Lediga jobb Antaros Medical AB i Uppsala

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Bildanalytiker till Antaros Medical

Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du arbeta på ett växande företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling, på en plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa.På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandlingsmetoder, såsom Magneti... Visa mer
Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du arbeta på ett växande företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling, på en plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa.På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandlingsmetoder, såsom Magnetisk Resonanstomografi (MRI) och Positron Emission Tomography (PET), för att designa och leverera kliniska studier för beslutsfattande och differentiering i läkemedelsutveckling.Vi värdesätter såväl kompetens och utveckling som idéer och lösningar. Relationer och förtroende är nycklarna till framgång, och det är lika viktigt för oss att ha roligt samtidigt som vi gör ett meningsfullt jobb. Vi har idag cirka 130 anställda på våra kontor i Mölndal, Uppsala och Malmö, och vi växer och utvecklas kontinuerligt.Vi söker nu en analytisk och detaljfokuserad Bildanalytiker (Image Analyst) som vill vara med och bidra på vår resa. Tjänsten är placerad på vårt kontor i Uppsala.Som Bildanalytiker arbetar du med kvalitetskontroll och segmentering av medicinska bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar i en teknisk och forskningsintensiv miljö. Du kommer att arbeta i ett team som tillsammans analyserar och levererar data för den kliniska studien genom att segmentera organ och strukturer i de medicinska bilderna. Du kommer också att ha kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker. Du behöver ingen tidigare erfarenhet av bildanalys, utan kommer att bli tilldelad en mentor och genomgå ett omfattande träningsprogram som en del av din on-boarding.Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:
Kvalitetskontroll av bilder och dokument från MR- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska studier
Segmentering av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar och dokumentation av detta
Kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker angående bildkvalitet

Din profil:
Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, och ser att du är en strukturerad, noggrann och kvalitetsmedveten person. Vidare tror vi att du är positiv och kommunikativ, som trivs i samarbete med andra och att arbeta mot en deadline. Rollen passar dig som har ett intresse för medicin, teknik och bilder, och som trivs med arbetsuppgifter som kräver koncentration och noggrannhet.
Utbildning och erfarenhet:
Gymnasieutbildning, helst inom naturvetenskap eller teknik, ellerrelevanthögskole- eller yrkesutbildning, tex som biomedicinsk analytiker eller inom vården (eller motsvarande yrkeserfarenhet).
God datorvana
Goda språkkunskaper i engelska i tal och skrift

Är du intresserad?
Skicka in din ansökan via denna länk med ett kort personligt brev (gärna på engelska) och ditt CV, senast den 13 december, 2024. Intervjuer kan ske löpande. Bifoga examensbevis från högre utbildning tillsammans med din ansökan (om tillämpligt, det är inte ett krav på tjänsten).
För mer information om tjänsten, vänligen kontakta Kristofer Österlind, Manager Corelab, på 072 500 09 87 alt. [email protected] eller Matilda Jonsson, Junior Manager Corelab, på 076 839 81 76 alt. [email protected] avser tillsvidareanställning på heltid. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem, Teamtailor. Rekryteringen sköts av Antaros Medical. Kontakt från rekryterare undanbedes.
Om Antaros Medical
På Antaros Medical kombinerar vi banbrytande bildbehandling med djup erfarenhet av läkemedelsutveckling och djup kunskap om sjukdomsmekanismer. Vi är specialiserade på kardiorenala och metabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partner och kunder, inklusive både Big Pharma och Biotechs, och flera europeiska samarbetsinitiativ som Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) och COST.
Antaros Medical har levererat små komplexa, mekanistiska studier såväl som multicenterstudier i kliniska prövningar över hela världen med hjälp av våra innovativa avbildningsmetoder. Vårt globala huvudkontor och Imaging Corelab är baserat i Sverige, och vi har nyligen öppnat ett dotterbolag i USA. Om du vill veta mer om vårt företag, gå till vår hemsida: www.antarosmedical.com. Kulturen är våra människor och våra värdeord utgör allting som vi gör. Ta gärna en titt på vår kulturhandbok för att lära känna oss ännu mer: Our culture - Antaros Medical. Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 130 employees working at our offices in Mölndal, Uppsala and Malmö, and we are continuously growing and developing.As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for an analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our team in Uppsala.As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for quality control and segmentation of medical images from MR and PET investigations in a technical and research-intensive environment. You will work in a team that together analyse and deliver data for clinical trials using tools to segment organs and structures in the medical images. Your responsibility also includes communication with national and international imaging centres. You do not need any previous experience from image analysis and will, as part of your on-boarding, receive a mentor and undergo an extensive training programme.Your main responsibilities will be:
Quality control of images and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
Segmentation of images from the MR and PET investigations including documentation of this
Communication with national and international imaging centres on image quality

Who are we looking for?
We emphasize personal suitability and believe that you are a structured and organized person with attention to details, who likes to work in an environment with high demands on quality. We further believe that you are a positive and communicative person who collaborates well with others and enjoys working against a deadline.

Desired qualifications and skills:
High school grade, preferably in natural science, or relevant higher education or professional degree, for example as a biomedical analyst or in healthcare (or acquired through work experience)
Computer proficiency
Good knowledge of spoken and written English

Are you interested?
Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short cover letter and your CV included, no later than December 13,2024. Interviews can be continuously held during the advertisement period.
Please attach degree certificates from higher level education(s) together with your application (only if applicable, higher level education is not required for this role).
For more information about the position, please contact:
Kristofer Österlind, Manager Corelab, at +46 72 500 09 87 or [email protected] orMatilda Jonsson, Junior Manager Corelab, at +4676 839 81 76 or [email protected].
The recruitment refers to permanent full-time employment.
We only handle applications via our recruitment system TeamTailor. The recruitment if managed by Antaros Medical. We kindly decline any contact from recruitment- or staffing firms.

About Antaros Medical
At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotech, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) and COST.
Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com.
Our culture is our people, and our values makes us everything that we are. Please feel free to have a look upon our Culture Handbook to get to know us even more: Our culture - Antaros Medical. Visa mindre

Bildanalytiker till Antaros Medical

Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du arbeta på ett växande företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling, på en plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa.På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandlingsmetoder, såsom Magneti... Visa mer
Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du arbeta på ett växande företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling, på en plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa.På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandlingsmetoder, såsom Magnetisk Resonanstomografi (MRI) och Positron Emission Tomography (PET), för att designa och leverera kliniska studier för beslutsfattande och differentiering i läkemedelsutveckling.Vi värdesätter såväl kompetens och utveckling som idéer och lösningar. Relationer och förtroende är nycklarna till framgång, och det är lika viktigt för oss att ha roligt samtidigt som vi gör ett meningsfullt jobb. Vi har idag cirka 130 anställda på våra kontor i Mölndal, Uppsala och Malmö, och vi växer och utvecklas kontinuerligt.Vi söker nu en analytisk och detaljfokuserad Bildanalytiker (Image Analyst) som vill vara med och bidra på vår resa. Tjänsten är placerad på vårt kontor i Uppsala.Som Bildanalytiker arbetar du med kvalitetskontroll och segmentering av medicinska bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar i en teknisk och forskningsintensiv miljö. Du kommer att arbeta i ett team som tillsammans analyserar och levererar data för den kliniska studien genom att segmentera organ och strukturer i de medicinska bilderna. Du kommer också att ha kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker. Du behöver ingen tidigare erfarenhet av bildanalys och segmentering, utan kommer att bli tilldelad en mentor och genomgå ett omfattande träningsprogram som en del av din on-boarding.Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:
Kvalitetskontroll av bilder och dokument från MR- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska studier
Segmentering av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar och dokumentation av detta
Kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker angående bildkvalitet

