer
- International working environment
- Excellent initial training
- Regular training and further education
- Voluntary social benefits
- Attractive salary model as well as a company car (also for private use)

We look forward to meeting candidates with diverse and unique skills and offer product training and opportunities for personal development!

Application process
Addilon is our partner in this recruitment. Please apply (CV and personal letter in English) via the link. We will fill the position immediately after finding the right candidate. Questions about the position are best answered on weekdays between 09.00-10.00, +46 10 207 43 20.

About Addilon
Recruitment and hiring of the right managers and specialists in mainly Engineering, Sales, Purchasing and Logistics in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Mälardalen, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Oslo and Chicago.

We kindly but directly decline contact for direct sales of additional job advertisements, candidates etc. Visa mindre

Är du vår nästa säljande lånehandläggare?

Just nu söker Zensum i Uppsala nya hungriga talanger till rollen som Lånehandläggare. Här får du både ett roligt jobb och en ovärderlig arbetslivserfarenhet oavsett dina framtida karriärplaner och lockar en framtid i finansbranschen är detta det perfekta jobbet. Du får dessutom möjlighet att arbeta tillsammans med fantastiskt trevliga och engagerade kollegor! Visst låter det bra? Vänta inte med din ansökan! Vad innebär jobbet som Lånehandläggare? I den hä... Visa mer
Just nu söker Zensum i Uppsala nya hungriga talanger till rollen som Lånehandläggare. Här får du både ett roligt jobb och en ovärderlig arbetslivserfarenhet oavsett dina framtida karriärplaner och lockar en framtid i finansbranschen är detta det perfekta jobbet. Du får dessutom möjlighet att arbeta tillsammans med fantastiskt trevliga och engagerade kollegor! Visst låter det bra? Vänta inte med din ansökan!

Vad innebär jobbet som Lånehandläggare?
I den här rollen kommer du i ett första steg kontakta konsumenter och erbjuda dem en chans att se över sin ekonomiska situation samt att jämföra sina befintliga lån med andra banker. Du kommer ha daglig kontakt med kunder främst via telefon. I jobbet bidrar du till att förbättra personers privatekonomi och kommer få lära dig att leverera branschens högsta servicegrad. Du kommer att ingå i ett etablerat team som sitter mot norska marknaden.

Vem söker vi?
Till rollen som Lånehandläggare söker vi dig som:

• Talar norska eller svenska.
• Vi ser gärna att du är en driven och positiv person med god kommunikativ förmåga. Du motiveras av få uppleva uppskattning och glädje hos människor till följd av ditt arbete.
• Drivs att arbeta mot mål.
• Du brinner för att få göra skillnad för människor - ingen ska sitta med dåliga lån.


• Intresse för ekonomi
• Stort plus om du har erfarenhet från tidigare arbete inom kundservice eller sälj, men det är inget krav.

På Zensum erbjuds samtliga anställda mycket goda möjligheter till kompetensutveckling och därigenom en chans att växa såväl privat som professionellt. Det finns en tydlig plan för dig som vill växa och göra karriär hos Zensum.

Zensum månar om såväl kunder som medarbetare och värderingarna Hjälpsamhet, Ansvar och Utveckling vägleder och genomsyrar bolaget på den framgångsresa som du nu kan få bli en del av. Zensums lokaler som ligger centralt i Uppsala är fantastiskt fina och bidrar till att generera såväl goda arbetsförhållanden som sociala aktiviteter - här kommer du utvecklas, utmanas och ha riktigt kul!

Om Zensum
Vi är en låneförmedlare som sedan 2013 strävar efter branschens högsta servicegrad. Genom ansvarsfull låneförmedling vill vi frigöra människor från onödiga utgifter.
Läs mer på: https://www.zensum.se/om-oss

Vi jobbar med löpande urval så tveka inte, skicka in din ansökan redan idag! Visa mindre

Är du vår nästa säljande lånehandläggare?

Just nu söker Zensum i Uppsala nya hungriga talanger till rollen som Lånehandläggare. Här får du både ett roligt jobb och en ovärderlig arbetslivserfarenhet oavsett dina framtida karriärplaner och lockar en framtid i finansbranschen är detta det perfekta jobbet. Du får dessutom möjlighet att arbeta tillsammans med fantastiskt trevliga och engagerade kollegor! Visst låter det bra? Vänta inte med din ansökan! Vad innebär jobbet som Lånehandläggare? I den hä... Visa mer
Just nu söker Zensum i Uppsala nya hungriga talanger till rollen som Lånehandläggare. Här får du både ett roligt jobb och en ovärderlig arbetslivserfarenhet oavsett dina framtida karriärplaner och lockar en framtid i finansbranschen är detta det perfekta jobbet. Du får dessutom möjlighet att arbeta tillsammans med fantastiskt trevliga och engagerade kollegor! Visst låter det bra? Vänta inte med din ansökan!

Vad innebär jobbet som Lånehandläggare?
I den här rollen kommer du i ett första steg kontakta konsumenter och erbjuda dem en chans att se över sin ekonomiska situation samt att jämföra sina befintliga lån med andra banker. Du kommer ha daglig kontakt med kunder främst via telefon. I jobbet bidrar du till att förbättra personers privatekonomi och kommer få lära dig att leverera branschens högsta servicegrad. Du kommer att ingå i ett etablerat team som sitter mot norska marknaden.

Vem söker vi?
Till rollen som Lånehandläggare söker vi dig som:

• Talar norska eller svenska.
• Vi ser gärna att du är en driven och positiv person med god kommunikativ förmåga. Du motiveras av få uppleva uppskattning och glädje hos människor till följd av ditt arbete.
• Drivs att arbeta mot mål.
• Du brinner för att få göra skillnad för människor - ingen ska sitta med dåliga lån.


• Intresse för ekonomi
• Stort plus om du har erfarenhet från tidigare arbete inom kundservice eller sälj, men det är inget krav.

På Zensum erbjuds samtliga anställda mycket goda möjligheter till kompetensutveckling och därigenom en chans att växa såväl privat som professionellt. Det finns en tydlig plan för dig som vill växa och göra karriär hos Zensum.

Zensum månar om såväl kunder som medarbetare och värderingarna Hjälpsamhet, Ansvar och Utveckling vägleder och genomsyrar bolaget på den framgångsresa som du nu kan få bli en del av. Zensums lokaler som ligger centralt i Uppsala är fantastiskt fina och bidrar till att generera såväl goda arbetsförhållanden som sociala aktiviteter - här kommer du utvecklas, utmanas och ha riktigt kul!

Om Zensum
Vi är en låneförmedlare som sedan 2013 strävar efter branschens högsta servicegrad. Genom ansvarsfull låneförmedling vill vi frigöra människor från onödiga utgifter.
Läs mer på: https://www.zensum.se/om-oss

Vi jobbar med löpande urval så tveka inte, skicka in din ansökan redan idag! Visa mindre

Partnership Success Manager

Gaming Influencer Marketing. Made Simple. At Wehype, we are on a mission to bridge the gap between brands and gamers. Powered by the Wehype platform we provide an automated, end-to-end solution for scalable gaming Influencer Marketing campaigns. How do we do it? Driven by our passion for gaming, we help clients to promote their games ranging from indie products to blockbusters and support content creators all around the world with exciting new sponsorshi... Visa mer
Gaming Influencer Marketing. Made Simple.

At Wehype, we are on a mission to bridge the gap between brands and gamers.

Powered by the Wehype platform we provide an automated, end-to-end solution for scalable gaming Influencer Marketing campaigns. How do we do it? Driven by our passion for gaming, we help clients to promote their games ranging from indie products to blockbusters and support content creators all around the world with exciting new sponsorships.

With a clear vision ahead, we continue our focus to automate, streamline, and simplify Influencer Marketing within the gaming universe. We are always staying hyped!

For more information, please visit www.wehype.com

Wehype in short:

- ???? 30+ employees in a passionate continuously growing team
- ?World-class technology built and enhanced in-house
- ???? A global company with the opportunity to build an international career

Our Values: One Team, Be Bold, Ownership, and Inspire

About the role:

Join our team and help shape the future of Influencer Marketing. We're looking for a Senior Partnership Manager who thrives in a multicultural, high-energy environment and is as passionate about video games and Influencer Marketing as we are. You will work closely with your Sales Team colleagues and have Gustaf Smith as your manager. Regardless of the team, we are looking for well-organized, detail-oriented candidates, clear communicators, and quick learners.

Location: Los Angeles

What you will do

- Establish and develop partnerships with the marketing departments at major game publishers & large corporations.
- Implement strategies and processes to maximize customer lifetime value and minimize churn risk while increasing overall customer satisfaction and identifying up-sell and cross-sell opportunities
- Implement both one-to-one and one-to-many customer education and learning opportunities to engage with customers in order to drive product adoption successfully
- Partner with internal teams to ensure customer needs are being met; coordinating with product, sales, marketing and campaign team
- Consistently bring creative ideas and solutions to the team on how to improve the customer experience

Who you are

- 4+ years of experience within B2B sales
- Great interest and passion for games

- You have an interest in the gaming industry and are excited to be part of its growth in the US and globally.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- You have an entrepreneurial spirit and mindset, with the ability to move between projects while completing personal and company goals.
- Process-driven with an eye for details

What we offer:

- The opportunity to help one of the fastest-growing companies in the gaming influencer marketing industry to open a brand new office in a new market
- Training at our Swedish headquarters
- A fun, creative, collaborative, and multicultural team
- A fast-moving environment in which you can hone your skills, learn along with your colleagues, and grow professionally
- Flexible working hours
- Health benefits package incl. medical insurance plan, pension plan, wellness grant to cover gym/training costs
- Career progression opportunities Visa mindre

Customer Engagement Specialist

UMC is looking for a Specialist to strengthen the Customer Engagement Team. This is a temporary position to cover for a colleague who is on parental leave, the position stretches over at least one year. The successful candidate will be responsible for supporting new business opportunities, selling UMC products, as well as strengthening existing relationships so that customers continue to use UMC products. The role also contributes to the development of the... Visa mer
UMC is looking for a Specialist to strengthen the Customer Engagement Team. This is a temporary position to cover for a colleague who is on parental leave, the position stretches over at least one year. The successful candidate will be responsible for supporting new business opportunities, selling UMC products, as well as strengthening existing relationships so that customers continue to use UMC products. The role also contributes to the development of the engagement strategy for customers, supporting the engagement process, as well as coordinating with other departments in other projects when required.

Key Individual Responsibilities:

Contribute to engagement opportunities, as well as building and maintaining fruitful customer relations.

Support ongoing engagement initiatives for the UMC products and organize customer-related activities.

Assist the Customer Liaison Team with complex customer questions.

Approach customer relationships as a partner rather than a vendor, by acting as a resource, e.g., by sharing networks and contacts with customers, directing them to related areas of business, understanding their motivations and their situation regarding clinical trials and drug safety.

Understand and analyse the customers to see further potential for the UMC Products.

Support the Customer Liaison Team with the renewal process for customers.

Be a positive contributor to the department ambience, collaboration, and development.

Support department projects by providing analytical as well as clerical skills.

Support all other work topics that may appear in the framework of the team's responsibility.


B.Sc. in Business Administration, or in Natural Sciences such as pharmacy, chemistry, or biology.

Experience in business-to-business sales/support, and/or experience working within the life sciences sector.

Experience working in projects and collaborating with clients/partners, and/or cross-functional.

Good understanding of MS Office, CRM systems and other relevant business systems.

Language skills:

English: fluent

At least one second language, not including Swedish: fluent

Fluency in Mandarin is highly merited

About you:

You are a positive, committed team player who is both structured and efficient. You have excellent communication skills and always have the customer in focus. Building relationships both externally and internally comes naturally to you, and you enjoy a challenge and pushing yourself.

As a person we believe that you:

Are calm, structured and resilient, with an ability to perform well in a fast-paced working environment with a heavy workload.

Are enthusiastic to interact daily with customers from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds.

Find pleasure in improving and defining processes and structures by using new technology, to deliver even better customer experience and engagement.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a centre for international service and scientific research in the field of pharmacovigilance. We are the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring, and manage the technical and operational aspects of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring since 1978.

As an independent, non-profit foundation, we support the World Health Organization, regulatory authorities, and other stakeholders who share our vision of advancing medicines safety. Through research and development of new scientific methods, we explore the benefits and harms of medicines for patients, and offer products and services used by health authorities and the pharmaceutical industry worldwide

UMC’s official language is English. We normally apply a probationary period to new appointments.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60. Visa mindre

Field Sales Engineer passive components, CODICO

Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Then maybe this position could be something for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in the Nordics and Baltics. Your sales territory Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland the Baltics Your job - Provide technical design support to our customers for product development - Proactively find and develop new bus... Visa mer
Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Then maybe this position could be something for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in the Nordics and Baltics.

Your sales territory
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland the Baltics

Your job
- Provide technical design support to our customers for product development
- Proactively find and develop new business opportunities s in focus markets like E-mobility and power management
- Strong communication with purchasing and development departments of our customers
- Build and maintain customer relationship
- Liaison between our worldwide suppliers and customers
- Coordination of all activities with the headquarter in Austria

Our requirements
- Profound technical knowledge in electronics (technical college or university)
- 3 to 5 years of sales experience in the electronic market
- Ability to identify and pursue technical projects
- Assertive and communicative personality
- Team player
- Fluent in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or Finnish
- Excellent English skills

Your job location
- Home Office or Stockholm

Our offer
- International working environment
- Excellent initial training
- Regular training and further education
- Voluntary social benefits
- Attractive salary model as well as company car (also for private use)

We look forward to meeting candidates with diverse and unique skills and offer product training and opportunities for personal development!

About us
CODICO is a successful family-owned company whose headquarters are based in the suburbs of Vienna. We are a 'design-in' style, Pan-European Distributor of electronic components. Our continuous growth is based on cooperation with leading manufacturers, close customer relationships, motivated employees and a successful corporate strategy.

Application process
Addilon is our partner in this recruitment. Please apply (CV and personal letter in English) via the link. We will fill the position immediately after finding the right candidate. Questions about the position are answered on weekdays 09.00-10.00, +46 10 207 43 20.

About Addilon
Recruitment and hiring of the right managers and specialists in mainly Engineering, Sales, Purchasing and Logistics in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Mälardalen, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Oslo and Chicago.

We kindly but directly decline contact for direct sales of additional job advertisements, candidates etc. Visa mindre

Field Sales Engineer passive components, CODICO

Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Then maybe this position could be something for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in the Nordics and Baltics. Your sales territory Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland the Baltics Your job - Provide technical design support to our customers for product development - Proactively find and develop new bus... Visa mer
Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Then maybe this position could be something for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in the Nordics and Baltics.

Your sales territory
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland the Baltics

Your job
- Provide technical design support to our customers for product development
- Proactively find and develop new business opportunities s in focus markets like E-mobility and power management
- Strong communication with purchasing and development departments of our customers
- Build and maintain customer relationship
- Liaison between our worldwide suppliers and customers
- Coordination of all activities with the headquarter in Austria

Our requirements
- Profound technical knowledge in electronics (technical college or university)
- 3 to 5 years of sales experience in the electronic market
- Ability to identify and pursue technical projects
- Assertive and communicative personality
- Team player
- Fluent in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or Finnish
- Excellent English skills

Your job location
- Home Office or Stockholm

Our offer
- International working environment
- Excellent initial training
- Regular training and further education
- Voluntary social benefits
- Attractive salary model as well as company car (also for private use)

We look forward to meeting candidates with diverse and unique skills and offer product training and opportunities for personal development!

About us
CODICO is a successful family-owned company whose headquarters are based in the suburbs of Vienna. We are a 'design-in' style, Pan-European Distributor of electronic components. Our continuous growth is based on cooperation with leading manufacturers, close customer relationships, motivated employees and a successful corporate strategy.