Din profil:
Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, och ser att du är en strukturerad, noggrann och kvalitetsmedveten person. Vidare tror vi att du är positiv och kommunikativ, som trivs i samarbete med andra och att arbeta mot en deadline. Rollen passar dig som har ett intresse för medicin, teknik och bilder, och som trivs med arbetsuppgifter som kräver koncentration och noggrannhet.
Utbildning och erfarenhet:
Gymnasieutbildning, inom naturvetenskap eller teknik. Vi ser det som en fördel om du har en relevant universitets- eller högskoleutbildning, tex som biomedicinsk analytiker, men det är inget krav.
God datorvana
Goda språkkunskaper i engelska

Är du intresserad?
Skicka in din ansökan via denna länk med ett kort personligt brev (gärna på engelska) och ditt CV, senast den 24 augusti, 2024. Intervjuer kan ske löpande. Bifoga examensbevis från högre utbildning tillsammans med din ansökan (om tillämpligt, det är inte ett krav på tjänsten utan var varmt välkommen att skicka in din ansökan).
För mer information om tjänsten, vänligen kontakta Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, på 073-233 00 03 alt. [email protected] avser tillsvidareanställning på heltid. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem, Teamtailor. Rekryteringen sköts av Antaros Medical. Kontakt från rekryterare undanbedes.
Om Antaros Medical
På Antaros Medical kombinerar vi banbrytande bildbehandling med djup erfarenhet av läkemedelsutveckling och djup kunskap om sjukdomsmekanismer. Vi är specialiserade på kardiorenala och metabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partner och kunder, inklusive både Big Pharma och Biotechs, och flera europeiska samarbetsinitiativ som Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) och COST.
Antaros Medical har levererat små komplexa, mekanistiska studier såväl som multicenterstudier i kliniska prövningar över hela världen med hjälp av våra innovativa avbildningsmetoder. Vårt globala huvudkontor och Imaging Corelab är baserat i Sverige, och vi har nyligen öppnat ett dotterbolag i USA. Om du vill veta mer om vårt företag, gå till vår hemsida: www.antarosmedical.com. Kulturen är våra människor och våra värdeord utgör allting som vi gör. Ta gärna en titt på vår kulturhandbok för att lära känna oss ännu mer: Our culture - Antaros Medical. Visa mindre

Quality Engineer to Antaros Medical

Would you like to work as a Quality Engineerin a company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking medical imaging? As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Quality Engineer to join our development team. We welcome applicants with different levels of experience and the position may be dynamically adjusted depending on seniority. We are primarily looking for someone to be s... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineerin a company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking medical imaging?
As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Quality Engineer to join our development team. We welcome applicants with different levels of experience and the position may be dynamically adjusted depending on seniority. We are primarily looking for someone to be stationed at our Uppsala office, but it could potentially be at our Gothenburg office for the right person.
As a Quality Engineer you will be an essential part of delivering validated systems and software to the operational organisation, and ensuring that systems remain in a validated state. You will ensure that validation processes are followed and teach and provide support to the organization in validation activities.At Antaros, we value competence and experience as well as novel ideas and innovative solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We currently have around 130 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.
Depending on your level of experience, yourmain responsibilities willbe to:
Support software development team as subject matter expert onvalidation process, including risk assessments
Lead validation activities, including planning, documentation and risk-based implementation strategywhen new systems are implemented
Conduct periodic review of validated systems
Ensure thatvalidation documentation is accurately stored andorganized
System administration
Support development ofprocesses for validation and provide training on processes
Participate in audits.

Who are we looking for?
We are looking for a highly structuredand communicativeperson that canmaintain a high level of detail while still thriving in a dynamic environment. You have a team-oriented approach and enjoy being part of a team that creates, implements and maintainhigh-qualitysystems.You also value having fun while doing a meaningful job.
1 year of experience in the pharmaceutical or medical device industry
Bachelors degreein relevant field (Nature Sciences, Engineering, IT, Computer Science).
Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.
Knowledge of computerized systemsvalidation

Experience from clinical trials from the pharmaceutical-, biotech- or medtech industry.
Understanding of ICH-GCP, EU/Annex 11, GAMP and FDA/21 CFR part 11 and Data Integrity GxP requirements.

Are you interested?
Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than November 16th, 2024.Interviews will be continuously held during the advertisement period.
For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69
The recruitment is for permanent full-time employment.
We only accept applications via our recruitment system, TeamTailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical. We kindly decline any contact from recruitment- or staffing firms.
About Antaros Medical
At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.
Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com.
Our culture is our people, and our values makes us everything that we are. Please feel free to have a look upon our Culture Handbook to get to know us even more: Our culture - Antaros Medical. Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 130 employees working at our offices in Mölndal, Uppsala and Malmö, and we are continuously growing and developing.As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for an analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our team in Uppsala.As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for quality control and segmentation of medical images from MR and PET investigations in a technical and research-intensive environment. You will work in a team that together analyse and deliver data for clinical trials using tools to segment organs and structures in the medical images. Your responsibility also includes communication with national and international imaging centres. You do not need any previous experience from image analysis and segmentation and will, as part of your on-boarding, receive a mentor and undergo an extensive training programme.Your main responsibilities will be:
Quality control of the images and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
Segmentation of images from the MR and PET investigations including documentation of this
Communication with national and international imaging centres on image quality

Who are we looking for?
We emphasize personal suitability and believe that you are a structured and organized person with attention to details, who likes to work in an environment with high demands on quality. We further believe that you are a positive and communicative person who collaborates well with others and enjoys working against a deadline.

Desired qualifications and skills:
High school grade, preferably in natural science. Relevant higher education or university degrees, for example as a biomedical analyst, are beneficial, but it is not a requirement.
Computer proficiency
Good knowledge of spoken and written English

Are you interested?
Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short cover letter and your CV included, no later than August24th 2024. Interviews can be continuously held during the advertisement period.
Please attach degree certificates from higher level education(s) together with your application (only if applicable, higher level education is not required for this role).
For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].
The recruitment refers to permanent full-time employment.
We only handle applications via our recruitment system TeamTailor. The recruitment if managed by Antaros Medical. We kindly decline any contact from recruitment- or staffing firms.

About Antaros Medical
At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotech, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) and COST.
Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com.
Our culture is our people, and our values makes us everything that we are. Please feel free to have a look upon our Culture Handbook to get to know us even more: Our culture - Antaros Medical. Visa mindre


Tycker du det är spännande med digitalisering och att utveckla, supporta, säkra och effektivisera IT-system, samt att vara med och leda olika IT-relaterade projekt? Skulle du vilja arbeta i ett växande företag som ägnar sig åt att göra verklig skillnad i läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling? En plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld milj... Visa mer
Tycker du det är spännande med digitalisering och att utveckla, supporta, säkra och effektivisera IT-system, samt att vara med och leda olika IT-relaterade projekt?

Skulle du vilja arbeta i ett växande företag som ägnar sig åt att göra verklig skillnad i läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling? En plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa.

På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandlingsmetoder, såsom Magnetisk Resonanstomografi (MRI) och Positron Emission Tomography (PET), för att designa och leverera kliniska studier för beslutsfattande och differentiering i läkemedelsutveckling.

Vi värdesätter såväl kompetens och utveckling som idéer och lösningar. Relationer och förtroende är nycklarna till framgång, och det är lika viktigt för oss att ha roligt samtidigt som vi gör ett meningsfullt jobb. Vi har idag cirka 130 anställda på våra kontor i Sverige i Göteborg, Uppsala och Malmö, samt ett nyetablerat dotterbolag i USA, och vi växer och utvecklas kontinuerligt.

Som en del av vår tillväxtresa söker vi en Systemadministratör IT.

Tjänsten kommer att vara placerad på vårt kontor i Uppsala, Göteborg eller Malmö.

Som Systemadministratör IT kommer du spela en central roll i att säkerställa att våra IT-system möter företagets behov och säkerhetskrav, inklusive Microsoft365/Entra ID, SaaS-lösningar och Molnapplikationer. Du kommer att ansvara för att ta fram lösningar för att effektivisera, utveckla och säkerhetsoptimera IT-system. Operativt ansvara för alla delar i IT-systemens livscykel som implementation, drift, avveckling samt ingå i IT-relaterade projekt som stödjer företagets digitalisering och expansion.

Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden kommer vara:

- Initiera, utveckla och implementera system- och processförbättringar samt ansvara för/delta i projekt som rör IT-system och IT-säkerhet.

- Säkerhetsoptimering av IT-system och infrastruktur

- Livscykelhantering av system

- IT- och systemsupport

Vem letar vi efter?

Vi tror att du har tekniska färdigheter från utbildning och/eller från arbetslivserfarenhet inklusive systemdrift, administration och utveckling. Du kan arbeta både självständigt och interagera med andra i en stödjande IT-funktion.

Som person är du serviceinriktad och har en analytisk förmåga att närma dig och lösa IT-relaterade problem, genom att vara proaktiv, drivande och ta eget ansvar. Du har vidare en tydlig känsla för detaljer och trivs med att arbeta med fokus och struktur.

Utbildning och erfarenhet:

- Minst 3 års arbetslivserfarenhet inom systemadministration och/eller systemutveckling.

- Kunskaper i Microsoft365/Entra ID, InTune, Defender och Powershell

- God kännedom om arbete med IT och Informationssäkerhet

- Gedigna kunskaper om PC/Windows-miljö

- Flytande engelska i tal och skrift

Det är meriterande om du har eftergymnasial utbildning inom IT, till exempel inom systemvetenskap, eller har motsvarande utbildning från ett närliggande område.


Erfarenhet av säkerhetsoptimering och applikationsdistribution i Microsoft 365/Entra ID.

Arbetslivserfarenhet från läkemedelsbranschen, med kunskap om ISO27001 och GAMP.

Det är vidare meriterande om du har erfarenhet av nätverksutrustning (Fortinet, HP), publika moln, systemkravshantering, systemvalidering, loggranskning och testning.

Är du intresserad?

Skicka in din ansökan via denna länk med ett kort personligt brev (på engelska) och ditt CV, senast den 31:e mars, 2024. Vi håller i intervjuer löpande, så vänta inte med din ansökan!

För mer information om tjänsten, vänligen kontakta Johannes Carlsson, VP IT, +46 73 917 86 50, eller [email protected] (https://app.teamtailor.com/companies/wQQWuM-jFpM/jobs/2064136/edit/[email protected]).

Rekryteringen avser en tillsvidareanställning.

Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem, Teamtailor. Rekryteringen sköts av Antaros Medical. Kontakt från rekryterare undanbedes.

Om Antaros Medical

På Antaros Medical kombinerar vi banbrytande bildbehandling med djup erfarenhet av läkemedelsutveckling och djup kunskap om sjukdomsmekanismer. Vi är specialiserade på kardiorenala och metabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partner och kunder, inklusive både Big Pharma och Biotechs, och flera europeiska samarbetsinitiativ som Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) och COST.

Antaros Medical har levererat små komplexa, mekanistiska studier såväl som multicenterstudier i kliniska prövningar över hela världen med hjälp av våra innovativa avbildningsmetoder. Vårt globala huvudkontor och Imaging Corelab är baserat i Sverige, och vi har nyligen öppnat ett dotterbolag i USA. Om du vill veta mer om vårt företag, gå till vår hemsida: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/). Kulturen är våra människor och våra värdeord utgör allting som vi gör. Ta gärna en titt på vår kulturhandbok för att lära känna oss ännu mer: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

Lab Engineer to Antaros Tracer!

Ansök    Jun 13    Antaros Medical AB    Molekylärbiolog
Are you passionate about the intersection of laboratory science and medical research? Are you a hands-on problem-solver who thrives in a dynamic lab environment? Do you enjoy working with cutting-edge technology and contributing to groundbreaking discoveries? If so, we want to hear from you! We're seeking a talented Lab Engineer to join our team and play a vital role in our ongoing research efforts. Antaros Tracer, a sister company to Antaros Medical forme... Visa mer
Are you passionate about the intersection of laboratory science and medical research? Are you a hands-on problem-solver who thrives in a dynamic lab environment? Do you enjoy working with cutting-edge technology and contributing to groundbreaking discoveries? If so, we want to hear from you! We're seeking a talented Lab Engineer to join our team and play a vital role in our ongoing research efforts.
Antaros Tracer, a sister company to Antaros Medical formed in 2021, is expanding its team with an exciting opportunity for a dedicated Lab Engineer. We are at the forefront of developing new Positron Emission Tomography (PET) tracers critical as biomarkers in drug development, with a focus on fibrotic diseases and immune-system activation in immuno-oncology, inflammatory disease, and immunology.
As part of our growth journey, we are looking for a Lab Engineer. The position will be based at our office in Uppsala and in the premises of Uppsala University.
You will be responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of our laboratory, overseeing cell maintenance and experimental protocols. Your role includes managing and conducting various experiments, maintaining research integrity, and troubleshooting any issues that arise. You will play a key role in upholding the standards and efficiency of our laboratory work.
Your main responsibilities will be:
Perform extensive laboratory work, primarily focused on in vivo studies.
Execute in vitro and in vivo experiments according to protocols.
Handle injections, maintain cells and executing binding experiments.
Anticipate and resolve issues that may arise
Conduct Standardised methods on a production line basis following strict protocols.

Who are we looking for?
We believe you have solid background from education and work experience, working in a lab environment. You have a proven record of working with scientific principles and protocols.
As a person you are precise and structured with a keen desire to learn. You thrive in a lab environment and can work both independently and thrive in a team environment.
Education and experience:
Experience on in vivo experiments.
Experience from working in a lab environment.
Degree in Biomedical Sciences, Veterinary medicine, Biology, or a related field.
FELASA A certification
Competent with Microsoft Office and general computer usage.
Proficiency in English and/or Swedish.

Biomedical Laboratory Scientist (BMA) certification is a plus.
Knowledge of radioprotection
Experience on cell maintenance and working in a sterile environment.

Submit your application via this link with a short personal letter (in English) and your CV by August 4th, 2024. We are conducting interviews continuously and may finalize recruitment before the application deadline, so do not wait with your application!
Please note that selected candidates will be required to provide degree certificates as part of the verification process during the later stages of the recruitment process.
For more information about the position, please contact Olof Eriksson, CSO, at +46707 90 30 54 or [email protected].
This recruitment is for a permanent position, with a full time (100%) scope. Desired start date: Q3 2024. We only accept applications through our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is managed by Antaros Tracer. Recruiters are kindly requested to refrain from contacting us.
Why Join Antaros Tracer?
Antaros Tracer was established to accelerate the focused development of innovative PET tracers. Our efforts contribute significantly to advancing drug development studies. If you're looking for a role where your work directly influences groundbreaking research, join us in making a tangible impact on global health. Visa mindre

Lab Engineer to Antaros Tracer!

Ansök    Jun 12    Antaros Medical AB    Molekylärbiolog
Are you passionate about the intersection of laboratory science and medical research? Are you a hands-on problem-solver who thrives in a dynamic lab environment? Do you enjoy working with cutting-edge technology and contributing to groundbreaking discoveries? If so, we want to hear from you! We're seeking a talented Lab Engineer to join our team and play a vital role in our ongoing research efforts. Antaros Tracer, a sister company to Antaros Medical forme... Visa mer
Are you passionate about the intersection of laboratory science and medical research? Are you a hands-on problem-solver who thrives in a dynamic lab environment? Do you enjoy working with cutting-edge technology and contributing to groundbreaking discoveries? If so, we want to hear from you! We're seeking a talented Lab Engineer to join our team and play a vital role in our ongoing research efforts.
Antaros Tracer, a sister company to Antaros Medical formed in 2021, is expanding its team with an exciting opportunity for a dedicated Lab Engineer. We are at the forefront of developing new Positron Emission Tomography (PET) tracers critical as biomarkers in drug development, with a focus on fibrotic diseases and immune-system activation in immuno-oncology, inflammatory disease, and immunology.
As part of our growth journey, we are looking for a Lab Engineer. The position will be based at our office in Uppsala and in the premises of Uppsala University.
You will be responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of our laboratory, overseeing cell maintenance and experimental protocols. Your role includes managing and conducting various experiments, maintaining research integrity, and troubleshooting any issues that arise. You will play a key role in upholding the standards and efficiency of our laboratory work.
Your main responsibilities will be:
Perform extensive laboratory work, primarily focused on in vivo studies.
Execute in vitro and in vivo experiments according to protocols.
Handle injections, maintain cells and executing binding experiments.
Anticipate and resolve issues that may arise
Conduct Standardised methods on a production line basis following strict protocols.