Application process
Addilon is our partner in this recruitment. Please apply (CV and personal letter in English) via the link. We will fill the position immediately after finding the right candidate. Questions about the position are answered on weekdays 09.00-10.00, +46 10 207 43 20.

About Addilon
Recruitment and hiring of the right managers and specialists in mainly Engineering, Sales, Purchasing and Logistics in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Mälardalen, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Oslo and Chicago.

We kindly but directly decline contact for direct sales of additional job advertisements, candidates etc. Visa mindre

Field Sales Engineer - Passive Components, CODICO

In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer to manage our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in the Nordics and Baltics. CODICO is a successful family-owned company whose headquarters are based in the suburbs of Vienna. We are a 'design-in' style, Pan-European Distributor of electronic components. Our continuous growth is based on cooperation with leading manufacturers, close customer relationships, motivat... Visa mer
In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer to manage our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in the Nordics and Baltics.

CODICO is a successful family-owned company whose headquarters are based in the suburbs of Vienna. We are a 'design-in' style, Pan-European Distributor of electronic components. Our continuous growth is based on cooperation with leading manufacturers, close customer relationships, motivated employees and a successful corporate strategy.

Your sales territory
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Baltics

Your job
- Provide technical design support to our customers for product development
- Proactively find and develop new business opportunities in focus markets like E-mobility and power management
- Strong communication with purchasing and development departments of our customers
- Build and maintain customer relationships
- Liaison between our worldwide suppliers and customers
- Coordination of all activities with the headquarters in Austria

Our requirements
- Profound technical knowledge in electronics (technical college or university)
- 3 to 5 years of sales experience in the electronic market
- Ability to identify and pursue technical projects
- Assertive and communicative personality
- Team player
- Fluent in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or Finnish
- Excellent English skills

Your job location
- Home Office and/or Stockholm

Our offer
- International working environment
- Excellent initial training
- Regular training and further education
- Voluntary social benefits
- Attractive salary model as well as a company car (also for private use)

We look forward to meeting candidates with diverse and unique skills and offer product training and opportunities for personal development!

Application process
Addilon is our partner in this recruitment. Please apply (CV and personal letter in English) via the link. We will fill the position immediately after finding the right candidate. Questions about the position are best answered on weekdays between 09.00-10.00, +46 10 207 43 20.

About Addilon
Recruitment and hiring of the right managers and specialists in mainly Engineering, Sales, Purchasing and Logistics in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Mälardalen, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Oslo and Chicago.

We kindly but directly decline contact for direct sales of additional job advertisements, candidates etc. Visa mindre

Field Sales Engineer - Passive Components, CODICO

In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer to manage our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in the Nordics and Baltics. CODICO is a successful family-owned company whose headquarters are based in the suburbs of Vienna. We are a 'design-in' style, Pan-European Distributor of electronic components. Our continuous growth is based on cooperation with leading manufacturers, close customer relationships, motivat... Visa mer
In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer to manage our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in the Nordics and Baltics.

CODICO is a successful family-owned company whose headquarters are based in the suburbs of Vienna. We are a 'design-in' style, Pan-European Distributor of electronic components. Our continuous growth is based on cooperation with leading manufacturers, close customer relationships, motivated employees and a successful corporate strategy.

Your sales territory
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Baltics

Your job
- Provide technical design support to our customers for product development
- Proactively find and develop new business opportunities in focus markets like E-mobility and power management
- Strong communication with purchasing and development departments of our customers
- Build and maintain customer relationships
- Liaison between our worldwide suppliers and customers
- Coordination of all activities with the headquarters in Austria

Our requirements
- Profound technical knowledge in electronics (technical college or university)
- 3 to 5 years of sales experience in the electronic market
- Ability to identify and pursue technical projects
- Assertive and communicative personality
- Team player
- Fluent in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or Finnish
- Excellent English skills

Your job location
- Home Office and/or Stockholm

Our offer
- International working environment
- Excellent initial training
- Regular training and further education
- Voluntary social benefits
- Attractive salary model as well as a company car (also for private use)

We look forward to meeting candidates with diverse and unique skills and offer product training and opportunities for personal development!

Application process
Addilon is our partner in this recruitment. Please apply (CV and personal letter in English) via the link. We will fill the position immediately after finding the right candidate. Questions about the position are best answered on weekdays between 09.00-10.00, +46 10 207 43 20.

About Addilon
Recruitment and hiring of the right managers and specialists in mainly Engineering, Sales, Purchasing and Logistics in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Mälardalen, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Oslo and Chicago.

We kindly but directly decline contact for direct sales of additional job advertisements, candidates etc. Visa mindre

Sales & Marketing Manager

You enjoy sales and contact with our customers and colleagues throughout Europe? Good English skills, sound knowledge of MS Office, organizational talent and a sense of responsibility are among your strengths? Then you are the right person for us! What to expect? ? Achieve growth and hit sales targets ? Design and implement a strategic business plan that expands company’s customer base and sales ? Order processing and various administrative tasks ? Timely ... Visa mer
You enjoy sales and contact with our customers and colleagues throughout Europe? Good English skills, sound
knowledge of MS Office, organizational talent and a sense of responsibility are among your strengths?
Then you are the right person for us!
What to expect?
? Achieve growth and hit sales targets
? Design and implement a strategic business plan that expands company’s customer base and sales
? Order processing and various administrative tasks
? Timely processing and answering of customer inquiries
? Organization and implementation of product trainings (online and on site), events and trade shows
? Identify emerging markets while being fully aware of new products and competition status
? Close communication with European Headquarters in Austria
Requirements and skills:
? Several years of experience in a similar function, consistently meeting or exceeding targets, applicants
from other industries are welcome
? Excellent English skills
? Reliable and team-oriented personality with a hands on mentality
? Enjoys travelling on business for several days at a time
? Excellent analytical and communicative skills
? Dynamic, creative, customer- and solution-oriented person with vision and entrepreneurial thinking
Your advantages:
? Work independently in a friendly and dynamic team
? Work for the worldwide market leader which has been on the market in Europe for more than 30 years
? Individual and attractive bonus agreement after 6 months
? International exchange with colleagues during special team events
Start now! We are looking forward to receiving your complete application, stating your earliest possible
starting date and your salary expectations.

Warm welcome to send us your application in "ENGLISH" please . Visa mindre

Är du vår nästa säljande lånehandläggare?

Just nu söker Zensum i Uppsala nya hungriga talanger till rollen som Lånehandläggare. Här får du både ett roligt jobb och en ovärderlig arbetslivserfarenhet oavsett dina framtida karriärplaner och lockar en framtid i finansbranschen är detta det perfekta jobbet. Du får dessutom möjlighet att arbeta tillsammans med fantastiskt trevliga och engagerade kollegor! Visst låter det bra? Vänta inte med din ansökan! Vad innebär jobbet som Lånehandläggare? I den hä... Visa mer
Just nu söker Zensum i Uppsala nya hungriga talanger till rollen som Lånehandläggare. Här får du både ett roligt jobb och en ovärderlig arbetslivserfarenhet oavsett dina framtida karriärplaner och lockar en framtid i finansbranschen är detta det perfekta jobbet. Du får dessutom möjlighet att arbeta tillsammans med fantastiskt trevliga och engagerade kollegor! Visst låter det bra? Vänta inte med din ansökan!

Vad innebär jobbet som Lånehandläggare?
I den här rollen kommer du i ett första steg kontakta konsumenter och erbjuda dem en chans att se över sin ekonomiska situation samt att jämföra sina befintliga lån med andra banker. Du kommer ha daglig kontakt med kunder främst via telefon. I jobbet bidrar du till att förbättra personers privatekonomi och kommer få lära dig att leverera branschens högsta servicegrad. Du kommer att ingå i ett etablerat team som sitter mot norska marknaden.

Vem söker vi?
Till rollen som Lånehandläggare söker vi dig som:

• Talar norska eller svenska.
• Vi ser gärna att du är en driven och positiv person med god kommunikativ förmåga. Du motiveras av få uppleva uppskattning och glädje hos människor till följd av ditt arbete.
• Drivs att arbeta mot mål.
• Du brinner för att få göra skillnad för människor - ingen ska sitta med dåliga lån.


• Intresse för ekonomi
• Stort plus om du har erfarenhet från tidigare arbete inom kundservice eller sälj, men det är inget krav.

På Zensum erbjuds samtliga anställda mycket goda möjligheter till kompetensutveckling och därigenom en chans att växa såväl privat som professionellt. Det finns en tydlig plan för dig som vill växa och göra karriär hos Zensum.

Zensum månar om såväl kunder som medarbetare och värderingarna Hjälpsamhet, Ansvar och Utveckling vägleder och genomsyrar bolaget på den framgångsresa som du nu kan få bli en del av. Zensums lokaler som ligger centralt i Uppsala är fantastiskt fina och bidrar till att generera såväl goda arbetsförhållanden som sociala aktiviteter - här kommer du utvecklas, utmanas och ha riktigt kul!

Om Zensum
Vi är en låneförmedlare som sedan 2013 strävar efter branschens högsta servicegrad. Genom ansvarsfull låneförmedling vill vi frigöra människor från onödiga utgifter.
Läs mer på: https://www.zensum.se/om-oss

Vi jobbar med löpande urval så tveka inte, skicka in din ansökan redan idag! Visa mindre

Field Sales Engineer passive components, CODICO

Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Then maybe this position could be something for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in the Nordics and Baltics. Your sales territory Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and the Baltics Your job - Provide technical design support to our customers for product development - Proactively find and develop new... Visa mer
Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Then maybe this position could be something for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in the Nordics and Baltics.

Your sales territory
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and the Baltics

Your job
- Provide technical design support to our customers for product development
- Proactively find and develop new business opportunities s in focus markets like E-mobility and power management
- Strong communication with purchasing and development departments of our customers
- Build and maintain customer relationship
- Liaison between our worldwide suppliers and customers
- Coordination of all activities with the headquarter in Austria

Our requirements
- Profound technical knowledge in electronics (technical college or university)
- 3 to 5 years of sales experience in the electronic market
- Ability to identify and pursue technical projects
- Assertive and communicative personality
- Team player
- Fluent in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or Finnish
- Excellent English skills

Your job location
- Home Office or Stockholm

Our offer
- International working environment
- Excellent initial training
- Regular training and further education
- Voluntary social benefits
- Attractive salary model as well as company car (also for private use)

We look forward to meeting candidates with diverse and unique skills and offer product training and opportunities for personal development!

About us
CODICO is a successful family-owned company whose headquarters are based in the suburbs of Vienna. We are a 'design-in' style, Pan-European Distributor of electronic components. Our continuous growth is based on cooperation with leading manufacturers, close customer relationships, motivated employees and a successful corporate strategy.

Application process
Addilon is our partner in this recruitment. Please apply (CV and personal letter in English) via the link. We will fill the position immediately after finding the right candidate. Questions about the position are answered on weekdays 09.00-10.00, +46 10 207 43 20.

About Addilon
Recruitment and hiring of the right managers and specialists in mainly Engineering, Sales, Purchasing and Logistics in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Mälardalen, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Oslo and Chicago.

We kindly but directly decline contact for direct sales of additional job advertisements, candidates etc. Visa mindre

Field Sales Engineer passive components at CODICO

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Then maybe this job could be the one for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in Sweden. Your sales territory Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland Your job - Provide technical design support to our customers for product development - Proactively find and develop new business opportunities s in focus mark... Visa mer
Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Then maybe this job could be the one for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in Sweden.

Your sales territory
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland

Your job
- Provide technical design support to our customers for product development
- Proactively find and develop new business opportunities s in focus markets like E-mobility and power management
- Strong communication with purchasing and development departments of our customers
- Build and maintain customer relationship
- Liaison between our worldwide suppliers and customers
- Coordination of all activities with the headquarter in Austria

Our requirements
- Profound technical knowledge in electronics (technical college or university)
- 3 to 5 years of sales experience in the electronic market
- Ability to identify and pursue technical projects
- Assertive and communicative personality
- Team player
- Fluent in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or Finnish: 
- Excellent English skills

Your job location
- Office Stockholm
- Home Office

Our offer
- International working environment
- Excellent initial training
- Regular training and further education
- Voluntary social benefits
- Attractive salary model as well as company car (also for private use)

We look forward to meeting candidates with diverse and unique skills and offer product training and opportunities for personal development!

About us
CODICO is a successful family-owned company whose headquarters are based in the suburbs of Vienna. We are a 'design-in' style, Pan-European Distributor of electronic components. Our continuous growth is based on cooperation with leading manufacturers, close customer relationships, motivated employees and a successful corporate strategy.

Application process
Addilon is our partner in this recruitment. Please apply (CV and personal letter in English) via the link. We will fill the position immediately after finding the right candidate. Questions about the position are answered on weekdays 09.00-10.00, +46 10 207 43 20.

About Addilon
Recruitment and hiring of the right managers and specialists in mainly Engineering, Sales, Purchasing and Logistics in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Mälardalen, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Oslo and Chicago.

We kindly but directly decline contact for direct sales of additional job advertisements, candidates etc. Visa mindre

Field Sales Engineer passive components, CODICO

Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Then maybe this position could be something for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in the Nordics and Baltics. Your sales territory Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and the Baltics Your job - Provide technical design support to our customers for product development - Proactively find and develop new... Visa mer
Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Then maybe this position could be something for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in the Nordics and Baltics.

Your sales territory
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and the Baltics

Your job
- Provide technical design support to our customers for product development
- Proactively find and develop new business opportunities s in focus markets like E-mobility and power management
- Strong communication with purchasing and development departments of our customers
- Build and maintain customer relationship
- Liaison between our worldwide suppliers and customers
- Coordination of all activities with the headquarter in Austria

Our requirements
- Profound technical knowledge in electronics (technical college or university)
- 3 to 5 years of sales experience in the electronic market
- Ability to identify and pursue technical projects
- Assertive and communicative personality
- Team player
- Fluent in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or Finnish
- Excellent English skills

Your job location
- Home Office or Stockholm

Our offer
- International working environment
- Excellent initial training
- Regular training and further education
- Voluntary social benefits
- Attractive salary model as well as company car (also for private use)

We look forward to meeting candidates with diverse and unique skills and offer product training and opportunities for personal development!

About us
CODICO is a successful family-owned company whose headquarters are based in the suburbs of Vienna. We are a 'design-in' style, Pan-European Distributor of electronic components. Our continuous growth is based on cooperation with leading manufacturers, close customer relationships, motivated employees and a successful corporate strategy.

Application process
Addilon is our partner in this recruitment. Please apply (CV and personal letter in English) via the link. We will fill the position immediately after finding the right candidate. Questions about the position are answered on weekdays 09.00-10.00, +46 10 207 43 20.

About Addilon
Recruitment and hiring of the right managers and specialists in mainly Engineering, Sales, Purchasing and Logistics in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Mälardalen, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Oslo and Chicago.

We kindly but directly decline contact for direct sales of additional job advertisements, candidates etc. Visa mindre

Field Sales Engineer passive components / CODICO

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Then maybe this job could be the one for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in Sweden. Your sales territory Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland Your job - Provide technical design support to our customers for product development - Proactively find and develop new business opportunities s in focus mark... Visa mer
Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Then maybe this job could be the one for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in Sweden.

Your sales territory
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland

Your job
- Provide technical design support to our customers for product development
- Proactively find and develop new business opportunities s in focus markets like E-mobility and power management
- Strong communication with purchasing and development departments of our customers
- Build and maintain customer relationship
- Liaison between our worldwide suppliers and customers
- Coordination of all activities with the headquarter in Austria

Our requirements
- Profound technical knowledge in electronics (technical college or university)
- 3 to 5 years of sales experience in the electronic market
- Ability to identify and pursue technical projects
- Assertive and communicative personality
- Team player
- Fluent in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or Finnish: 
- Excellent English skills

Your job location
- Office Stockholm
- Home Office

Our offer
- International working environment
- Excellent initial training
- Regular training and further education
- Voluntary social benefits
- Attractive salary model as well as company car (also for private use)

We look forward to meeting candidates with diverse and unique skills and offer product training and opportunities for personal development!

About us
CODICO is a successful family-owned company whose headquarters are based in the suburbs of Vienna. We are a 'design-in' style, Pan-European Distributor of electronic components. Our continuous growth is based on cooperation with leading manufacturers, close customer relationships, motivated employees and a successful corporate strategy.

Application process
Addilon is our partner in this recruitment. Please apply (CV and personal letter in English) via the link. We will fill the position immediately after finding the right candidate. Questions about the position are answered on weekdays 09.00-10.00, +46 10 207 43 20.

About Addilon
Recruitment and hiring of the right managers and specialists in mainly Engineering, Sales, Purchasing and Logistics in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Mälardalen, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Oslo and Chicago.

We kindly but directly decline contact for direct sales of additional job advertisements, candidates etc. Visa mindre

Field Sales Engineer passive components / CODICO

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Then maybe this job could be the one for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in Sweden. Your sales territory Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland Your job - Provide technical design support to our customers for product development - Proactively find and develop new business opportunities s in focus mark... Visa mer
Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Then maybe this job could be the one for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in Sweden.

Your sales territory
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland

Your job
- Provide technical design support to our customers for product development
- Proactively find and develop new business opportunities s in focus markets like E-mobility and power management
- Strong communication with purchasing and development departments of our customers
- Build and maintain customer relationship
- Liaison between our worldwide suppliers and customers
- Coordination of all activities with the headquarter in Austria

Our requirements
- Profound technical knowledge in electronics (technical college or university)
- 3 to 5 years of sales experience in the electronic market
- Ability to identify and pursue technical projects
- Assertive and communicative personality
- Team player
- Fluent in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or Finnish: 
- Excellent English skills

Your job location
- Office Stockholm
- Home Office

Our offer
- International working environment
- Excellent initial training
- Regular training and further education
- Voluntary social benefits
- Attractive salary model as well as company car (also for private use)

We look forward to meeting candidates with diverse and unique skills and offer product training and opportunities for personal development!

About us
CODICO is a successful family-owned company whose headquarters are based in the suburbs of Vienna. We are a 'design-in' style, Pan-European Distributor of electronic components. Our continuous growth is based on cooperation with leading manufacturers, close customer relationships, motivated employees and a successful corporate strategy.

Application process
Addilon is our partner in this recruitment. Please apply (CV and personal letter in English) via the link. We will fill the position immediately after finding the right candidate. Questions about the position are answered on weekdays 09.00-10.00, +46 10 207 43 20.

About Addilon
Recruitment and hiring of the right managers and specialists in mainly Engineering, Sales, Purchasing and Logistics in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Mälardalen, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Oslo and Chicago.

We kindly but directly decline contact for direct sales of additional job advertisements, candidates etc. Visa mindre

Teknisk Säljare - Rymdapplikationer

Ansök    Feb 15    Curval AB    Internationell säljare
About this Sales Representive Space Products role: Good technology is the bedrock of our business. We manufacture standardised, miniaturised, advanced subsystems and components for cube and small satellites, for use in our own platforms and missions – and for direct sale. We are looking for a proven professional to lead our global sales team in a full-time role to deliver the growth of the Space Products business line. This is a senior role, at group level... Visa mer
About this Sales Representive Space Products role:
Good technology is the bedrock of our business. We manufacture standardised, miniaturised, advanced subsystems and components for cube and small satellites, for use in our own platforms and missions – and for direct sale. We are looking for a proven professional to lead our global sales team in a full-time role to deliver the growth of the Space Products business line.
This is a senior role, at group level, ideal for someone seeking a new challenge in a growing market segment. Reporting to the Chief Commercial Officer, you will work with our customers and operational delivery teams, developing proposals for the delivery of our wide portfolio of Space Products. We are looking for an enthusiastic, well-organised person who demonstrates the essence of entrepreneurism in their approach to work.
Responsibilities will include:
Lead the improvement and delivery of the bid process for Space Products
Identify and develop target customers and sales opportunities
Translate customer requirements into clear, tailored value propositions for Space Products
Review and comment on legal and contractual requirements from customers
Contribute to the development of accurate and complete opportunity forecasting for the AAC Clyde Space group
Drive lessons learned initiatives to continually improve pursuit strategies for Products
Convey customer requirements to the internal development teams
Provide internal support in the areas of strategy, analysis, and best practices
Gather market intelligence (opportunity and competitive)
Contribute to the development of marketing campaigns and materials for Products
Ownership of Product section of Company Website
Identify and attend appropriate conferences, industry events, and customer visits
Manage day-to-day activities of Space Product sales team
Set and monitor team goals, vision, and indicators
Motivate and inspire team to achieve company goals
Manage tasks to team members based on situational leadership
Identify and conduct training of team members to maximise their potential for themselves and the company
Empower team members to improve their confidence, product knowledge, and communication skills
Conduct performance reviews

Skills Required:
Have an outgoing and engaging personality
Have a passion for the Space industry
Demonstrate focused tenacity
Be able to work autonomously
Work to ensure our customers receive an awesome level of service
A degree in science, technology, engineering, or equivalent experience

Why AAC Clyde Space
A unique opportunity to become a part of shaping and growing one of the world leading companies in the fast-growing space industry
Join, lead and develop a very highly skilled team of colleagues
We are working on a daily basis to ensure that space technology works to the benefit of the Earth and space environment

AAC Clyde Space, a leading New Space company, specialises in small satellite technologies and services that enable businesses, governments, and educational organisations to access high-quality, timely data from space. This data has a vast range of applications, from weather forecasting to precision farming to environmental monitoring, and is essential to improving our quality of life on Earth.
Our growing capabilities bring together three divisions:
Space Data as a Service – delivering data from space directly to customers
Space missions – turnkey solutions that empower customers to streamline their space missions
Space products and components – a full range of off-the-shelf and tailor-made subsystems, components, and sensors

AAC Clyde Space aims to become a world leader in commercial small satellites and services from space, applying advances in its technology to tackle global challenges and improve our life on Earth.
Some of our clients include Horizon Technologies, Orbcomm, NSLComm, OHB Sweden, Intuitive Machines, Orbital Micro Systems, the United States Airforce Academy, UK Space Agency, European Space Agency and NASA.
AAC Clyde Space’s main operations are located in Sweden, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the USA and South Africa, with partner networks in Japan and South Korea. Visa mindre

Field Sales Engineer passive components to CODICO

Are you ready to take your next step in your career? Then maybe this job that is a recruitment is something for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in Sweden. Your sales territory Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland Your job - Provide technical design support to our customers for product development - Proactively find and develop new business opportuniti... Visa mer
Are you ready to take your next step in your career? Then maybe this job that is a recruitment is something for you! In strengthening our Nordic team we are looking for a Field Sales Engineer for our passive component and interconnect product portfolio in Sweden.

Your sales territory
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland

Your job
- Provide technical design support to our customers for product development
- Proactively find and develop new business opportunities s in focus markets like E-mobility and power management
- Strong communication with purchasing and development departments of our customers
- Build and maintain customer relationship
- Liaison between our worldwide suppliers and customers
- Coordination of all activities with the headquarter in Austria

Our requirements
- Profound technical knowledge in electronics (technical college or university)
- 3 to 5 years of sales experience in the electronic market
- Ability to identify and pursue technical projects
- Assertive and communicative personality
- Team player
- Fluent in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or Finnish: 
- Excellent English skills

Your job location
- Office Stockholm
- Home Office

Our offer
- International working environment
- Excellent initial training
- Regular training and further education
- Voluntary social benefits
- Attractive salary model as well as company car (also for private use)

We look forward to meeting candidates with diverse and unique skills and offer product training and opportunities for personal development!

About us
CODICO is a successful family-owned company whose headquarters are based in the suburbs of Vienna. We are a 'design-in' style, Pan-European Distributor of electronic components. Our continuous growth is based on cooperation with leading manufacturers, close customer relationships, motivated employees and a successful corporate strategy.

Application process
Addilon is our partner in this recruitment. Please apply (CV and personal letter in English) via the link. We will fill the position immediately after finding the right candidate. Questions about the position are answered on weekdays 09.00-10.00, +46 10 207 43 20.

About Addilon
Recruitment and hiring of the right managers and specialists in mainly Engineering, Sales, Purchasing and Logistics in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Mälardalen, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Oslo and Chicago.

We kindly but directly decline contact for direct sales of additional job advertisements, candidates etc. Visa mindre

Account Manager

Trippus är ett snabbväxande SaaS-bolag som är marknadsledande på webb- och mobilbaserade tjänster inom Event Management. I Trippus verktyg skapas bl a eventhemsidor, anmälningssidor och eventappar. Sedan coronarestriktionerna släpptes har efterfrågan på eventtech-tjänster formligen exploderat, och det i kombination med bolagets starka marknadsposition har lett till en stor tillströmning av kunder och spännande projekt. Till det familjära kontoret med dryga... Visa mer
Trippus är ett snabbväxande SaaS-bolag som är marknadsledande på webb- och mobilbaserade tjänster inom Event Management. I Trippus verktyg skapas bl a eventhemsidor, anmälningssidor och eventappar. Sedan coronarestriktionerna släpptes har efterfrågan på eventtech-tjänster formligen exploderat, och det i kombination med bolagets starka marknadsposition har lett till en stor tillströmning av kunder och spännande projekt. Till det familjära kontoret med dryga 30 medarbetare, ett stenkast från Uppsala centralstation, har Made for Sales nu fått i uppdrag att hitta en tysktalande säljare som blir en nyckelspelare i bearbetningen av den tyska marknaden. Är du tysktalande och vill arbeta med försäljning business-to-business i en expansiv och internationell miljö är det här en möjlighet vi rekommenderar dig att fånga!

I rollen som Account Manager på Trippus förväntas du bidra till företagets fortsatta tillväxt genom att bearbeta och förvärva nya kunder i Tyskland samt utöka användandet av Trippus marknadsledande SaaS-lösning hos bolagets befintliga kunder. Du ansvarar självständigt för hela säljprocessen med fokus på nykundsbearbetning av företag i alla branscher på den tyska marknaden. Du bokar dina egna möten där du demar Trippus och leads kommer både från inkommande förfrågningar via Trippus webbplats, via bolag som hjälper till med besöksbokning och via dina egna kreativa kanaler för att skapa möten med beslutsfattare du vill träffa. Du ser till att användarna får bästa möjliga start i Trippus och i tätt samarbete med Customer Success säkrar du den fortsatta kundnöjdheten. Du genomför både digitala möten och fysiska möten hos bolagets kunder.

Vi söker dig som är tysktalande med god kunskap om den tyska affärskulturen och som motiveras av att få en nyckelposition i bearbetningen- och utvecklingen av den tyska marknaden. Du har troligtvis arbetat framgångsrikt med försäljning business to business i ett antal år och motiveras av en roll där du får använda dina språkkunskaper i en professionell säljroll. Krav i rollen är flytande tyska i tal och skrift samt att du också kan svenska alternativt engelska flytande i tal och skrift.

Du har märkt att du är grym på att bygga och bibehålla goda relationer och har en stark vilja att nå resultat och utvecklas. Några av dina framgångsfaktorer som person är att du är digitalt mogen, flexibel- och lösningsorienterad med förmåga att hålla hög aktivitet i kombination med ett strukturerat arbetssätt. Du triggas av högt tempo, är tävlingsinriktad och har högt ställda mål samtidigt som du trivs i en miljö där internt samarbete är viktigt för att nå framgång. Du upplevs som glad, är ansvarstagande och har förmågan att planera din egen tid för att skapa goda resultat och du trivs med att göra kundpresentationer digitalt och vid fysiska möten.

Du erbjuds en spännande internationell roll, där du får chansen att bidra till utvecklingen i ett expansivt och snabbväxande SaaS-bolag där det finns goda möjligheter att utvecklas och fortsätta vidare inom företaget med andra roller, befintliga eller nya som utkristalliseras i samband med företagets tillväxt. Trippus har en mycket stark teamkänsla med öppet- och hjälpsamt klimat där du kan hugga tag i närmsta chef eller VD:n via Teams, fredagsfikat eller AW:n. Medarbetarnöjdheten på bolaget är hög och som ny inom Trippus kommer du mötas av ett varmt välkomnande från kollegor som genuint vill att du lyckas!

Sänd in dina ansökningshandlingar nedan, urval sker löpande. Vid frågor Lisen Olander Made For Sales på nedan nummer.

På Trippus arbetar drygt 30 medarbetare i Uppsala och bolaget har även lokala kontor i Norge och Tyskland, samt arbetar med kunder och partners på ytterligare marknader i Europa och USA. Trippus har utnämnts till Gasellföretag av Dagens Industri fem år i rad (2013–2017), finns med på Deloittes Technology Fast 500 EMEA-lista och Technology Fast 50 samt Financial Times FT1000-lista över de snabbast växande företagen i Europa. Visa mindre

Teknisk säljsupport inom rymdindustrin

Ansök    Okt 31    Curval AB    Internationell säljare
Vi söker dig som vill ha ett utmanande jobb i en spännande arbetsmiljö där du kommer att bidra till att expandera affärsområdet Space Products. Du är entusiastisk, driven och välorganiserad samtidigt som du har ett brinnande intresse av att utvecklas i en teknisk och internationell miljö. Du själv: Är utåtriktad och engagerad Har en god teknisk utbildning Brinner för att utveckla goda affärsrelationer inom rymdindustrin Är fokuserad och serviceinriktad ... Visa mer
Vi söker dig som vill ha ett utmanande jobb i en spännande arbetsmiljö där du kommer att bidra till att expandera affärsområdet Space Products. Du är entusiastisk, driven och välorganiserad samtidigt som du har ett brinnande intresse av att utvecklas i en teknisk och internationell miljö.
Du själv:
Är utåtriktad och engagerad
Har en god teknisk utbildning
Brinner för att utveckla goda affärsrelationer inom rymdindustrin
Är fokuserad och serviceinriktad

Varför AAC Clyde Space
En unik möjlighet att bli en del av att forma och växa i ett av världens ledande företag inom den snabbt växande rymdindustrin
Vara en del av ett mycket skickligt team av kollegor
Vi arbetar dagligen för att säkerställa att rymdtekniken fungerar till gagn för jorden och rymdmiljön

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta Peter Ternebring, rekryterare, +46 70 639 88 89
AAC Clyde Space, ett ledande New Space-företag, specialiserar sig på småsatellittekniker och tjänster som gör det möjligt för företag, regeringar och utbildningsorganisationer att få tillgång till högkvalitativa, aktuella data från rymden. Dessa data har ett brett spektrum av applikationer, från väderprognoser för jordbruk till miljöövervakning och är en avgörande faktor för att förbättra vår livskvalitet på jorden.
Vår växande kapacitet finns i tre olika områden
Space Data as a Service – leverera data från rymden direkt till kunder
Space missions – nyckelfärdiga lösningar som ger kunderna möjlighet att effektivisera sina rymduppdrag
Space products and components – ett komplett utbud av färdiga och skräddarsydda delsystem, komponenter och sensorer

AAC Clyde Space har ambitionen att bli världsledande inom kommersiella små satelliter och tjänster från rymden och tillämpa framsteg inom sin teknik för att ta itu med globala utmaningar och förbättra vårt liv på jorden. AAC Clyde Space huvudsakliga verksamhet finns i Sverige, Storbritannien, Nederländerna, USA och Sydafrika, med partnernätverk i Japan och Sydkorea. Visa mindre