Who are we looking for?
We believe you have solid background from education and work experience, working in a lab environment. You have a proven record of working with scientific principles and protocols.
As a person you are precise and structured with a keen desire to learn. You thrive in a lab environment and can work both independently and thrive in a team environment.
Education and experience:
Experience on in vivo experiments.
Degree in Biomedical Sciences, Veterinary medicine, Biology, or a related field.
FELASA A certification
Competent with Microsoft Office and general computer usage.
Proficiency in English and/or Swedish.

Biomedical Laboratory Scientist (BMA) certification is a plus.
Knowledge of radioprotection
Experience on cell maintenance and working in a sterile environment.

Submit your application via this link with a short personal letter (in English) and your CV by August 4th, 2024. We are conducting interviews continuously and may finalize recruitment before the application deadline, so do not wait with your application!
Please note that selected candidates will be required to provide degree certificates as part of the verification process during the later stages of the recruitment process.
For more information about the position, please contact Olof Eriksson, CSO, at +46707 90 30 54 or [email protected].
This recruitment is for a permanent position, with a full time (100%) scope. Desired start date: Q3 2024. We only accept applications through our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is managed by Antaros Tracer. Recruiters are kindly requested to refrain from contacting us.
Why Join Antaros Tracer?
Antaros Tracer was established to accelerate the focused development of innovative PET tracers. Our efforts contribute significantly to advancing drug development studies. If you're looking for a role where your work directly influences groundbreaking research, join us in making a tangible impact on global health. Visa mindre

Systemadministratör IT till Antaros Medical

Tycker du det är spännande med digitalisering och att utveckla, supporta, säkra och effektivisera IT-system, samt att vara med och leda olika IT-relaterade projekt? Skulle du vilja arbeta i ett växande företag som ägnar sig åt att göra verklig skillnad i läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling? En plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld milj... Visa mer
Tycker du det är spännande med digitalisering och att utveckla, supporta, säkra och effektivisera IT-system, samt att vara med och leda olika IT-relaterade projekt?

Skulle du vilja arbeta i ett växande företag som ägnar sig åt att göra verklig skillnad i läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling? En plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa.

På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandlingsmetoder, såsom Magnetisk Resonanstomografi (MRI) och Positron Emission Tomography (PET), för att designa och leverera kliniska studier för beslutsfattande och differentiering i läkemedelsutveckling.

Vi värdesätter såväl kompetens och utveckling som idéer och lösningar. Relationer och förtroende är nycklarna till framgång, och det är lika viktigt för oss att ha roligt samtidigt som vi gör ett meningsfullt jobb. Vi har idag cirka 130 anställda på våra kontor i Sverige i Göteborg, Uppsala och Malmö, samt ett nyetablerat dotterbolag i USA, och vi växer och utvecklas kontinuerligt.

Som en del av vår tillväxtresa söker vi en Systemadministratör IT.

Tjänsten kommer att vara placerad på vårt kontor i Uppsala, Göteborg eller Malmö.

Som Systemadministratör IT kommer du spela en central roll i att säkerställa att våra IT-system möter företagets behov och säkerhetskrav, inklusive Microsoft365/Entra ID, SaaS-lösningar och Molnapplikationer. Du kommer att ansvara för att ta fram lösningar för att effektivisera, utveckla och säkerhetsoptimera IT-system. Operativt ansvara för alla delar i IT-systemens livscykel som implementation, drift, avveckling samt ingå i IT-relaterade projekt som stödjer företagets digitalisering och expansion.

Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden kommer vara:

- Initiera, utveckla och implementera system- och processförbättringar samt ansvara för/delta i projekt som rör IT-system och IT-säkerhet.

- Säkerhetsoptimering av IT-system och infrastruktur

- Livscykelhantering av system

- IT- och systemsupport

Vem letar vi efter?

Vi tror att du har tekniska färdigheter från utbildning och/eller från arbetslivserfarenhet inklusive systemdrift, administration och utveckling. Du kan arbeta både självständigt och interagera med andra i en stödjande IT-funktion.

Som person är du serviceinriktad och har en analytisk förmåga att närma dig och lösa IT-relaterade problem, genom att vara proaktiv, drivande och ta eget ansvar. Du har vidare en tydlig känsla för detaljer och trivs med att arbeta med fokus och struktur.

Utbildning och erfarenhet:

- Minst 3 års arbetslivserfarenhet inom systemadministration och/eller systemutveckling.

- Kunskaper i Microsoft365/Entra ID, InTune, Defender och Powershell

- God kännedom om arbete med IT och Informationssäkerhet

- Gedigna kunskaper om PC/Windows-miljö

- Flytande engelska i tal och skrift

Det är meriterande om du har eftergymnasial utbildning inom IT, till exempel inom systemvetenskap, eller har motsvarande utbildning från ett närliggande område.


Erfarenhet av säkerhetsoptimering och applikationsdistribution i Microsoft 365/Entra ID.

Arbetslivserfarenhet från läkemedelsbranschen, med kunskap om ISO27001 och GAMP.

Det är vidare meriterande om du har erfarenhet av nätverksutrustning (Fortinet, HP), publika moln, systemkravshantering, systemvalidering, loggranskning och testning.

Är du intresserad?

Skicka in din ansökan via denna länk med ett kort personligt brev (på engelska) och ditt CV, senast den 20:e Januari, 2024. Vi håller i intervjuer löpande, så vänta inte med din ansökan!

För mer information om tjänsten, vänligen kontakta Johannes Carlsson, VP IT, +46 73 917 86 50, eller [email protected] (https://app.teamtailor.com/companies/wQQWuM-jFpM/jobs/2064136/edit/[email protected]).

Rekryteringen avser en tillsvidareanställning.

Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem, Teamtailor. Rekryteringen sköts av Antaros Medical. Kontakt från rekryterare undanbedes.

Om Antaros Medical

På Antaros Medical kombinerar vi banbrytande bildbehandling med djup erfarenhet av läkemedelsutveckling och djup kunskap om sjukdomsmekanismer. Vi är specialiserade på kardiorenala och metabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partner och kunder, inklusive både Big Pharma och Biotechs, och flera europeiska samarbetsinitiativ som Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) och COST.

Antaros Medical har levererat små komplexa, mekanistiska studier såväl som multicenterstudier i kliniska prövningar över hela världen med hjälp av våra innovativa avbildningsmetoder. Vårt globala huvudkontor och Imaging Corelab är baserat i Sverige, och vi har nyligen öppnat ett dotterbolag i USA. Om du vill veta mer om vårt företag, gå till vår hemsida: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/). Kulturen är våra människor och våra värdeord utgör allting som vi gör. Ta gärna en titt på vår kulturhandbok för att lära känna oss ännu mer: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

Project Coordinator to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Dec 19    Antaros Medical AB    Sekreterare
Are you passionate about advanced medical research and would like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through groundbreaking imaging? We´re seeking a dedicated Project Coordinator to join our dynamic team! At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision-making and... Visa mer
Are you passionate about advanced medical research and would like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through groundbreaking imaging? We´re seeking a dedicated Project Coordinator to join our dynamic team!

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision-making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 130 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala, and Malmö, as well as a subsidiary in the US.

In this role, you will be situated in one of our offices in Sweden; Uppsala, Mölndal, or Malmö.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Provide general administrative support and assistance to the internal project team, primarily the Project Manager.