Teknisk säljsupport inom rymdindustrin

Ansök    Sep 20    Curval AB    Internationell säljare
Vi söker dig som vill ha ett utmanande jobb i en spännande arbetsmiljö där du kommer att bidra till att expandera affärsområdet Space Products. Du är entusiastisk, driven och välorganiserad samtidigt som du har ett brinnande intresse av att utvecklas i en teknisk och internationell miljö. Du själv: Är utåtriktad och engagerad Har en god teknisk utbildning Brinner för att utveckla goda affärsrelationer inom rymdindustrin Är fokuserad och serviceinriktad ... Visa mer
Vi söker dig som vill ha ett utmanande jobb i en spännande arbetsmiljö där du kommer att bidra till att expandera affärsområdet Space Products. Du är entusiastisk, driven och välorganiserad samtidigt som du har ett brinnande intresse av att utvecklas i en teknisk och internationell miljö.
Du själv:
Är utåtriktad och engagerad
Har en god teknisk utbildning
Brinner för att utveckla goda affärsrelationer inom rymdindustrin
Är fokuserad och serviceinriktad

Varför AAC Clyde Space
En unik möjlighet att bli en del av att forma och växa i ett av världens ledande företag inom den snabbt växande rymdindustrin
Vara en del av ett mycket skickligt team av kollegor
Vi arbetar dagligen för att säkerställa att rymdtekniken fungerar till gagn för jorden och rymdmiljön

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta Peter Ternebring, rekryterare, +46 70 639 88 89
AAC Clyde Space, ett ledande New Space-företag, specialiserar sig på småsatellittekniker och tjänster som gör det möjligt för företag, regeringar och utbildningsorganisationer att få tillgång till högkvalitativa, aktuella data från rymden. Dessa data har ett brett spektrum av applikationer, från väderprognoser för jordbruk till miljöövervakning och är en avgörande faktor för att förbättra vår livskvalitet på jorden.
Vår växande kapacitet finns i tre olika områden
Space Data as a Service – leverera data från rymden direkt till kunder
Space missions – nyckelfärdiga lösningar som ger kunderna möjlighet att effektivisera sina rymduppdrag
Space products and components – ett komplett utbud av färdiga och skräddarsydda delsystem, komponenter och sensorer

AAC Clyde Space har ambitionen att bli världsledande inom kommersiella små satelliter och tjänster från rymden och tillämpa framsteg inom sin teknik för att ta itu med globala utmaningar och förbättra vårt liv på jorden. AAC Clyde Space huvudsakliga verksamhet finns i Sverige, Storbritannien, Nederländerna, USA och Sydafrika, med partnernätverk i Japan och Sydkorea. Visa mindre

Sales Manager - TdB Labs

TdB Labs AB is looking for a Sales Manager TdB Labs AB is a small family-owned biotechnology company based in Uppsala. We specialize in the development, manufacture, and sales of polysaccharides, especially dextran derivatives. In addition to our standard products, we also offer our customers customized products and analytical services. We are ISO 9001:2015 certified and take great pride in delivering high quality products and services and customer focus ... Visa mer
TdB Labs AB is looking for a Sales Manager

TdB Labs AB is a small family-owned biotechnology company based in Uppsala. We specialize in the development, manufacture, and sales of polysaccharides, especially dextran derivatives. In addition to our standard products, we also offer our customers customized products and analytical services. We are ISO 9001:2015 certified and take great pride in delivering high quality products and services and customer focus is always our first priority.

Read more here www.tdblabs.se (http://www.tdblabs.se)

The role

In this role you will be responsible for the commercial operations in the company and identify new business opportunities, with a focus on the industry sector. You will identify new markets, business and growth opportunities within the life science segment. To do this, you will monitor the market and competitors as well as interact with customers to understand challenges and opportunities. You will develop, anchor, and implement strategic plans as well as find strategic partners to open new markets as well as develop old.

We believe that you have a Life Science relevant PhD, MSc or BSc degree: Biochemistry, Molecular or Cell Biology combined with a solid background in sales and business development.

You are a network person that successfully negotiate and close business agreements and operate in close collaboration with the CEO. You build and develop national and international networks and communicate effectively both internally and externally. You actively participate in meetings and conferences and schedule your own business meetings. The role is part of the management team and you will have impact on decision making.


- At least 5 years of experience from a commercial role within the life science industry
- Documented experience of sales and business development
- Experience of working with CRM and other business development tools
- Goal oriented and strong negotiation skills
- Excellent communication skills, fluent in English, both orally and in writing
- High collaborations skills, including teamwork and networking
- Creative, solution-, business- and action-oriented
- Strong wish to join a small company where we expect you to be prestigeless, loyal and flexible


Submit your application no later than October 25th at the latest. We review applications on an ongoing basis and the position may be filled before the last application day.

If you have any questions, please contact Charlotte de Belder Tesséus via [email protected] or on 0768067788. Visa mindre

Mandarin Speaking Customer Engagement Specialist

Do you want to support and promote patient safety? Do you want to support new business opportunities and strengthening existing relationships? Do you want to contribute to the development of the engagement strategy for customers? Do you also have a law degree? Then maybe you are the one we are looking for: Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is now looking for a Mandarin Speaking Customer Engagement Specialist. Key Responsibilities: - Required to contri... Visa mer
Do you want to support and promote patient safety? Do you want to support new business opportunities and strengthening existing relationships? Do you want to contribute to the development of the engagement strategy for customers? Do you also have a law degree?

Then maybe you are the one we are looking for:

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is now looking for a Mandarin Speaking Customer Engagement Specialist.

Key Responsibilities:

- Required to contribute to sales opportunities, as well as building and maintain fruitful customer relations.
- Provide legal assistance to Head of Legal on a regular basis.
- Support and coordinate UMC activities for the products offered in collaboration with required colleagues.
- Organise customer-related activities as required.
- Enable customers to see you as a partner rather than a vendor by acting as a resource, e.g. by sharing networks and contacts with customers, directing them to related areas of business, understanding their motivations and their situations regarding clinical trials and drug safety.
- Support the license coordination team with the renewal process for customers as required.
- Be a positive contributor to the department climate, collaboration and development.
- Support all other work topics that may appear in the framework of the team's responsibility
- Assist license coordination team with complex customer questions
- Support department projects by providing analytical as well as clerical skills
- Support and coordinate UMC activities for Vigibase products by acting as a link between customers and internal decisionmakers.

General responsibilities:

- Responsible to support sales and engagement activities.
- First line contact for new sales enquires, actively prospects and leverages potential new business opportunities
- Support in the development and implementation of customer / product strategies.
- Identifies and responds to customers’ needs in order to secure business
- Leverages support from UMC functions to ensure sales / conversion success
- Register relevant customer information in internal systems to assist sales process
- Support projects by entering data/sharing tasks etc.


- B.Sc. in Law
- It is meriting if you have a M.Sc in Investment Treaty Arbitration
- Experience in working with legal assistance
- Experience working with sales/support and working with contracts & agreements
- Experience working in projects and collaborating with clients/partners and/or cross-functional
- Must have experience working with B2B contracts.
- Must have experience in using Microsoft Package, SalesForce and OneFlow.
- Fluency in business English and business Mandarin.

Who are you?

We are looking for an individual who can make a difference in Customer Engagement, someone who is highly motivated and brings a lot of enthusiasm and energy to work. You have excellent quantitative and analytical skills, viewing tasks with a systematic approach. You also possess strong written, oral, interpersonal and presentation skills in Mandarin and English. You are a team player who thinks it is important to share your ideas and experiences with your colleagues to develop the company and its business. You inspire others through your dedication and passion for your work. You are fluent in English and Mandarin.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a centre for international service and scientific research in the field of pharmacovigilance. We are the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring, and manage the technical and operational aspects of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring since 1978.

As an independent, non-profit foundation, we support the World Health Organization, regulatory authorities, and other stakeholders who share our vision of advancing medicines safety. Through research and development of new scientific methods, we explore the benefits and harms of medicines for patients, and offer products and services used by health authorities and the pharmaceutical industry worldwide.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60. Visa mindre

Teknisk juniorsäljare

Ansök    Aug 22    Curval AB    Internationell säljare
Om AAC Clyde Space AAC Clyde Space, ett ledande New Space-företag, specialiserar sig på småsatellittekniker och tjänster som gör det möjligt för företag, regeringar och utbildningsorganisationer att få tillgång till högkvalitativa, aktuella data från rymden. Dessa data har ett brett spektrum av applikationer, från väderprognoser för jordbruk till miljöövervakning och är en avgörande faktor för att förbättra vår livskvalitet på jorden. Vår växande kapaci... Visa mer
Om AAC Clyde Space
AAC Clyde Space, ett ledande New Space-företag, specialiserar sig på småsatellittekniker och tjänster som gör det möjligt för företag, regeringar och utbildningsorganisationer att få tillgång till högkvalitativa, aktuella data från rymden. Dessa data har ett brett spektrum av applikationer, från väderprognoser för jordbruk till miljöövervakning och är en avgörande faktor för att förbättra vår livskvalitet på jorden.
Vår växande kapacitet finns i tre olika områden
Space Data as a Service – leverera data från rymden direkt till kunder
Space missions – nyckelfärdiga lösningar som ger kunderna möjlighet att effektivisera sina rymduppdrag
Space products and components – ett komplett utbud av färdiga och skräddarsydda delsystem, komponenter och sensorer

AAC Clyde Space har ambitionen att bli världsledande inom kommersiella små satelliter och tjänster från rymden och tillämpa framsteg inom sin teknik för att ta itu med globala utmaningar och förbättra vårt liv på jorden. AAC Clyde Space huvudsakliga verksamhet finns i Sverige, Storbritannien, Nederländerna, USA och Sydafrika, med partnernätverk i Japan och Sydkorea.
Om rollen
Vi söker dig som vill ha ett utmanande jobb i en spännande arbetsmiljö där du kommer att bidra till att expandera affärsområdet Space Products. Du är entusiastisk, driven och välorganiserad samtidigt som du har ett brinnande intresse av att utvecklas i en teknisk och internationell miljö.
Du själv:
Är utåtriktad och engagerad
Har en god teknisk utbildning
Brinner för att utveckla goda affärsrelationer inom rymdindustrin
Är fokuserad och serviceinriktad

Varför AAC Clyde Space
En unik möjlighet att bli en del av att forma och växa i ett av världens ledande företag inom den snabbt växande rymdindustrin
Vara en del av ett mycket skickligt team av kollegor
Vi arbetar dagligen för att säkerställa att rymdtekniken fungerar till gagn för jorden och rymdmiljön

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta Peter Ternebring, rekryterare, +46 70 639 88 89 Visa mindre

Teknisk juniorsäljare

Ansök    Jul 6    Curval AB    Internationell säljare
Om AAC Clyde Space AAC Clyde Space, ett ledande New Space-företag, specialiserar sig på småsatellittekniker och tjänster som gör det möjligt för företag, regeringar och utbildningsorganisationer att få tillgång till högkvalitativa, aktuella data från rymden. Dessa data har ett brett spektrum av applikationer, från väderprognoser för jordbruk till miljöövervakning och är en avgörande faktor för att förbättra vår livskvalitet på jorden. Vår växande kapaci... Visa mer
Om AAC Clyde Space
AAC Clyde Space, ett ledande New Space-företag, specialiserar sig på småsatellittekniker och tjänster som gör det möjligt för företag, regeringar och utbildningsorganisationer att få tillgång till högkvalitativa, aktuella data från rymden. Dessa data har ett brett spektrum av applikationer, från väderprognoser för jordbruk till miljöövervakning och är en avgörande faktor för att förbättra vår livskvalitet på jorden.
Vår växande kapacitet finns i tre olika områden
Space Data as a Service – leverera data från rymden direkt till kunder
Space missions – nyckelfärdiga lösningar som ger kunderna möjlighet att effektivisera sina rymduppdrag
Space products and components – ett komplett utbud av färdiga och skräddarsydda delsystem, komponenter och sensorer

AAC Clyde Space har ambitionen att bli världsledande inom kommersiella små satelliter och tjänster från rymden och tillämpa framsteg inom sin teknik för att ta itu med globala utmaningar och förbättra vårt liv på jorden. AAC Clyde Space huvudsakliga verksamhet finns i Sverige, Storbritannien, Nederländerna, USA och Sydafrika, med partnernätverk i Japan och Sydkorea.
Om rollen
Vi söker dig som vill ha ett utmanande jobb i en spännande arbetsmiljö där du kommer att bidra till att expandera affärsområdet Space Products. Du är entusiastisk, driven och välorganiserad samtidigt som du har ett brinnande intresse av att utvecklas i en teknisk och internationell miljö.
Du själv:
Är utåtriktad och engagerad
Har en god teknisk utbildning
Brinner för att utveckla goda affärsrelationer inom rymdindustrin
Är fokuserad och serviceinriktad

Varför AAC Clyde Space
En unik möjlighet att bli en del av att forma och växa i ett av världens ledande företag inom den snabbt växande rymdindustrin
Vara en del av ett mycket skickligt team av kollegor
Vi arbetar dagligen för att säkerställa att rymdtekniken fungerar till gagn för jorden och rymdmiljön

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta Peter Ternebring, rekryterare, +46 70 639 88 89 Visa mindre

Account Manager

Gaming Influencer Marketing. Made Simple. At Wehype, we are on a mission to bridge the gap between brands and gamers. Powered by the Wehype platform we provide an automated, end-to-end solution for scalable gaming Influencer Marketing campaigns. How do we do it? Driven by our passion for gaming, we help clients promote their games ranging from indie products to blockbusters, and support content creators worldwide with exciting new sponsorships. With a c... Visa mer
Gaming Influencer Marketing. Made Simple.

At Wehype, we are on a mission to bridge the gap between brands and gamers.

Powered by the Wehype platform we provide an automated, end-to-end solution for scalable gaming Influencer Marketing campaigns. How do we do it? Driven by our passion for gaming, we help clients promote their games ranging from indie products to blockbusters, and support content creators worldwide with exciting new sponsorships.

With a clear vision ahead, we continue our focus to automate, streamline, and simplify Influencer Marketing within the gaming universe. Always staying hyped!

For more information, please visit (http://www.wehype.it/)

Wehype in short:

- ???? 40+ employees in a passionate continuously growing team
- ?World-class technology built and enhanced in-house
- ???? A global company with the opportunity to build an international career

Our Values: One Team, Be Bold, Ownership, and Inspire

About the role:

Join our team and help shape the future of Influencer Marketing. We're looking for an Account Manager who thrives in a multi-cultural, high-energy environment and is as passionate about video games and Influencer Marketing as we are. You will be working closely with your colleagues in the Sales Team and have Björn Karlsson as your manager. Regardless of team, we are looking for candidates that are well organized, detail-oriented, clear communicators, and quick learners.

What you will do

- Establish and develop partnerships with the marketing departments at major game publishers & large corporations.
- Implement strategies and processes to maximize customer lifetime value and minimize churn risk while increasing overall customer satisfaction and identifying up-sell and cross-sell opportunities
- Implement both one-to-one and one-to-many customer education and learning opportunities to successfully engage with customers in order to drive product adoption
- Partner with internal teams to ensure customer needs are being met; coordinating with the product, sales, marketing and campaign team
- Consistently bring creative ideas and solutions to the team on how to improve the customer experience

Who you are

- Experience of B2B
- You get energy from meeting clients
- Great interest and passion for games
- It's a plus if you have worked at an Influencer Marketing Agency, Game Publisher or tech start-up.
- Fluent in English, written and spoken
- You have extraordinary project management skills, are used to collaborating cross-team and consistently deliver projects on time
- A highly process-driven person with an eye for details

Perks & benefits

- Learn as part of a collaborative team and grow in a fast-expanding company
- Premium work gear to get the job done
- Breakfast every day at the Office
- Gaming stations at work
- Wellness grant to cover your gym/yoga/massage costs Visa mindre

Space Products Sales Associate

Ansök    Jun 8    Curval AB    Internationell säljare
SPACE PRODUCTS SALES ASSOCIATE – UPPSALA Supporting the Development of AAC Clyde Space’s Future We’re a New Space company that specialises in small satellite technologies and services that enable businesses, governments, and educational organisations to access high-quality, timely data from space. Good technology is the bedrock of our business. We manufacture standardised, miniaturised, advanced subsystems and components for cube and small satellites, for ... Visa mer
Supporting the Development of AAC Clyde Space’s Future
We’re a New Space company that specialises in small satellite technologies and services that enable businesses, governments, and educational organisations to access high-quality, timely data from space. Good technology is the bedrock of our business. We manufacture standardised, miniaturised, advanced subsystems and components for cube and small satellites, for use in our own platforms and missions – and for direct sale. We are looking for a Sales Associate to join our busy Business Development team in a full-time role to support the growth of Space Products business.
This is a varied role, ideal for someone seeking a challenge in an exciting working environment as you will work with our customers and operational delivery teams to prepare proposals for the delivery of our wide portfolio of Space Products. We are looking for an enthusiastic, well-organised person who demonstrates the essence of entrepreneurism in their approach to work.
Key Responsibilities
Act as a point of contact for our customers, new and existing
Translate customer requirements into clear, tailored value propositions
Prepare technical, financial, and programmatic proposals
Convey customer requirements to the internal development team
Maintain our Customer Relationship Management system
Help define “must wins” & “pursuit priorities”
Support distributors and agents to increase market access and market capture
Support partners/customers with presentations & communications
Assist in monitoring the competitive landscape
Gather market intelligence (opportunity and competitive)
Assist with the development of marketing material
Identify and attend appropriate conferences, industry events, and customer visits

Your Profile:
Have an outgoing and engaging personality
Have a passion for the Space industry
Demonstrate focused tenacity
Be able to work autonomously
Work to ensure our customers receive an awesome level of service
Have working experience of Office365
A degree in science, technology, engineering or equivalent

Why AAC Clyde Space
We offer a unique opportunity to become a part of shaping and growing one of the world leading companies in the fast- growing space industry. You will join a very motivated and highly skilled team that works hard to ensure that space technology works to the benefit of the Earth and space environment.
As part of our recruitment process, we collect and process personal data relating to job applicants. We are committed to being transparent about how we collect and use this data, please click here to see our job applicant privacy notice.
AAC Clyde Space has a legal responsibility to ensure that all its employees have the legal right to live and work in the EU. Therefore, if you are made an offer of employment, this will be subject to AAC Clyde Space verifying that you are eligible to work in the EU before you start work. AAC Clyde Space are an equal opportunities employer and welcome applications from all suitably qualified persons regardless of their race, sex, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation, or age.
This position is available to fill immediately, so applicants are encouraged to reply promptly with CV and covering letter.
For further information please contact Peter Ternebring, Recruiter, +46 70 639 88 89 Visa mindre

B2B Säljare på företag utöver det vanliga

Platsbeskrivning Vi är ett internationellt företag som importerar och säljer träningsutrustning för sportskytte, jakt, polis och försvarsmakt. På vårt kontor i Storvreta ansvarar vi för den svenska och europeiska marknaden. Vi är ett litet familjärt kontor där vi eftersträvar att alla skall trivas och utvecklas. Vi söker en person som gärna har en bakgrund inom Polis, militär, säkerhet, sportskytte eller liknande, men det är inget krav så länge man har e... Visa mer
Vi är ett internationellt företag som importerar och säljer träningsutrustning för sportskytte, jakt, polis och försvarsmakt.
På vårt kontor i Storvreta ansvarar vi för den svenska och europeiska marknaden. Vi är ett litet familjärt kontor där vi eftersträvar att alla skall trivas och utvecklas.
Vi söker en person som gärna har en bakgrund inom Polis, militär, säkerhet, sportskytte eller liknande, men det är inget krav så länge man har ett intresse av att lära sig produkternas funktionalitet.
Arbetets fokus kommer ligga på att vara ansvarig för våra existerande återförsäljare runt om i Europa och ytterligare bygga upp vår kundbas.
Vi fäster en stor vikt på relationen vi har med våra kunder och återförsäljare. Därför söker vi någon som har en stor social kompetens.

Tjänsten kommer utformas efter kandidaten vilket gör att arbetstider, lön och arbetssätt är väldigt flexibelt och personligt. Du har möjligheten att helt lägga upp din egen arbetsplanering.
Beroende på kandidaten och kundskap/bakgrund denne bär med sig är tjänsten mellan 50-100%.
En god introduktion kommer ges till arbetsuppgifterna i början av anställningen.

Vi söker en person som är självgående, flexibel, driven, initiativrik och har ett strategiskt tänkande. Du behöver inte nödvändigtvis ha formella kunskaper utan vi ser främst till den personliga lämpligheten och erfarenheten.

Då vi har många internationella kunder är goda kunskaper i engelska ett måste samt flytande svenska. Kunskap eller intresse rörande jakt och skytte är givetvis meriterande likaså gäller formell utbildning rörande försäljning. Att vara bekväm med en variation av digitala verktyg för marknadsföring är även det meriterande.
Vi ser dock först och främst på kandidatens personliga lämplighet även om denne inte har den meriterande erfarenheten.
Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Customer Engagement Specialist (One year contract)

UMC is looking for a Spanish and/or Portuguese speaking Specialist to strengthen the Customer Engagement Team. This is a one year position with a particular focus on South America. The successful candidate will be responsible for supporting new business opportunities, selling UMC products, as well as strengthening existing relationships so that customers continue to use UMC products. The role also contributes to the development of the engagement strategy f... Visa mer
UMC is looking for a Spanish and/or Portuguese speaking Specialist to strengthen the Customer Engagement Team. This is a one year position with a particular focus on South America. The successful candidate will be responsible for supporting new business opportunities, selling UMC products, as well as strengthening existing relationships so that customers continue to use UMC products. The role also contributes to the development of the engagement strategy for customers, supporting the sales/engagement process, as well as coordinating with other departments in other projects when required.

Key Individual Responsibilities:

- Contribute to sales opportunities, as well as building and maintaining fruitful customer relations.
- Support ongoing sales initiatives for the UMC products and organize customer-related activities.
- Assist the License Coordination Team with complex customer questions.
- Approach customer relationships as a partner rather than a vendor, by acting as a resource, e.g., by sharing networks and contacts with customers, directing them to related areas of business, understanding their motivations and their situation regarding clinical trials and drug safety.
- Understand and analyse the customers to see further potential for the UMC Products.
- Support the License Coordination Team with the renewal process for customers.
- Be a positive contributor to the department ambience, collaboration, and development.
- Support department projects by providing analytical as well as clerical skills.
- Support all other work topics that may appear in the framework of the team's responsibility.


- B.Sc. in Business Administration, or in Natural Sciences such as pharmacy, chemistry, or biology.
- Experience in business-to-business sales/support, and/or experience working within the life sciences sector.
- Experience working in projects and collaborating with clients/partners, and/or cross-functional.
- Good understanding of MS Office, CRM systems and other relevant business systems.
- Language skills:
- Spanish or Portuguese: native
- English: fluent

About you:
You are a positive, committed team player who is both structured and efficient. You have excellent communication skills and always have the customer in focus. Building relationships both externally and internally comes naturally to you, and you enjoy a challenge and pushing yourself.

As a person we believe that you:

- Are calm, structured and resilient, with an ability to perform well in a fast-paced working environment with a heavy workload.
- Are enthusiastic to interact daily with customers from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds.
- Find pleasure in improving and defining processes and structures by using new technology, to deliver even better customer experience and engagement.

Please note that this recruitment process might have a prolonged course due to reaching over the summer and vacation period!

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a centre for international service and scientific research in the field of pharmacovigilance. We are the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring, and manage the technical and operational aspects of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring since 1978.

As an independent, non-profit foundation, we support the World Health Organization, regulatory authorities, and other stakeholders who share our vision of advancing medicines safety. Through research and development of new scientific methods, we explore the benefits and harms of medicines for patients, and offer products and services used by health authorities and the pharmaceutical industry worldwide.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60. Visa mindre

Market Development Specialist – German Market

Who we are and what we do: We develop a SaaS solution for clinical research. Our purpose is not to help you find your new music taste, share breakfast selfies, or let you crush digital candy. We are here to make the world a healthier place. At Viedoc, we design software that modernizes clinical research so that treatments and medicines reach the people who need them faster. During the last year, COVID urgently highlighted our need for faster and better cl... Visa mer
Who we are and what we do:
We develop a SaaS solution for clinical research. Our purpose is not to help you find your new music taste, share breakfast selfies, or let you crush digital candy. We are here to make the world a healthier place.

At Viedoc, we design software that modernizes clinical research so that treatments and medicines reach the people who need them faster. During the last year, COVID urgently highlighted our need for faster and better clinical trials.

- and we need your help to develop the business for our platform.

What you will do and why:
At Viedoc we are currently growing and to keep up that positive cycle, we are looking for a new Market Development Specialist to support our team within the German Market. You will be reporting to the Global Head of Market development with whom you will be regularly discussing your activities, outcomes, quarterly plan, training needs etc. This means you have a thorough understanding of our industry, product, customers, and prospects, and use that knowledge to expand our presence in the market. This means you:

- Understand our messaging towards the prospects & customer and offer further ideas which may work better
- Work closely with your Business Development counterpart and your direct manager
- Actively reach out to new prospects and leads (cold calling)
- Keep on top of all your accounts in territory with names, job titles, reach out numbers - the accounts should be 100% + clean always
- Are consistent with adding all information in the CRM from call notes to our competitors’ information to the therapeutic area that the company focuses on
- Do all the research about the company & the prospect you are reach out to - LinkedIn, their website etc. in order to have an intelligent conversation.
- Have the drive and desire to discuss the next event, webinar etc.
- Regularly keep a personal note on your figures
- Are open in using the material marketing produce as well as giving active feedback on the material & marketing activities and new ideas

As a professional, we would like you to have:

- 6 months + experience in software sales space as a lead generation specialist. Life sciences experience preferred
- An accredited College minimum
- Consistent track record of quota as an individual contributor to the Sales team, monthly or quarterly
- Experience in using tools and tech for lead generation like Sales Navigator, CRM etc.
- Native in German and fluent in English, verbal and written
- Work permit for EU

As a person, we would like you to be:

- Structured, proactive and detail-oriented
- A self-driven team-player with a strong work ethics to go out there and promote/sell the platform we offer

eClinical, Software, Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Medical Device, Consumer Health

If you want to join our awesome team, apply for the job! Do you want to know more? Feel free to reach out to the team member responsible for this role below. Visa mindre

Market Development Specialist – German Market

Who we are and what we do: We develop a SaaS solution for clinical research. Our purpose is not to help you find your new music taste, share breakfast selfies, or let you crush digital candy. We are here to make the world a healthier place. At Viedoc, we design software that modernizes clinical research so that treatments and medicines reach the people who need them faster. During the last year, COVID urgently highlighted our need for faster and better cl... Visa mer
Who we are and what we do:
We develop a SaaS solution for clinical research. Our purpose is not to help you find your new music taste, share breakfast selfies, or let you crush digital candy. We are here to make the world a healthier place.

At Viedoc, we design software that modernizes clinical research so that treatments and medicines reach the people who need them faster. During the last year, COVID urgently highlighted our need for faster and better clinical trials.

- and we need your help to develop the business for our platform.

What you will do and why:
At Viedoc we are currently growing and to keep up that positive cycle, we are looking for a new Market Development Specialist to support our team within the German Market. You will be reporting to the Global Head of Market development with whom you will be regularly discussing your activities, outcomes, quarterly plan, training needs etc. This means you have a thorough understanding of our industry, product, customers, and prospects, and use that knowledge to expand our presence in the market. This means you:

- Understand our messaging towards the prospects & customer and offer further ideas which may work better
- Work closely with your Business Development counterpart and your direct manager
- Actively reach out to new prospects and leads (cold calling)
- Keep on top of all your accounts in territory with names, job titles, reach out numbers - the accounts should be 100% + clean always
- Are consistent with adding all information in the CRM from call notes to our competitors’ information to the therapeutic area that the company focuses on
- Do all the research about the company & the prospect you are reach out to - LinkedIn, their website etc. in order to have an intelligent conversation.
- Have the drive and desire to discuss the next event, webinar etc.
- Regularly keep a personal note on your figures
- Are open in using the material marketing produce as well as giving active feedback on the material & marketing activities and new ideas

As a professional, we would like you to have:

- 6 months + experience in software sales space as a lead generation specialist. Life sciences experience preferred
- An accredited College minimum
- Consistent track record of quota as an individual contributor to the Sales team, monthly or quarterly
- Experience in using tools and tech for lead generation like Sales Navigator, CRM etc.
- Native in German and fluent in English, verbal and written
- Work permit for EU

As a person, we would like you to be:

- Structured, proactive and detail-oriented
- A self-driven team-player with a strong work ethics to go out there and promote/sell the platform we offer

eClinical, Software, Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Medical Device, Consumer Health

If you want to join our awesome team, apply for the job! Do you want to know more? Feel free to reach out to the team member responsible for this role below. Visa mindre

Market Development Specialist – German Market

Who we are and what we do: At Viedoc, we design engaging software that modernizes clinical research so that necessary treatments can reach the people who need them faster. We accomplish this by combining technology and a creative design to streamline, automate and simplify conventional processes within clinical research. Simply put, Viedoc makes every aspect of a clinical study a bit smoother, resulting in greater discoveries that make a difference, and h... Visa mer
Who we are and what we do:
At Viedoc, we design engaging software that modernizes clinical research so that necessary treatments can reach the people who need them faster.

We accomplish this by combining technology and a creative design to streamline, automate and simplify conventional processes within clinical research. Simply put, Viedoc makes every aspect of a clinical study a bit smoother, resulting in greater discoveries that make a difference, and has the potential to improve lives.

Real change means challenging the status quo - our driving force since we started almost two decades ago. In everything we do, we work for a healthier world, searching for better, more efficient solutions that answer to the needs of both our users and humanity.

What you will do:

- Understand the context of Viedoc - Industry, Product, Customers as well as Prospects
- Understanding our current messaging towards the prospects & customer and offer further ideas which may work better
- Work closely with your Business Development counterpart, your direct manager & as well being a strong team player
- You will be reporting to the Global Head of Market development with whom you will be regularly discussing your activities, outcomes, quarterly plan, training needs etc. to be discussed in your 1:1
- Keeping on top of all your accounts in territory with names, job titles, reach out numbers - the accounts should be 100% + clean always
- Being consistent with adding all the information in the CRM from call notes to our competitors’ information to the therapeutic area that the company focuses in
- Doing all the research about the company & the prospect you are reach out to - LinkedIn, their website etc. in order to have an intelligent conversation.
- Constantly having the want to discuss the next event, webinar etc.
- Regularly keeping a personal note on your figures
- Be open in using the material marketing produce as well as giving active feedback on the material & marketing activities and new ideas

About you:

- 6 months + experience in software sales space as a lead generation specialist. Life sciences experience preferred
- Consistent track record of quota as an individual contributor to the Sales team, monthly or quarterly
- Experience in using tools and tech for lead generation like Sales Navigator, CRM etc.
- Native in German or French and fluent in English, verbal and written
- Work permit for EU
- Structured and proactive
- Integrity and strong work ethics

An accredited College minimum

Any European Country

Part of a successful team member

Saas, eClinical, Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Medical Device, Consumer Health

Employment Type
Full Time

If you want to join our awesome team, apply for the job! Do you want to know more? Feel free to reach out to Line Thomson, [email protected]. Selection is ongoing, so do not hesitate to get in touch. Last day to apply is 2021-12-31. Visa mindre

Sales Manager till Cgrain

Vill du vara en viktig del av vår framtida utveckling och ambition att förändra en bransch? Du har tidigare erfarenhet inom försäljning av analysutrustning och vill jobba med modern teknik. Då kanske tjänsten som Sales Manager är något för dig. Det här kommer du att göra Cgrain utvecklar och tillverkar analytiska instrument för kvalitetskontroll av sädesslag genom avancerad bildanalys. Tekniken är ny i branschen och bygger på moderna analysalgoritmer som... Visa mer
Vill du vara en viktig del av vår framtida utveckling och ambition att förändra en bransch? Du har tidigare erfarenhet inom försäljning av analysutrustning och vill jobba med modern teknik. Då kanske tjänsten som Sales Manager är något för dig.