- Manage day-to-day activities in assigned projects.

- Attend project team meetings, and prepare and generate meeting minutes.

- Facilitate and communicate with stakeholders.

- Contribute to the development of project management documents including project budgets, schedules, and plans.

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you demonstrate collaboration skills and have a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. As a person, you are a team player and enjoy interacting with various people in the organisation. You are eager to learn, well-organised, and a proactive problem solver. You enjoy working in a fast-paced organisation and have strong communication skills, where you contribute with energy, competence, and ideas.


- Experience from project coordination and/or having worked in similar role(s).

- Level of education that supports skills and capabilities of the position and ensures successful conduct of responsibilities.

- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than January 14, 2024. We interview candidates continuously during the application period and might hire before the last day of applying, so don't wait with your application!

Please attach degree certificates from higher level education(s) together with your application.

For more information about the position, please contact Peter Alatalo, Manager Clinical Operations, tel: +46 76 118 88 80 or [email protected]

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical. We kindly decline any contact from recruitment or staffing firms.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We specialise in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multicentre clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Our culture is our people, and our values make us everything that we are. Please feel free to have a look in our Culture Handbook and get to know us better: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/) Visa mindre

IT System Administrator to Antaros Medical

Do you find digitalization exciting, and enjoy developing, supporting, securing, and optimizing IT systems, as well as participating in leading various IT-related projects? Would you like to work for a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through groundbreaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this describes you, you should continue readin... Visa mer
Do you find digitalization exciting, and enjoy developing, supporting, securing, and optimizing IT systems, as well as participating in leading various IT-related projects? Would you like to work for a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through groundbreaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this describes you, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methods such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) to design and deliver clinical trials for decision-making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as much as ideas and solutions. Relationships and trust are key to success, and having fun while doing meaningful work is just as important to us. We currently have about 130 employees at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala, and Malmö, as well as a subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As part of our growth journey, we are looking for an IT System Administrator.
The position can be based at our office in Uppsala, Gothenburg, or Malmö.

As an IT System Administrator, you will play a central role in ensuring that our IT systems meet the company's needs and security requirements, including Microsoft365/Entra ID, SaaS solutions, and Cloud applications. You will be responsible for developing solutions to streamline, develop, and optimize IT system security. Operationally responsible for all parts of the IT systems' lifecycle such as implementation, operation, decommissioning, and participation in IT-related projects that support the company's digitalization and expansion.

Your main responsibilities will be:

Initiating, developing, and implementing system and process improvements, and being responsible for/participating in projects related to IT systems and IT security.
Security optimization of IT systems and infrastructure.

Lifecycle management of systems.

IT and system support.

Who are we looking for?

We believe you have technical skills from education and/or work experience including system operations, administration, and development. You can work independently and interact with others in a supportive IT role.

As a person, you are service-oriented and have an analytical ability to approach and solve IT-related problems by being proactive, driven, and taking personal responsibility. You also have a keen eye for detail and enjoy working with focus and structure.

Education and experience:

- At least 3 years of work experience in system administration and/or system development.

- Skills in Microsoft365/Entra ID, InTune, Defender, and Powershell.

- Solid knowledge of working with IT and Information Security.

- Thorough knowledge of PC/Windows environment.

- Fluent in English, both spoken and written.

It is an advantage if you have post-secondary education in IT, such as in systems science, or equivalent education from a related field.


- Experience in security optimization and application distribution in Microsoft 365/Entra ID.

- Work experience in the pharmaceutical industry, with knowledge of ISO27001 and GAMP.

- It is also advantageous if you have experience with network equipment (Fortinet, HP), public clouds, system requirements management, system validation, log review, and testing.


Submit your application via this link with a short personal letter (in English) and your CV by January 20, 2024. We are conducting interviews continuously, so do not wait with your application!

For more information about the position, please contact Johannes Carlsson, VP IT, at +46 73 917 86 50, or [email protected].

This recruitment is for a permanent position.
We only accept applications through our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is managed by Antaros Medical. Recruiters are kindly requested to refrain from contacting us.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/)

Our culture is our people, and our values makes us everything that we are. Please feel free to have a look upon our Culture Handbook to get to know us even more: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

Bildanalytiker till Antaros Medical

Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du arbeta på ett växande företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling, på en plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa. På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandlingsmetoder, såsom Magne... Visa mer
Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du arbeta på ett växande företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling, på en plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa.

På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandlingsmetoder, såsom Magnetisk Resonanstomografi (MRI) och Positron Emission Tomography (PET), för att designa och leverera kliniska studier för beslutsfattande och differentiering i läkemedelsutveckling.

Vi värdesätter såväl kompetens och utveckling som idéer och lösningar. Relationer och förtroende är nycklarna till framgång, och det är lika viktigt för oss att ha roligt samtidigt som vi gör ett meningsfullt jobb. Vi har idag cirka 130 anställda på våra kontor i Mölndal,, Uppsala och Malmö, och vi växer och utvecklas kontinuerligt.

Vi söker nu en analytisk och detaljfokuserad Bildanalytiker (Image Analyst) som vill vara med och bidra på vår resa. Tjänsten är placerad på vårt kontor i Uppsala.

Som Bildanalytiker arbetar du med kvalitetskontroll och segmentering av medicinska bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar i en teknisk och forskningsintensiv miljö. Du kommer att arbeta i ett team som tillsammans analyserar och levererar data för den kliniska studien genom att segmentera organ och strukturer i de medicinska bilderna. Du kommer också att ha kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker. Du behöver ingen tidigare erfarenhet av bildanalys och segmentering, utan kommer att bli tilldelad en mentor och genomgå ett omfattande träningsprogram som en del av din on-boarding.

Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:

- Kvalitetskontroll av bilder och dokument från MR- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska studier

- Segmentering av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar och dokumentation av detta

- Kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker angående bildkvalitet

Din profil:

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, och ser att du är en strukturerad, noggrann och kvalitetsmedveten person. Vidare tror vi att du är positiv och kommunikativ, som trivs i samarbete med andra och att arbeta mot en deadline. Rollen passar dig som har ett intresse för medicin, teknik och bilder, och som trivs med arbetsuppgifter som kräver koncentration och noggrannhet.

Utbildning och erfarenhet:

- Gymnasieutbildning, inom naturvetenskap eller teknik. Vi ser det som en fördel om du har en relevant universitets- eller högskoleutbildning, tex som biomedicinsk analytiker, men det är inget krav.

- God datorvana

- Goda språkkunskaper i engelska

Är du intresserad?

Skicka in din ansökan via denna länk med ett kort personligt brev (gärna på engelska) och ditt CV, senast den 24 december, 2023. Intervjuer sker löpande.

För mer information om tjänsten, vänligen kontakta Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, på 073-233 00 03 alt. [email protected].

Rekryteringen avser tillsvidareanställning på heltid.

Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem, Teamtailor. Rekryteringen sköts av Antaros Medical. Kontakt från rekryterare undanbedes.

Om Antaros Medical

På Antaros Medical kombinerar vi banbrytande bildbehandling med djup erfarenhet av läkemedelsutveckling och djup kunskap om sjukdomsmekanismer. Vi är specialiserade på kardiorenala och metabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partner och kunder, inklusive både Big Pharma och Biotechs, och flera europeiska samarbetsinitiativ som Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) och COST.

Antaros Medical har levererat små komplexa, mekanistiska studier såväl som multicenterstudier i kliniska prövningar över hela världen med hjälp av våra innovativa avbildningsmetoder. Vårt globala huvudkontor och Imaging Corelab är baserat i Sverige, och vi har nyligen öppnat ett dotterbolag i USA. Om du vill veta mer om vårt företag, gå till vår hemsida: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/). Kulturen är våra människor och våra värdeord utgör allting som vi gör. Ta gärna en titt på vår kulturhandbok för att lära känna oss ännu mer: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

Clinical Trial Coordinator to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Okt 16    Antaros Medical AB    Biomedicinare
Are you interested in project coordination in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (M... Visa mer
Are you interested in project coordination in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 130 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US.