Det här kommer du att göra

Cgrain utvecklar och tillverkar analytiska instrument för kvalitetskontroll av sädesslag genom avancerad bildanalys. Tekniken är ny i branschen och bygger på moderna analysalgoritmer som med hjälp av neurala nätverk och maskininlärning skapar de kundanpassade analyserna. Den första produkten lanserades i slutet av 2014 och bolaget står nu inför en expansion med försäljning på flera internationella marknader.

I tjänsten som Sales Manager ansvarar du för bolagets försäljning, inklusive relationen med nuvarande distributörer och slutkunder. En viktig uppgift är att bygga upp bolagets försäljningsstruktur och etablera försäljning på nya marknader. Du kommer att bearbeta nyckelkunder samt tänkbara nya kunder och distributörer i många delar av världen. Till en början ansvarar du även för bolagets marknadsföring, men det kan komma att ändras när bolaget växer. Du har regelbunden kontakt med och besöker våra kunder och är en nyckelperson i vår mission att modernisera en traditionell bransch.

Cgrains kunder finns idag främst i Norden, men även i Europa, USA och Canada. Cgrain har under senaste året kontrakterat ett antal återförsäljare och är också representerade i Afrika och Japan. Kunderna finns inom kvarnindustri, maltindustri, spannmålshandel, spannmålslaboratorier och växtförädlare. Bolaget står nu inför en spännande utveckling och tillväxt tillsammans med befintliga och nya kunder och återförsäljare.

Tjänsten är placerad i Uppsala där du arbetar du tillsammans med de 6 kollegor som arbetar på Cgrain idag och du rapporterar till VD.
Det här behöver du för att lyckas och trivas

Du har:

- Flerårig erfarenhet av försäljning med lång säljcykel.
- Erfarenhet av försäljning av analysinstrument, alternativt mycket god kännedom om spannmålsvärdekedjan.
- Mycket god kommunikationsförmåga, på både svenska och engelska. Ytterligare språkkunskaper är meriterande.
- Eftergymnasial utbildning.

Det är bra om du också har:

- Erfarenhet av internationell försäljning.

Du är:

- Resultatinriktad utifrån det gemensamma målet.
- Relationsskapande och har förmågan att inge förtroende hos dina kunder.
- Självgående, välorganiserad och med god förmåga att strukturera ditt arbete.
- Van vid att skapa goda samarbeten där du genom lyhördhet och fokus på långsiktighet har nöjda kunder.

Du delar Lantmännens värderingar – Öppenhet, Helhetssyn, Handlingskraft – och löftet om att ta ansvar från jord till bord.

Vad vi erbjuder dig

Ett omväxlande arbete med stort utrymme för engagemang i ett framtidsinriktat företag. Här får du möjlighet att påverka och att vara med och utveckla företaget och gå in på nya intressanta marknader. Vi är ett litet företag med korta beslutsvägar, men vi har en stor huvudägare i ryggen och en massa erfarenhet som vi vill dela med oss till spannmålsbranschen. Detta ser vi som en bra bas att fortsätta att bygga vårt företag på.

Cgrain ägs av grundaren Jaan Luup och Lantmännen. Lantmännen har varit delägare sedan 2013 och är idag huvudägare av bolaget. Jaan Luup har mer än 30 års erfarenhet av bildanalys och har även utvecklat en produkt för sortering av spannmål, Seedscanner som också ingår i Cgrains produktportfölj. Cgrain utvecklar även kundanpassade produkter som utvecklas tillsammans med kunden utifrån deras behov. All produktutveckling och tillverkning sker i Uppsala.

Låter det intressant?

Vi hoppas det! Ansök redan idag, men senast den 17:e december. I rekryteringsprocessen ingår både tester, intervjuer och som slutkandidat kommer det att genomföras referenstagning och bakgrundskontroll via vår leverantör ToFindOut.

De första intervjuerna kommer att genomföras med videomöten. Det är möjligt att söka CV-löst direkt genom mobilen genom att svara på våra urvalsfrågor samt länka till din LinkedIn-profil.

Om du har några frågor gällande tjänsten är du varmt välkommen att kontakta Lisette Lind, Talent Acquisition Specialist på [email protected].

Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!

Lantmännen är ett lantbrukskooperativ och norra Europas ledande aktör inom lantbruk, maskin, bioenergi och livsmedel. Vi ägs av 20 000 svenska lantbrukare, har 10 000 anställda, har verksamheter i ett 20-tal länder och omsätter 50 miljarder SEK på årsbasis. Med basen i spannmål förädlar vi åkermarkens resurser för ett livskraftigt lantbruk. Några av våra mest kända varumärken inom livsmedel är AXA, Bonjour, Kungsörnen, GoGreen, Gooh, FINN CRISP, Korvbrödsbagarn och Hatting. Vårt företag är grundat på kunskap och värderingar som har funnits i generationer hos våra ägare. Genom forskning, utveckling och verksamhet i hela värdekedjan tar vi tillsammans ansvar från jord till bord. Läs gärna mer på www.lantmannen.se. Visa mindre

Sales Specialist Cell & Gene Therapy Nordic countries

Be part of something altogether life-changing Working at Cytiva in the Life Sciences industry means being at the forefront of providing new solutions to transform human health. Our incredible customers undertake life-saving activities ranging from fundamental biological research to developing innovative vaccines, new medicines, and cell and gene therapies. At Cytiva you will be able to continuously improve yourself and us – working on challenges that truly... Visa mer
Be part of something altogether life-changing
Working at Cytiva in the Life Sciences industry means being at the forefront of providing new solutions to transform human health. Our incredible customers undertake life-saving activities ranging from fundamental biological research to developing innovative vaccines, new medicines, and cell and gene therapies.
At Cytiva you will be able to continuously improve yourself and us – working on challenges that truly matter with people that care for each other, our customers, and their patients. With associates across 40 countries, Cytiva is a place where every day is a learning opportunity – so you can grow your career and expand your skills in the long term.
Cytiva is proud to work alongside a community of nine fellow Danaher Life Sciences companies. Together, we’re pioneering the future of science and medicine, developing products that enable researchers in the fight to save lives.
We are now looking for a Sales Specialist to cover the Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland) for our Cell & Gene Therapy product portfolio. You will report to the EMEA Commercial GM, Cell & Gene Therapy.

What you’ll do
Be responsible for supporting key customers within your territory as they move from clinical studies to building the infrastructure to produce cell therapies on a commercial scale
Have deep understanding of the requirements of a cell therapy manufacturing facility, enabling you to build strong relationships with key customers through solution-based selling
Be able to differentiate Cytiva’s solutions & offerings, convey compelling value propositions, and respond to customers’ technical/process questions in order to successfully close increasingly complex opportunities
Maximize sales orders and market share of cell therapy business solutions in assigned area
Be able to develop strong relationships with range levels of stakeholders involved in buying decisions
Responsible for building funnel of future business through early design in of products into manufacturing of new therapies in clinical trials
Work with regional Account Managers and modality specialists to identify customers in clinical development in cell processing, viral vector and gene therapy
Work with regional Account Manager and modality specialists at strategic customers to develop and execute on account plans with a view to delivering outcomes to our customers
Organize sites visits and deliver product demonstrations
Track market effectively and provide accurate current and forecasts data using information tools available
When required, prepare and co-ordinate the tender response and validate the tender documentation in collaboration with account manager
Communicate market information effectively to/from the field including competitor data
Ensures knowledge of and compliance with Company policies and quality processes
Sustain & develop Cord Blood & Point Of Care markets

Who you are
Postgraduate level qualifications in cell biology or related subject
Minimum 3 years sales experience and/or within the cell therapy or bioprocess industry
English fluent & other Scandinavian languages welcome
Able to build a rapport with laboratory staff and senior managers
Able to demonstrate problem solving and critical thinking
Team working skills, incl. ability to harness resources to achieve goal
Demonstrates a high standard of written/verbal communication
Experience of working in a cell therapy lab/GMP facility
Experience with SFDC

As the majority of our customer base is in Sweden, this will be the ideal location of this position. The position is field-based.
Danaher Corporation and all Danaher Companies are equal opportunity employers that evaluate qualified applicants without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other characteristics protected by law. The “EEO is the Law” poster is available here.
When you join us, you’ll also be joining Danaher’s global organization, where 69,000 people wake up every day determined to help our customers win. As an associate, you’ll try new things, work hard, and advance your skills with guidance from dedicated leaders, all with the support of powerful Danaher Business System tools and the stability of a tested organization.
At Danaher, we value diversity and the existence of similarities and differences, both visible and not, found in our workforce, workplace and throughout the markets we serve. Our associates, customers and shareholders contribute unique and different perspectives as a result of these diverse attributes.
If you’ve ever wondered what’s within you, there’s no better time to find out. Visa mindre

Market Development Specialist – German Market

Who we are and what we do: At Viedoc, we design engaging software that modernizes clinical research so that necessary treatments can reach the people who need them faster. We accomplish this by combining technology and a creative design to streamline, automate and simplify conventional processes within clinical research. Simply put, Viedoc makes every aspect of a clinical study a bit smoother, resulting in greater discoveries that make a difference, and h... Visa mer
Who we are and what we do:
At Viedoc, we design engaging software that modernizes clinical research so that necessary treatments can reach the people who need them faster.

We accomplish this by combining technology and a creative design to streamline, automate and simplify conventional processes within clinical research. Simply put, Viedoc makes every aspect of a clinical study a bit smoother, resulting in greater discoveries that make a difference, and has the potential to improve lives.

Real change means challenging the status quo - our driving force since we started almost two decades ago. In everything we do, we work for a healthier world, searching for better, more efficient solutions that answer to the needs of both our users and humanity.

What you will do:

- Understand the context of Viedoc - Industry, Product, Customers as well as Prospects
- Understanding our current messaging towards the prospects & customer and offer further ideas which may work better
- Work closely with your Business Development counterpart, your direct manager & as well being a strong team player
- You will be reporting to the Global Head of Market development with whom you will be regularly discussing your activities, outcomes, quarterly plan, training needs etc. to be discussed in your 1:1
- Keeping on top of all your accounts in territory with names, job titles, reach out numbers - the accounts should be 100% + clean always
- Being consistent with adding all the information in the CRM from call notes to our competitors’ information to the therapeutic area that the company focuses in
- Doing all the research about the company & the prospect you are reach out to - LinkedIn, their website etc. in order to have an intelligent conversation.
- Constantly having the want to discuss the next event, webinar etc.
- Regularly keeping a personal note on your figures
- Be open in using the material marketing produce as well as giving active feedback on the material & marketing activities and new ideas

About you:

- 6 months + experience in software sales space as a lead generation specialist. Life sciences experience preferred
- Consistent track record of quota as an individual contributor to the Sales team, monthly or quarterly
- Experience in using tools and tech for lead generation like Sales Navigator, CRM etc.
- Native in German or French and fluent in English, verbal and written
- Work permit for EU
- Structured and proactive
- Integrity and strong work ethics

An accredited College minimum

Any European Country

Part of a successful team member

Saas, eClinical, Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Medical Device, Consumer Health

Employment Type
Full Time

If you want to join our awesome team, apply for the job! Do you want to know more? Feel free to reach out to Line Thomson, [email protected]. Selection is ongoing, so do not hesitate to get in touch. Last day to apply is 2021-12-31. Visa mindre

Partnership Manager - mobile games

Video games, Influencer Marketing, Twitch and YouTube Gaming - is that something you are passionate about? We're looking for Partnership specialist with experience from mobile games who thrives in a fast-paced, high-energy environment and who live and breathe social media and internet. At Wehype we connect brands and gamers through influencer marketing specialized in Youtube and Twitch. Since the start in 2016, we have more than doubled in size every yea... Visa mer
Video games, Influencer Marketing, Twitch and YouTube Gaming - is that something you are passionate about?

We're looking for Partnership specialist with experience from mobile games who thrives in a fast-paced, high-energy environment and who live and breathe social media and internet.

At Wehype we connect brands and gamers through influencer marketing specialized in Youtube and Twitch. Since the start in 2016, we have more than doubled in size every year working with global brands like EA, Logitech, Ubisoft and many more. We are an international group of people with a common passion for gaming.

If you are a salesperson, who loves gaming and likes to build long term relationships based on trust, cooperation and transparency; then Wehype is perfect for you.

What you will do

- Establish and develop partnerships with the marketing departments at major game publishers & large corporations.
- Acquire a thorough understanding of key customer needs and requirements
- Ensure that the work we do contributes and aligns with our client's marketing plan.
- Ensure that Wehype remains the agency of choice for our clients by ensuring we over-deliver on our promises.
- Report on campaign metrics to our clients.
- Prepare regular sales forecasts and progress reports.

Who you are

For this position, we require you to have relevant experience in a similar role.

- You have gaming industry experience.
- You have B2B Sales experience from the mobile games industry.
- You have a proven track record of hitting your sales targets.
- You are organized and able to manage and complete multiple projects simultaneously.
- You are highly autonomous.
- You are able to travel to gaming and non-gaming events to meet with partners. We expect at least 30 days of travel per year.
- You speak and write English fluently.
- Knowledge in German, French, Italian, Polish and Mandarin is highly valued.

Perks & benefits

- A team that will do everything to help you succeed in your role.
- Updated CRM (Hubspot) and other sales tools.
- Representation allowance and company card.
- Very flexible working hours.
- Wellness grant to cover your gym/training costs.
- Gaming stations at work and game time to catch up on all the latest games. Visa mindre

Partnership Manager

Are you passionate about Gaming, Marketing & love Sales? Are you looking for the opportunity to develop an innovative and strategic role in an expanding sales team? Wehype is a growing marketing agency in the gaming community. We provide a link between the gaming live-streaming community and companies that want to be part of one of the fastest growing industries. Right now we are expanding, a lot; and we are looking for the right person to come in early ... Visa mer
Are you passionate about Gaming, Marketing & love Sales?

Are you looking for the opportunity to develop an innovative and strategic role in an expanding sales team?

Wehype is a growing marketing agency in the gaming community. We provide a link between the gaming live-streaming community and companies that want to be part of one of the fastest growing industries. Right now we are expanding, a lot; and we are looking for the right person to come in early and who can help us build the best sales team in Europe.

If you are a salesperson, who loves gaming and likes to build long term relationships based on trust, cooperation and transparency; then Wehype is perfect for you.

What you will do

- Establish and develop partnerships with the marketing departments at major game publishers & large corporations.
- Acquire a thorough understanding of key customer needs and requirements
- Ensure that the work we do contributes and aligns with our client's marketing plan.
- Ensure that Wehype remains the agency of choice for our clients by ensuring we over-deliver on our promises.
- Report on campaign metrics to our clients.
- Prepare regular sales forecasts and progress reports.