To deliver on our commitments, we are looking for our next Clinical Trial Coordinator, with experience in clinical drug development and project coordination. As a Clinical Trial Coordinator, you will be responsible for coordination in-, and administration of our clinical trials. We will welcome you to either of our offices in Mölndal or Uppsala in Sweden.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Provide general administrative support and assistance to the internal project team, primarily the Project Manager.

- Support the internal project team with ongoing conduct of studies including coordination of administrative tasks during the study process

- Contribute to applications & submissions by handling clinical-regulatory documents

- Assist in contact with clinical sites for specific requests (e.g., enrollment updates, missing documentation, meeting arrangements)

- Attend project team meetings and generate meeting minutes

- Set up, organize, and maintain clinical study documentation in the trial master file

- Quality control of and archival of the TMF after final study

- Collaboration with third-party archive vendor

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have proven administrative skills to handle and structure multiple tasks and projects, in order to meet deadlines in a dynamic environment.

As a person, you are a team player and enjoy interacting with various people in the organization, where you contribute with energy, competence, and ideas.


- Experience from working with clinical trials and according to ICH-GCP

- Level of education that supports skills and capabilities of the position and ensures successful conduct of responsibilities

- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than November 19, 2023. We interview candidates continuously during the application period and might hire before the last day of applying, so don't wait to apply!

Please attach degree certificates from higher level education(s) together with your application.

For more information about the position, please contact Peter Alatalo, Junior Manager, Clinical Operations, tel: +46 76 118 88 80 or [email protected]

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical. We kindly decline any contact from recruitment- or staffing firms.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Our culture is our people, and our values make us everything that we are. Please feel free to have a look upon our Culture Handbook to get to know us even more: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/) Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (P... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 130 employees working at our offices in Mölndal, Uppsala and Malmö, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for an analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our team in Uppsala.

As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for quality control and segmentation of medical images from MR and PET investigations in a technical and research-intensive environment. You will work in a team that together analyse and deliver data for clinical trials using tools to segment organs and structures in the medical images. Your responsibility also includes communication with national and international imaging centres. You do not need any previous experience from image analysis and segmentation and will, as part of your on-boarding, receive a mentor and undergo an extensive training programme.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Quality control of the images and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials

- Segmentation of images from the MR and PET investigations including documentation of this

- Communication with national and international imaging centres on image quality

Who are we looking for?

We emphasize personal suitability and believe that you are a structured and organized person with attention to details, who likes to work in an environment with high demands on quality. We further believe that you are a positive and communicative person who collaborates well with others and enjoys working against a deadline.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- High school grade, preferably in natural science. Relevant higher education or university degrees, for example as a biomedical analyst, are beneficial, but it is not a requirement.

- Computer proficiency

- Good knowledge of spoken and written English

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short cover letter and your CV included, no later than December 24th 2023. Interviews are continuously held during the advertisement period.

Please attach degree certificates from higher level education(s) together with your application (if applicable).

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

The recruitment refers to permanent full-time employment.

We only handle applications via our recruitment system TeamTailor. The recruitment if managed by Antaros Medical. We kindly decline any contact from recruitment- or staffing firms.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotech, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/).

Our culture is our people, and our values makes us everything that we are. Please feel free to have a look upon our Culture Handbook to get to know us even more: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

Systemadministratör till Antaros Medical

Tycker du det är spännande att arbeta med IT-system och systemadministration, utveckling, samt att vara med och leda olika IT-relaterade projekt? Skulle du vilja arbeta som Systemadministratör i ett växande företag som ägnar sig åt att göra verklig skillnad i läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling? En plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld ... Visa mer
Tycker du det är spännande att arbeta med IT-system och systemadministration, utveckling, samt att vara med och leda olika IT-relaterade projekt? Skulle du vilja arbeta som Systemadministratör i ett växande företag som ägnar sig åt att göra verklig skillnad i läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling? En plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa.

På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandlingsmetoder, såsom Magnetisk Resonanstomografi (MRI) och Positron Emission Tomography (PET), för att designa och leverera kliniska studier för beslutsfattande och differentiering i läkemedelsutveckling.

Vi värdesätter såväl kompetens och utveckling som idéer och lösningar. Relationer och förtroende är nycklarna till framgång, och det är lika viktigt för oss att ha roligt samtidigt som vi gör ett meningsfullt jobb. Vi har idag cirka 130 anställda på våra kontor i Sverige i Göteborg, Uppsala och Malmö, samt ett nyetablerat dotterbolag i USA, och vi växer och utvecklas kontinuerligt.

Som en del av vår tillväxtresa söker vi en Systemadministratör.
Tjänsten kommer att vara placerad på vårt kontor i Uppsala eller Göteborg.

Som systemadministratör kommer du att hantera interna system inklusive Office 365, Azure Active Directory, SaaS-lösningar och Cloudapplikationer. Du kommer att ansvara för livscykelhantering och utveckling av system och ingå i IT-relaterade projekt som stödjer företagets digitalisering och expansion.

Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden kommer vara:

- Livscykelhantering av system

- Initiera, utveckla och implementera system- och processförbättringar samt driva och delta i projekt som rör IT-system och IT-säkerhet.

- Systemuppsättning, patchhantering, säkerhetshantering

- IT- och systemsupport

Ytterligare ansvarsområden kan inkludera:

- IT-och systemutbildning av intern personal

Vem letar vi efter?

Vi tror att du har har tekniska färdigheter från utbildning och/eller från arbetslivserfarenhet inklusive systemdrift, administration och utveckling. Du kan arbeta både självständigt och interagera med andra i en stödjande IT-funktion.

Som person är du serviceinriktad och har en analytisk förmåga att närma dig och lösa IT-relaterade problem, genom att vara proaktiv och ta eget ansvar. Du har vidare en tydlig känsla för detaljer och trivs med att arbeta med fokus och struktur.

Utbildning och erfarenhet:

- Minst 2 års arbetslivserfarenhet inom systemadministration, systemutveckling och/eller IT help desk.

- Kunskaper i Azure AD/Office365 och Powershell

- Gedigna kunskaper om PC/Windows-miljö

- Flytande engelska i tal och skrift

- God kännedom om arbete med IT och Informationssäkerhet.

Det är meriterande om du har eftergymnasial utbildning inom IT, till exempel inom systemvetenskap, eller har motsvarande utbildning från ett närliggande område.


Arbetslivserfarenhet av systemadministration, systemutveckling och/eller IT helpdesk.

Det är vidare meriterande om du har erfarenhet av nätverksutrustning (Fortinet, HP), databashantering, publika moln, systemkravshantering, systemvalidering, loggranskning och testning och/eller mjukvaruutveckling inom MS DevOps.

Dessutom ser vi det som meriterande om du har arbetslivserfarenhet från läkemedelsbranschen, med kunskap om ISO27001, GAMP, och ITIL.

Är du intresserad?

Skicka in din ansökan via denna länk med ett kort personligt brev (på engelska) och ditt CV, senast den 15:e Oktober, 2023. Vi håller i intervjuer löpande.

För mer information om tjänsten, vänligen kontakta Johannes Carlsson, VP IT, +46 73 917 86 50, eller [email protected] (https://app.teamtailor.com/companies/wQQWuM-jFpM/jobs/2064136/edit/[email protected]).

Rekryteringen avser en tillsvidareanställning.

Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem, Teamtailor. Rekryteringen sköts av Antaros Medical. Kontakt från rekryterare undanbedes.

Om Antaros Medical

På Antaros Medical kombinerar vi banbrytande bildbehandling med djup erfarenhet av läkemedelsutveckling och djup kunskap om sjukdomsmekanismer. Vi är specialiserade på kardiorenala och metabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partner och kunder, inklusive både Big Pharma och Biotechs, och flera europeiska samarbetsinitiativ som Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) och COST.