Who you are

For this position, we require you to have relevant experience in a similar role.

- You have gaming industry experience.
- You have B2B Sales experience within the media, online marketing and gaming industries.
- You have a proven track record of hitting your sales targets.
- You are organized and able to manage and complete multiple projects simultaneously.
- You are highly autonomous.
- You are able to travel to gaming and non-gaming events to meet with partners. We expect at least 30 days of travel per year.
- You speak and write English fluently.
- Knowledge in German, French, Italian, Polish and Mandarin is highly valued.

Perks & benefits

- A team that will do everything to help you succeed in your role.
- Updated CRM (Hubspot) and other sales tools.
- Representation allowance and company card.
- Very flexible working hours.
- Wellness grant to cover your gym/training costs.
- Gaming stations at work and game time to catch up on all the latest games. Visa mindre

Sales Internship - Autumn

Gaming, Twitch Streamers, YouTubers, Influencer Marketing - is that something you are passionate about? We're looking for a Sales Intern who thrives in a fast-paced, high-energy environment and who lives and breathes social connections and gaming. The right person for this role is extremely organized, detail-oriented, a clear communicator, and a quick learner. If you are looking to take your first steps into working with gaming this is the role for you.... Visa mer
Gaming, Twitch Streamers, YouTubers, Influencer Marketing - is that something you are passionate about?

We're looking for a Sales Intern who thrives in a fast-paced, high-energy environment and who lives and breathes social connections and gaming.

The right person for this role is extremely organized, detail-oriented, a clear communicator, and a quick learner.

If you are looking to take your first steps into working with gaming this is the role for you. This position will provide you with insight and experience from start to finish on how a marketing campaign gets executed on Twitch and YouTube.

This is an unpaid internship that will be in progress with start in June and until the end of August with the goal of transitioning into employment after the end of the internship. Wehype is one of the worlds fastest-growing gaming companies so there is ample opportunity for you to grow with us!

Work tasks will include:

- Digital lead generation that includes - prospecting and qualifying leads
- Responsible for updating the CRM system with lead status and ensuring lead information is up to date.
- Achieving defined productivity goals
- Communicating and working with the team to ensure digital lead campaigns are successful
- Take part in sales pitches and meetings with top-level decision-makers.

Who you are

- Experience from working with spreadsheets, Hubspot, Linkedin sales navigator, and leads generation.
- Currently studying relevant education or has previous sales experience.
- You are one of the most organized people in your circle of friends
- Fluent in English, written and spoken.
- Has an authentic interest in gaming, Twitch, and Youtube.

Perks & benefits

- Premium work gear to get shit done
- Gaming stations at work
- A team that will do everything to help you succeed in your role
- An introduction to the gaming industry
- Professional ongoing sales coaching from accomplished sales managers in the world's largest gaming media company.
- Paid lunch. Visa mindre

Internationell Teknisk försäljningschef till Pure Water Scandinavia

Om oss Vi söker nu en ny nyckelspelare som vill vara med på vårt bolags fortsatta expansion och vår internationella resa. Har du teknisk bakgrund och ett genuint intresse för problemlösning och långsiktiga relationer? Har du erfarenhet från att driva affärer och har du förståelse för hur olika processer hänger samman i större projekt? Då kan det vara dig vi söker! Om företaget Pure Water Scandinavia, PWS, projekterar, konstruerar, driftsätter och servar r... Visa mer
Om oss
Vi söker nu en ny nyckelspelare som vill vara med på vårt bolags fortsatta expansion och vår internationella resa. Har du teknisk bakgrund och ett genuint intresse för problemlösning och långsiktiga relationer? Har du erfarenhet från att driva affärer och har du förståelse för hur olika processer hänger samman i större projekt? Då kan det vara dig vi söker!

Om företaget
Pure Water Scandinavia, PWS, projekterar, konstruerar, driftsätter och servar renvattenläggningar. PWS unika CUBO-serie tog Plug and Play-tekniken till sjukhus och laboratorier. Med touch screen, Internet-övervakning, inbyggda manualer, robust konstruktion och snabb installation.

Våra kunder finns inom industri, sjukhus, laboratorier och energi. Kunderna finns i Sverige, Norge och Finland. Genom vår samarbetspartner Getinge Group finns vi idag över hela världen, bl.a. i USA, Mexiko, Australien, Hong Kong och Singapore. Vår kundlista innehåller lokala sjukhus och värmeverk samt miljardsatsningar som nya Karolinska Sjukhuset och spektakulära laboratoriemiljöer som Biomedicum på Karolinska Institutet och Biomedicinskt Centrum (BMC) i Uppsala.

PWS är en utmanare till branschens giganter och är redan störst inom renvatten till nya laboratorier i Sverige. PWS ingår i den börsnoterade koncernen, Sdiptech AB. För mer information, besök vår hemsida www.purewater.se

Dina arbetsuppgifter
I rollen som teknisk försäljningschef kommer ditt fokus att vara att utveckla vår marknad och vår kundportfölj såväl nationellt som internationellt. Med stöd av vår starka marknadsandel i Sverige är målsättningen att fortsätta expandera internationellt, där du ska ansvara för att bygga upp ett nätverk av återförsäljare.

Våra vanligaste kunder är sjukhus och laboratorier, där försäljningsprocessen ibland kan vara relativt lång, dvs tiden från att du fångar upp en signal tills det blir aktuellt med affär. Ditt arbete kommer att vara att driva hela denna process i samarbete med övriga kollegor på bolaget så som projektledare och tekniker. Arbetet kommer att innebära en hel del arbete på egen hand samt resor, nationellt och internationellt, vilket kräver det att du är trygg i- och trivs med dig själv och har ett gott självledarskap.

Din profil
Du har en akademisk examen och flerårig erfarenhet från internationellt försäljningsarbete. Du har vana att arbeta med försäljning mot samhällsviktiga bolag som exempelvis laboratorier, sjukhus- eller energisektorn. Din erfarenhet har gett dig god förståelse för hur olika processer hänger samman i större projekt. Du har en god kommunikativ förmåga, talar och skriver både svenska samt engelska obehindrat.

För att lyckas i rollen trivs du med att vara både en problemlösare och en affärsinriktad relationsbyggare som tycker om att skapa och underhålla långsiktiga relationer. Du är självgående och har en stark drivkraft mot att skapa nöjda kunder och långsiktiga samarbeten.

Stämmer detta in på dig? Varmt välkommen med din ansökan.

I denna rekrytering samarbetar Pure Water Scandinavia med Clockwork Rekrytering och Bemanning. Har du frågor gällande tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta Rekryteringskonsult Hanna Bulldra på telefon 0733-51 27 04. Vi går genom ansökningar löpande så registrera din ansökan via www.clockworkpersonal.se så snart som möjligt. Visa mindre

Internationell Teknisk försäljningschef till Pure Water Scandinavia

Om oss Vi söker nu en ny nyckelspelare som vill vara med på vårt bolags fortsatta expansion och vår internationella resa. Har du teknisk bakgrund och ett genuint intresse för problemlösning och långsiktiga relationer? Har du erfarenhet från att driva affärer och har du förståelse för hur olika processer hänger samman i större projekt? Då kan det vara dig vi söker! Om företaget Pure Water Scandinavia, PWS, projekterar, konstruerar, driftsätter och servar r... Visa mer
Om oss
Vi söker nu en ny nyckelspelare som vill vara med på vårt bolags fortsatta expansion och vår internationella resa. Har du teknisk bakgrund och ett genuint intresse för problemlösning och långsiktiga relationer? Har du erfarenhet från att driva affärer och har du förståelse för hur olika processer hänger samman i större projekt? Då kan det vara dig vi söker!

Om företaget
Pure Water Scandinavia, PWS, projekterar, konstruerar, driftsätter och servar renvattenläggningar. PWS unika CUBO-serie tog Plug and Play-tekniken till sjukhus och laboratorier. Med touch screen, Internet-övervakning, inbyggda manualer, robust konstruktion och snabb installation.

Våra kunder finns inom industri, sjukhus, laboratorier och energi. Kunderna finns i Sverige, Norge och Finland. Genom vår samarbetspartner Getinge Group finns vi idag över hela världen, bl.a. i USA, Mexiko, Australien, Hong Kong och Singapore. Vår kundlista innehåller lokala sjukhus och värmeverk samt miljardsatsningar som nya Karolinska Sjukhuset och spektakulära laboratoriemiljöer som Biomedicum på Karolinska Institutet och Biomedicinskt Centrum (BMC) i Uppsala.

PWS är en utmanare till branschens giganter och är redan störst inom renvatten till nya laboratorier i Sverige. PWS ingår i den börsnoterade koncernen, Sdiptech AB. För mer information, besök vår hemsida www.purewater.se

Dina arbetsuppgifter
I rollen som teknisk försäljningschef kommer ditt fokus att vara att utveckla vår marknad och vår kundportfölj såväl nationellt som internationellt. Med stöd av vår starka marknadsandel i Sverige är målsättningen att fortsätta expandera internationellt, där du ska ansvara för att bygga upp ett nätverk av återförsäljare.

Våra vanligaste kunder är sjukhus och laboratorier, där försäljningsprocessen ibland kan vara relativt lång, dvs tiden från att du fångar upp en signal tills det blir aktuellt med affär. Ditt arbete kommer att vara att driva hela denna process i samarbete med övriga kollegor på bolaget så som projektledare och tekniker. Arbetet kommer att innebära en hel del arbete på egen hand samt resor, nationellt och internationellt, vilket kräver det att du är trygg i- och trivs med dig själv och har ett gott självledarskap.

Din profil
Du har en akademisk examen och flerårig erfarenhet från internationellt försäljningsarbete. Du har vana att arbeta med försäljning mot samhällsviktiga bolag som exempelvis laboratorier, sjukhus- eller energisektorn. Din erfarenhet har gett dig god förståelse för hur olika processer hänger samman i större projekt. Du har en god kommunikativ förmåga, talar och skriver både svenska samt engelska obehindrat.

För att lyckas i rollen trivs du med att vara både en problemlösare och en affärsinriktad relationsbyggare som tycker om att skapa och underhålla långsiktiga relationer. Du är självgående och har en stark drivkraft mot att skapa nöjda kunder och långsiktiga samarbeten.

Stämmer detta in på dig? Varmt välkommen med din ansökan.

I denna rekrytering samarbetar Pure Water Scandinavia med Clockwork Rekrytering och Bemanning. Har du frågor gällande tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta Rekryteringskonsult Hanna Bulldra på telefon 0733-51 27 04. Vi går genom ansökningar löpande så registrera din ansökan via www.clockworkpersonal.se så snart som möjligt. Visa mindre

Sales Development Manager, Qualification Services

Be part of something altogether life-changing Working at Cytiva in the Life Sciences industry means being at the forefront of providing new solutions to transform human health. Our incredible customers undertake life-saving activities ranging from fundamental biological research to developing innovative vaccines, new medicines, and cell and gene therapies. At Cytiva you will be able to continuously improve yourself and us – working on challenges that truly... Visa mer
Be part of something altogether life-changing
Working at Cytiva in the Life Sciences industry means being at the forefront of providing new solutions to transform human health. Our incredible customers undertake life-saving activities ranging from fundamental biological research to developing innovative vaccines, new medicines, and cell and gene therapies.
At Cytiva you will be able to continuously improve yourself and us – working on challenges that truly matter with people that care for each other, our customers, and their patients. With associates across 40 countries, Cytiva is a place where every day is a learning opportunity – so you can grow your career and expand your skills in the long term.
Cytiva is proud to work alongside a community of nine fellow Danaher Life Sciences companies. Together, we’re pioneering the future of science and medicine, developing products that enable researchers in the fight to save lives.
We are looking for a SALES DEVELOPMENT MANAGER, QUALIFICATION SERVICES to work with our specialist QUALIFICATION SERVICES team of approximately 70 employees across the world. Do you have an interest to help accelerate utilization of Cytiva products and solutions for our customers and is an excellent communicator? Then we would love to hear from you.

What you’ll do
Own, maintain and continuously improve the tools and processes to translate customer needs into a clear, concise and accurately estimated proposal for enterprise and complex projects.
You will support sales organization with your technical knowledge of qualification and process equipment.
Lead initiative of alignment for best practice in cost estimation with internal partners.
Educate customers on commissioning and qualification of equipment to support customer need, business goals and future states.
Support the commercial sales team in translating customer needs into qualification product offerings and custom projects
Work as a bridge between customers and engineering teams, ensuring the correct qualification solution is offered based on customers’ requirements.
Regularly present the qualification offerings internally and externally either on customer site or remotely to support sales process
Create and own mechanism for periodic report outs and scorecards related to cost estimating metrics (eg. Speed and accuracy of cost estimates)

Who you are
Education: Bachelor degree in Science, Engineering or equivalent experience
>5 years experience with bioprocess equipment used in pharmaceutical industry, e.g. downstream equipment
Strong bioprocess and engineering knowledge
Understanding of qualification process, e.g. working with 21 CFR Part 11, GAMP 5, Annex 11, GxP and other regulatory standards in Healthcare
Continuous improvement oriented
Excellent oral and written communications skills
Ability to work effectively within a matrix environment
Team oriented – ability to lead, motivate and work well with diverse, cross-functional teams
Proven ability to work globally
Proven ability to influence and negotiate internally and with customers
Ability to travel internationally up to 30% of time
EU or UK work permit.
>5 years experience Commissioning & Qualification
Experience with cell therapy or cell culture equipment
Experience from working with customized process equipment
Experience working with Cytiva equipment
Experience of product development
Experience from commercial role
Experience from automation

Interviews and selection will happen continuously. For questions about the role, please contact hiring manager Anneli Karlsson, [email protected].
Preferred location is EMEA but as this a global role other locations may be considered. Local offices with QS associates are available in Uppsala, Sweden and Marlborough, US.
When you join us, you’ll also be joining Danaher’s global organization, where 69,000 people wake up every day determined to help our customers win. As an associate, you’ll try new things, work hard, and advance your skills with guidance from dedicated leaders, all with the support of powerful Danaher Business System tools and the stability of a tested organization.

At Danaher, we value diversity and the existence of similarities and differences, both visible and not, found in our workforce, workplace and throughout the markets we serve. Our associates, customers and shareholders contribute unique and different perspectives as a result of these diverse attributes.
If you’ve ever wondered what’s within you, there’s no better time to find out. Visa mindre

Sales Consultant för rekrytering av uthyrningsobjekt i Uppsala

Ansök    Sep 20    OYO OY Uppsala    Internationell säljare
Stugsommar är en filial till danska DanCenter A/S som etablerades redan 1957. Kvalitet och Trygghet är för oss centrala nyckelbegrepp som är djupt rotade i allt vad vi gör. Vi är en av Skandinaviens äldsta och mest framgångsrika förmedlare av privatägda hus och stugor. Kvalitet och Trygghet är för oss centrala nyckelbegrepp som är djupt rotade i allt vad vi gör. Sedan 2019 ingår vi i OYO Vacation Homes, som är världens snabbaste växande hotellkedja och fi... Visa mer
Stugsommar är en filial till danska DanCenter A/S som etablerades redan 1957. Kvalitet och Trygghet är för oss centrala nyckelbegrepp som är djupt rotade i allt vad vi gör. Vi är en av Skandinaviens äldsta och mest framgångsrika förmedlare av privatägda hus och stugor. Kvalitet och Trygghet är för oss centrala nyckelbegrepp som är djupt rotade i allt vad vi gör. Sedan 2019 ingår vi i OYO Vacation Homes, som är världens snabbaste växande hotellkedja och finns in över 800 städer med över 230 000 hotell och semesterboenden. Vi är en av Skandinaviens äldsta och mest framgångsrika förmedlare av privatägda hus och stugor.

_Vi erbjuder ett fritt och omväxlande arbete där du kommer att kontakta och träffa husägare som vill hyra ut sina hus och stugor. Du kommer att vara en del av vårt härliga team med regelbundna möten, utbildningar och gemensamma träffar._

Som Representant skall du finna och kontraktera nya uthyrningsobjekt som uppfyller våra minimikrav. Du arbetar dels på leads du får av huvudkontoret, men även genom att själv aktivt arbeta med flyers, webb samt egna nätverk. I ditt arbete ingår även att hitta nya kunder ochkontakter i försäljningsarbetet sker till stor del via telefon. Du kommer att skriva avtal med husägare och färdigställa underlag för presentation av uthyrningsobjekten i både text och bild. Du skall även kunna göra en budget för uthyrningsobjekten och ge våra kunder konkreta råd för optimal uthyrning.

- Periodvis se över och justera skrivna avtal med husägare
- Säkerställa en god lönsamhet genom bevakning av bokningsläget hos våra husägare
- Lösa eventuella frågor som kan uppstå från husägare
- Följa upp marknadstrender och utvecklingar inom branschen

- Flera års erfarenhet av marknadsföring och försäljning
- God förmåga att kommunicera i tal och skrift
- B-körkort och tillgång till bil.
- Goda kunskaper i fotografering är meriterande

Det är viktigt att du är förtroendegivande, har en hög social kompetens och en positiv inställning. Du skall ha ett inre driv och kunna arbeta självständigt mot uppsatta mål. Du är både affärsinriktad och professionell, men framförallt kommunikativ och kan bemöta olika kunder i skiftande situationer. Vi tror att du har tidigare erfarenhet inom marknadsföring och försäljning och sätter stort värde på att du kan skriva säljande texter och är en duktig fotograf. Nätverk inom branschen är meriterande. Tillgång till bil.

PLACERING:Utgår från Uppsala,Resor kommer att förekomma i hela regionen.
START:Enligt överenskommelse
LÖN: Fast grundlön + möjlighet till provision

Du kommer initialt att vara uthyrd som konsult via oss på OnePartnerGroup.
OnePartnerGroup är en svenskägd koncern som erbjuder företag hjälp med rekrytering, bemanning, utbildning och smarta produktionslösningar. Vi finns verksamma på 50 orter i Sverige och har över 2500 engagerade medarbetare. Med ett brett kontaktnät och god lokalkännedom kan vi erbjuda ett stort utbud av lediga tjänster, inom flera områden och med olika kompetenskrav. För oss är det viktigt att du ska trivas och känna glädje över att gå till jobbet. Därför kan du lita på att vi gör vårt bästa för att hitta ett jobb som ska passa dig. Oavsett om det gäller en tjänst som anställd hos oss eller rekrytering till någon av våra kunder. www.onepartnergroup.se

Mer information Visa mindre

Account Manager – Biotech - Stockholm

Ansök    Sep 19    PHADIA AB    Internationell säljare
Account Manager – Biotech - StockholmStockholmLocation specific information There are nearly 1,000 Thermo Fisher Scientific employees based across five different locations in Sweden. Our biggest site in Uppsala develops, manufactures, and markets allergy tests and diagnostic systems. In central Stockholm we have two smaller offices that support customers with analytical, diagnostic and research related products, instruments and services. On the west c... Visa mer
Account Manager – Biotech - StockholmStockholmLocation specific information There are nearly 1,000 Thermo Fisher Scientific employees based across five different locations in Sweden. Our biggest site in Uppsala develops, manufactures, and markets allergy tests and diagnostic systems. In central Stockholm we have two smaller offices that support customers with analytical, diagnostic and research related products, instruments and services. On the west coast in Gothenburg our newly built warehouse and office works with a wide range of laboratory equipment and consumables. On the outskirts of Ängelholm in southern Sweden ca. 40 people are dedicated to producing and extracting top-quality raw materials used in allergy tests and other health products. We are a diverse group of people who work with a wide range of products, instruments and services, but we are all joined by our mission of helping our customers make the world healthier, cleaner and safer.DivisionIn this position you will be joining Fisher, a part of Thermo Fisher Scientific, which delivers over 800,000 different products to a wide range of laboratory customers, helping them to accelerate life science research, solve complex analytical challenges, improve patient diagnostics and increase laboratory productivity.What will you do?You will be responsible for the sales of scientific products and services towards customers who work within research, development, and production in the Biotech segment. Your day-to-day work with focus on maintaining effective customer relations, developing opportunities for growth and ensuring market share growth and profitability, while achieving sales and profit goals.Other duties:Work closely with fellow sales, customer support and service teams in the regionEstablish relationships with key suppliers and negotiate improved terms as and when possible to increase profitability to the company.Review, maintain and manage compliance to key performance indicators and systems.Maintain a high level of business knowledge relevant to the region managed, including competitor activity.How will you get there?To succeed in this role you should have some previous sales experience within the biotech or life-science market and ideally have studied a science related subject and have experience of working in a laboratory.Strong communication and interpersonal skills and a passion for working with people in a scientific environment are essential, as are good organizational skills and negotiation skills.You must have a driver’s license and be willing to travel on a weekly basis in the Stockholm region and even to other European countries at other times.You must speak and write fluent Swedish and EnglishAt Thermo Fisher Scientific, each one of our 70,000 extraordinary minds has a unique story to tell. Join us and contribute to our singular mission—enabling our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer.Apply today! http://jobs.thermofisher.comAPPLICATION DEADLINE: 30th September 2019If you have questions then please contact:Sr. Recruiter Nordics Victoria Johansson [email protected] 0723028514Thermo Fisher Scientific is an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, disability or any other legally protected status. Visa mindre

Bid Manager Space Systems

AAC Clyde Space expanderar sitt säljteam och söker till sitt kontor i Uppsala   Bid Manager Space Systems Vi söker dig som vill vara delaktig i hela säljprocessen från förfrågan till avtalsskrivande och leverans. Tillsammans med säljare, projektledare och tekniska experter ansvarar du för att ta fram offerter och tekniska lösningar till våra kunder. Du kommer även att träffa kunder och potentiella kunder i samband med internationella konferenser och mä... Visa mer
AAC Clyde Space expanderar sitt säljteam och söker till sitt kontor i Uppsala
Bid Manager
Space Systems

Vi söker dig som vill vara delaktig i hela säljprocessen från förfrågan till avtalsskrivande och leverans. Tillsammans med säljare, projektledare och tekniska experter ansvarar du för att ta fram offerter och tekniska lösningar till våra kunder. Du kommer även att träffa kunder och potentiella kunder i samband med internationella konferenser och mässor.

Vi erbjuder ett självständigt och omväxlande arbete i ett internationellt, börsnoterat, företag i teknikens framkant. Hos oss arbetar du i ett väl sammansvetsat team som kännetecknas av hög arbetsglädje och stora möjligheter av att vara med att påverka. Du kommer att vara en del i ett expansivt företag med höga ambitioner. För att säkerställa att du får en god start i din nya roll kommer du att få gå ett introduktionsprogram där du får lära känna bolagets verksamhet och dess olika delar.

Du som söker är förmodligen civil- eller högskoleingenjör med några års erfarenhet från kvalificerat teknisk arbete som t.ex. systemingenjör eller projektledare. Du har ett gediget teknikintresse i kombination ett stort affärintresse. Har du tidigare erfarenhet från rymdindustrin är det meriterande dock inget krav. Dina personliga egenskaper är desto viktigare. Du är självgående samtidigt som du är en lagspelare. Högt tempo och stora utmaningar lockar dig. Du är en god relationsbyggare med förmåga att kommunicera på olika nivåer såväl som förståelse för kulturella skillnader. Goda kunskaper i engelska är en förutsättning, såväl i tal som i skrift.
För ytterligare information ring vår konsult Peter Ternebring på Confidera Urval, tfn 070-639 88 89. Din ansökan skickar du snarast, märkt ”Bid Manager – AAC Clyde Space”, till
[email protected]          
AAC Clyde Space erbjuder kundanpassade och nyckelfärdiga tjänster, från design till drift av satellitsystem i omloppsbana. I detta ingår pålitliga satellitplattformar som anpassas utifrån kundernas specifika behov. Vi levererar även ett komplett utbud av delsystem för CubeSats och småsatelliter. I gruppen är vi totalt ca 100 personer och vårt huvudkontor ligger i Uppsala. Läs mer på www.aac-clydespace.com Visa mindre

Försäljare med intresse för marknadsföring

Vi är ett internationellt företag som importerar och säljer träningsutrustning för sportskytte, jakt, polis och försvarsmakt. På vårt kontor ansvarar vi för den svenska och europeiska marknaden. Vi är ett företag där vi eftersträvar att alla skall trivas och utvecklas. Vi söker en person som är driven och orädd för att jobba självständigt med ett stort ansvar på eget initiativ. Du skulle ha ett stort ansvar för försäljning där du både behöver ta hand om... Visa mer
Vi är ett internationellt företag som importerar och säljer träningsutrustning för sportskytte, jakt, polis och försvarsmakt. På vårt kontor ansvarar vi för den svenska och europeiska marknaden.
Vi är ett företag där vi eftersträvar att alla skall trivas och utvecklas.
Vi söker en person som är driven och orädd för att jobba självständigt med ett stort ansvar på eget initiativ.

Du skulle ha ett stort ansvar för försäljning där du både behöver ta hand om vår nuvarande marknad samt aktivt söka nya vägar att utöka vår kundbas. Utöver det behöver du planera säljbudget och listor över mässor under året. Du skulle vara ansvarig för marknadsföring inom Europa i sin helhet med fokus på sociala medier och kampanjer med inriktning på både B2B och privata kunder.
Den största delen av hur vi i nuläget når ut till nya kunder är via mässor och möten på plats hos kunden, och det är en utökning av detta vi söker en ny medarbetare för.

Tjänsten är flexibel och du har möjligheten att till stor del lägga upp din egen arbetsplanering.
Den största delen av arbetet skulle ske på vårat kontor men du kan även behöva ta möten hos potentiella kunder och eventuellt följa med på mässor vid behov, i hela Europa.

Vi söker en person som är självgående, flexibel, driven och initiativrik, som inte
nödvändigtvis behöver ha formella kunskaper utan vi ser främst till den personliga
lämpligheten och erfarenheten.

Då vi har många internationella kunder är goda kunskaper i engelska ett måste samt flytande svenska. Kunskap eller intresse rörande jakt och skytte hjälper, bakgrund från polis eller försvarsmakt är meriterande men inte ett krav. Likaså gäller formell utbildning rörande marknadsföring och försäljning.
Det är även viktigt att du har datorvana.
En god introduktion kommer ges till arbetsuppgifterna i början av anställningen.

Vi är ett litet företag där vi finns på samma plats större delen av tiden. Det innebär att allt stöd man kan behöva finns nära till hands. Det är också på grund av detta man har chansen att utvecklas inom andra områden än man är van vid och en stor möjlighet att få sin röst hörd.
Vi hade tidigare kontor på Uppsala slott men flyttade i våras till större lokaler så nu har vi även plats för lager, möten och förhoppningsvis just dig. Vi har ingen fysisk butik utan all försäljning sker via vår hemsida eller våra återförsäljare.

Både upptåget och busshållsplats finns nära till hands. Visa mindre

Sales person with interest in marketing

About the company.This position is for an international company dealing with import, sales and representation across Europe of products for firearms training.  We are a small company that has been active in Sweden for 5 years. Each year we have grown approximately 40% and the future employee will be involved in all aspects of the company due to our small size.The working environment is young, dynamic and flexible.The company clientele is widely spread over... Visa mer
About the company.This position is for an international company dealing with import, sales and representation across Europe of products for firearms training.  We are a small company that has been active in Sweden for 5 years. Each year we have grown approximately 40% and the future employee will be involved in all aspects of the company due to our small size.The working environment is young, dynamic and flexible.The company clientele is widely spread over all of Europe and varies from law enforcement and government agencies, dealers and wholesalers as well as private customers such as hunters and sport shooters.Our sales channels are varied and include social media marketing, website, pre-set meetings and demonstrations on site with customers, as well as exhibitions and other events. The job description is flexible and will be adjusted to fit the employee and their capabilities.  We hope for a candidate that will evolve and develop together with us in the next few years. About the position. We are looking for an energetic, social and independent marketing and sales person with excellent English and Swedish both in writing and speech.  The job is independent but subject to budget and yearly marketing plan. Although the job is independent, some of it is done in coordination with other parts of the company, both at the Swedish and American office. The candidate will have the responsibility of creating and presenting a yearly marketing plan, and to execute it after its approval.The candidate will have responsibility and be the primary contact for our existing customers.The candidate will be responsible for orders and finding new customers, both B2B and B2C (no cold calling).The candidate will be in charge of managing the website content and other forms of sales online including online marketing campaigns and activity.The candidate’s job will include participation at trade fairs and exhibitions all through the year, both domestic and abroad.RequirementsAs for personal skills, we are looking for a team player and a “people person” with a lot of energy and a flexible mind. Good social skills, self-motivation and able to work independently.Past experience in sales or marketing is an advantage but not mandatory.A background in sport shooting, hunting, military or police is not a must but will have a weigh in our decisionFluent in English and Swedish, both in writing and speech. Other European languages is an advantage.Computer skills – MS officeApplication.Application can be sent in either English or Swedish. Interviews will be held in English. We prioritize applicants personal suitability over experience, so please make sure to send a personal letter together with a CV. Visa mindre

Sales person with interest in marketing

About the company.This position is for an international company dealing with import, sales and representation across Europe of products for firearms training.  We are a small company that has been active in Sweden for 5 years. Each year we have grown approximately 40% and the future employee will be involved in all aspects of the company due to our small size.The working environment is young, dynamic and flexible.The company clientele is widely spread over... Visa mer
About the company.This position is for an international company dealing with import, sales and representation across Europe of products for firearms training.  We are a small company that has been active in Sweden for 5 years. Each year we have grown approximately 40% and the future employee will be involved in all aspects of the company due to our small size.The working environment is young, dynamic and flexible.The company clientele is widely spread over all of Europe and varies from law enforcement and government agencies, dealers and wholesalers as well as private customers such as hunters and sport shooters.Our sales channels are varied and include social media marketing, website, pre-set meetings and demonstrations on site with customers, as well as exhibitions and other events. The job description is flexible and will be adjusted to fit the employee and their capabilities.  We hope for a candidate that will evolve and develop together with us in the next few years. About the position. We are looking for an energetic, social and independent marketing and sales person with excellent English and Swedish both in writing and speech.  The job is independent but subject to budget and yearly marketing plan. Although the job is independent, some of it is done in coordination with other parts of the company, both at the Swedish and American office. The candidate will have the responsibility of creating and presenting a yearly marketing plan, and to execute it after its approval.The candidate will have responsibility and be the primary contact for our existing customers.The candidate will be responsible for orders and finding new customers, both B2B and B2C (no cold calling).The candidate will be in charge of managing the website content and other forms of sales online including online marketing campaigns and activity.The candidate’s job will include participation at trade fairs and exhibitions all through the year, both domestic and abroad.RequirementsAs for personal skills, we are looking for a team player and a “people person” with a lot of energy and a flexible mind. Good social skills, self-motivation and able to work independently.Past experience in sales or marketing is an advantage but not mandatory.A background in sport shooting, hunting, military or police is not a must but will have a weigh in our decisionFluent in English and Swedish, both in writing and speech. Other European languages is an advantage.Computer skills – MS officeApplication.Application can be sent in either English or Swedish. Interviews will be held in English. We prioritize applicants personal suitability over experience, so please make sure to send a personal letter together with a CV. Visa mindre