Antaros Medical har levererat små komplexa, mekanistiska studier såväl som multicenterstudier i kliniska prövningar över hela världen med hjälp av våra innovativa avbildningsmetoder. Vårt globala huvudkontor och Imaging Corelab är baserat i Sverige, och vi har nyligen öppnat ett dotterbolag i USA. Om du vill veta mer om vårt företag, gå till vår hemsida: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/). Kulturen är våra människor och våra värdeord utgör allting som vi gör. Ta gärna en titt på vår kulturhandbok för att lära känna oss ännu mer: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

Systemadministratör till Antaros Medical

Tycker du det är spännande att arbeta med IT-system och systemadministration, utveckling, samt att vara med och leda olika IT-relaterade projekt? Skulle du vilja arbeta som Systemadministratör i ett växande företag som ägnar sig åt att göra verklig skillnad i läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling? En plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld ... Visa mer
Tycker du det är spännande att arbeta med IT-system och systemadministration, utveckling, samt att vara med och leda olika IT-relaterade projekt? Skulle du vilja arbeta som Systemadministratör i ett växande företag som ägnar sig åt att göra verklig skillnad i läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling? En plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa.

På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandlingsmetoder, såsom Magnetisk Resonanstomografi (MRI) och Positron Emission Tomography (PET), för att designa och leverera kliniska studier för beslutsfattande och differentiering i läkemedelsutveckling.

Vi värdesätter såväl kompetens och utveckling som idéer och lösningar. Relationer och förtroende är nycklarna till framgång, och det är lika viktigt för oss att ha roligt samtidigt som vi gör ett meningsfullt jobb. Vi har idag cirka 130 anställda på våra kontor i Sverige i Göteborg, Uppsala och Malmö, samt ett nyetablerat dotterbolag i USA, och vi växer och utvecklas kontinuerligt.

Som en del av vår tillväxtresa söker vi en Systemadministratör.
Tjänsten kommer att vara placerad på vårt kontor i Uppsala eller Göteborg.

Som systemadministratör kommer du att hantera interna system inklusive Office 365, Azure Active Directory, SaaS-lösningar och Cloudapplikationer. Du kommer att ansvara för livscykelhantering och utveckling av system och ingå i IT-relaterade projekt som stödjer företagets digitalisering och expansion.

Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden kommer vara:

- Livscykelhantering av system

- Initiera, utveckla och implementera system- och processförbättringar samt driva och delta i projekt som rör IT-system och IT-säkerhet.

- Systemuppsättning, patchhantering, säkerhetshantering

- IT- och systemsupport

Ytterligare ansvarsområden kan inkludera:

- IT-och systemutbildning av intern personal

Vem letar vi efter?

Vi tror att du har har tekniska färdigheter från utbildning och/eller från arbetslivserfarenhet inklusive systemdrift, administration och utveckling. Du kan arbeta både självständigt och interagera med andra i en stödjande IT-funktion.

Som person är du serviceinriktad och har en analytisk förmåga att närma dig och lösa IT-relaterade problem, genom att vara proaktiv och ta eget ansvar. Du har vidare en tydlig känsla för detaljer och trivs med att arbeta med fokus och struktur.

Utbildning och erfarenhet:

- Minst 2 års arbetslivserfarenhet inom systemadministration, systemutveckling och/eller IT help desk.

- Kunskaper i Azure AD/Office365 och Powershell

- Gedigna kunskaper om PC/Windows-miljö

- Flytande engelska i tal och skrift

- God kännedom om arbete med IT och Informationssäkerhet.

Det är meriterande om du har eftergymnasial utbildning inom IT, till exempel inom systemvetenskap, eller har motsvarande utbildning från ett närliggande område.


Arbetslivserfarenhet av systemadministration, systemutveckling och/eller IT helpdesk.

Det är vidare meriterande om du har erfarenhet av nätverksutrustning (Fortinet, HP), databashantering, publika moln, systemkravshantering, systemvalidering, loggranskning och testning och/eller mjukvaruutveckling inom MS DevOps.

Dessutom ser vi det som meriterande om du har arbetslivserfarenhet från läkemedelsbranschen, med kunskap om ISO27001, GAMP, och ITIL.

Är du intresserad?

Skicka in din ansökan via denna länk med ett kort personligt brev (på engelska) och ditt CV, senast den 20:e Oktober, 2023. Vi håller i intervjuer löpande, så vänta inte med din ansökan!

För mer information om tjänsten, vänligen kontakta Johannes Carlsson, VP IT, +46 73 917 86 50, eller [email protected] (https://app.teamtailor.com/companies/wQQWuM-jFpM/jobs/2064136/edit/[email protected]).

Rekryteringen avser en tillsvidareanställning.

Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem, Teamtailor. Rekryteringen sköts av Antaros Medical. Kontakt från rekryterare undanbedes.

Om Antaros Medical

På Antaros Medical kombinerar vi banbrytande bildbehandling med djup erfarenhet av läkemedelsutveckling och djup kunskap om sjukdomsmekanismer. Vi är specialiserade på kardiorenala och metabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partner och kunder, inklusive både Big Pharma och Biotechs, och flera europeiska samarbetsinitiativ som Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) och COST.

Antaros Medical har levererat små komplexa, mekanistiska studier såväl som multicenterstudier i kliniska prövningar över hela världen med hjälp av våra innovativa avbildningsmetoder. Vårt globala huvudkontor och Imaging Corelab är baserat i Sverige, och vi har nyligen öppnat ett dotterbolag i USA. Om du vill veta mer om vårt företag, gå till vår hemsida: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/). Kulturen är våra människor och våra värdeord utgör allting som vi gör. Ta gärna en titt på vår kulturhandbok för att lära känna oss ännu mer: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

Systemadministrator to Antaros Medical

Do you find it exciting to work with IT-systems and system administration, as well as being involved and lead various IT-related projects? Would you like to work as a System Administrator in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment t... Visa mer
Do you find it exciting to work with IT-systems and system administration, as well as being involved and lead various IT-related projects? Would you like to work as a System Administrator in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We currently have around 130 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for a System Administrator for system management. The position will ideally be positioned at our office in Uppsala or Gothenburg.

As a System Administrator, you will handle internal systems including Office 365, Azure Active Directory, hosted systems and cloud applications. You will be responsible for our system life cycle management process and be part of IT-related projects supporting the company's digitization and expansion.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- System life cycle management

- Initiate and implement system and process improvements as well as run and participate in IT system and IT security-related projects

- System implementation, patch management, security management

- IT and system related support

Additional responsibilities could include:

- IT system-training of internal staff

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have gained initial technical skills from education and/or from work experience including system management, administration, and development. You can work both independently as well as interact with others in a supportive IT-function.

As a person, you are service-minded and have an analytical ability to approach and solve IT-related problems of a different character, by being proactive and taking own responsibility. You have further a clear sense of details and enjoy working with focus and structure.


- At least 2 years work experience of system administration, system development, and/or IT help desk

- Proficiency in Azure AD/Office365 and Powershell

- Solid knowledge of PC/Windows environment

- Proficiency in IT and Information Security practices

It is perceived as beneficial if you have post-secondary education of IT, for instance, in applied systems science, or hold an equivalent education from a related field.


It is perceived as beneficial if you have post-secondary education of IT, for instance, in applied systems science, or hold an equivalent education from a related field.

It is further meritorious if you have experience in network equipment (Fortinet, HP), database management, public clouds, system requirements management, validation and testing.

In addition, we perceive it as an advantage if you have work experience from the medical industry, with knowledge of ISO27001, GAMP, and ITIL.

Are you interested?

We are happy to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter (in English) and your CV included, no later than October 20th, 2023. Interviews are held continuously during the advertisement period, so don't wait!

For more information about the position, please contact Johannes Carlsson, VP IT, +46 73 917 86 50.

The recruitment is for permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

System Administrator to Antaros Medical

Do you find it exciting to work with IT-systems and system administration, as well as being involved and lead various IT-related projects? Would you like to work as a System Administrator in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment t... Visa mer
Do you find it exciting to work with IT-systems and system administration, as well as being involved and lead various IT-related projects? Would you like to work as a System Administrator in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We currently have around 130 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for a System Administrator for system management. The position will ideally be positioned at our office in Uppsala or Gothenburg.

As a System Administrator, you will handle internal systems including Office 365, Azure Active Directory, hosted systems and cloud applications. You will be responsible for our system life cycle management process and be part of IT-related projects supporting the company's digitization and expansion.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- System life cycle management

- Initiate and implement system and process improvements as well as run and participate in IT system and IT security-related projects

- System implementation, patch management, security management

- IT and system related support

Additional responsibilities could include:

- IT system-training of internal staff

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have gained initial technical skills from education and/or from work experience including system management, administration, and development. You can work both independently as well as interact with others in a supportive IT-function.

As a person, you are service-minded and have an analytical ability to approach and solve IT-related problems of a different character, by being proactive and taking own responsibility. You have further a clear sense of details and enjoy working with focus and structure.


- At least 2 years work experience of system administration, system development, and/or IT help desk

- Proficiency in Azure AD/Office365 and Powershell

- Solid knowledge of PC/Windows environment

- Proficiency in IT and Information Security practices

It is perceived as beneficial if you have post-secondary education of IT, for instance, in applied systems science, or hold an equivalent education from a related field.


It is perceived as beneficial if you have post-secondary education of IT, for instance, in applied systems science, or hold an equivalent education from a related field.

It is further meritorious if you have experience in network equipment (Fortinet, HP), database management, public clouds, system requirements management, validation and testing.

In addition, we perceive it as an advantage if you have work experience from the medical industry, with knowledge of ISO27001, GAMP, and ITIL.

Are you interested?

We are happy to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter (in English) and your CV included, no later than October 15th, 2023. Interviews are held continuously during the advertisement period.

For more information about the position, please contact Johannes Carlsson, VP IT, +46 73 917 86 50.

The recruitment is for permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Software Developer to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jul 4    Antaros Medical AB    Mjukvaruutvecklare
Are you looking for a new challenge in software development, where you will get a chance to develop tools for handling medical imaging data from clinical trials? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future? We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us... Visa mer
Are you looking for a new challenge in software development, where you will get a chance to develop tools for handling medical imaging data from clinical trials? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future?

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 130 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we now look forward welcoming our new Software Developer to the Uppsala or the Mölndal (Gothenburg) office. As a Software Developer, you will join a team of software developers and specialists in image processing and image analysis. The team is responsible for designing and developing tools for management of data from analysis of medical MR and PET images acquired in clinical trials and for tools used in processing and analysis of those images. You will also be a member of cross-functional project teams in clinical trials, coordinating software development solutions in the project.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Development, maintenance and documentation of validated software for medical image management, processing, and analysis.

- Collaborate with cross-functional clinical trial teams to understand software needs and design and implement high quality solutions to problems.

- Continuous improvement of team processes and tools.

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have been working with professional software development, preferably with clinical trials, for at least 4 years. You are keen on working both independently as well as in teams, communicate well verbally and in writing and thrives in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. You can design and develop advanced yet simple solutions to complex problems in collaboration with other team members that fulfils industry standard quality requirements.


- 4+ years’ experience of professional software development

- B.Sc. degree in relevant field (preferably M.Sc. but not required)

- Python

- Experience in medical image processing

In addition, we perceive professional knowledge of C++, C#, DICOM, and image processing and analysis to be of advantage in the work role. Experience of GxP or medical device development is also beneficial.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than 20th August, 2023.

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69.

The recruitment is for permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology.

We combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and a deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/)

Our culture is our people, and our values make us everything that we are. Please feel free to have a look upon our Culture Handbook to get to know us even more: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/) Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jul 21    Antaros Medical AB    Biomedicinare
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (P... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 130 employees working at our offices in Mölndal, Uppsala and Malmö, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our Corelab-Team in Uppsala.

As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for quality control and segmentation of medical images from MR and PET investigations in a technical and research-intensive environment. You will work in a team that together analyze and deliver data for the clinical study. Your responsibility also includes communication with national and international imaging centres. As part of your on-boarding you will receive a mentor and undergo an extensive training programme.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Quality control of the images and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials

- Segmentation of images from the MR and PET investigations including documentation of this

- Communication with national and international imaging centres on image quality

Who are we looking for?

We emphasize personal suitability and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to details, who thrives in an environment where high demands are placed on quality. We further believe that you are a positive and communicative person who enjoys collaborating with others, as well as working individually.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, and medicine, and enjoy tasks that require concentration and attention to detail.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- High school grade, preferably in natural science. Relevant higher education or university degrees are beneficial, however it is not a requirement

- Computer proficiency

- Good knowledge of spoken and written English

Programming knowledge is meritorious, but not a requirement.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short cover letter and your CV included, no later than August 27th 2023. Interviews are continuously during the advertisement period.

Please attach degree certificates from higher level education(s) together with your application (if applicable).

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

The recruitment refers to permanent full-time employment.

We only handle applications via our recruitment system TeamTailor. The recruitment if managed by Antaros Medical. We kindly decline any contact from recruitment- or staffing firms.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotech, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/).

Our culture is our people, and our values makes us everything that we are. Please feel free to have a look upon our Culture Handbook to get to know us even more: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

Clinical Project Manager to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jun 9    Antaros Medical AB    Biomedicinare
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imagin... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 130 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next Clinical Project Manager with experience in clinical drug development. You will ideally join our office in Mölndal, Uppsala or Malmö in Sweden, and partly be able to work from home.

As a Clinical Project Manager at Antaros Medical, you will be overall responsible and accountable for project management of the imaging part in clinical trials, from initiation to end of assigned projects. Your responsibility includes to ensure the projects are delivered accordingly with timelines, to the agreed budget, with high quality, and per internal and client’s SOPs, ICH/GCP and other regulation.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Manage multiple projects ranging in size and complexity, from single to multicenter studies

- Act as a primary contact to the client to ensure smooth operations and communication

- Manage the internal trial team to ensure the right input at the right time from different skills within the company

- Present project information at internal and external meetings

- Risk management responsibility and lessons learned for assigned projects

- Manage the project financials in collaboration with the Finance Department and financial follow-up for assigned projects

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have the flexibility and the ability to handle multiple tasks and projects to meet deadlines while delivering high-quality work in a dynamic environment.

As a person, we further believe that you are outgoing and enthusiastic, a natural communicator, and can adapt your approach depending on the situation. You work as a team player and apply communicative and interactive skills on different levels within the organization and with external parties and customers.


- University degree within the Life Science field

- At least 3 years’ experience from working with clinical trials from start to end of projects, including experience within project management of clinical trials

- Strong understanding of ICH-GCP and other relevant regulations and guidelines in relation to clinical trials

- Understanding of the full drug development process

- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than February 12th, 2023.

Please attach degree certificates from higher level education(s) together with your application.

For more information about the position, please contact Marie Saether, Manager Clinical Operations at +46 111 06 53, or [email protected]

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical. We kindly decline any contact from recruitment- or staffing firms.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Our culture is our people, and our values make us everything that we are. Please feel free to have a look upon our Culture Handbook to get to know us even more: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/) Visa mindre

Clinical Trial Coordinator to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in project coordination in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (M... Visa mer
Are you interested in project coordination in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US.

To deliver on our commitments, we are looking for our next Clinical Trial Coordinator, with experience in clinical drug development and project coordination. As a Clinical Trial Coordinator, you will be responsible for coordination in-, and administration of our clinical trials. We will welcome you to either of our offices in Mölndal or Uppsala in Sweden.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Provide general administrative support and assistance to the internal project team, primarily the Project Manager.
- Support the internal project team with ongoing conduct of studies including coordination of administrative tasks during the study process
- Contribute to applications & submissions by handling clinical-regulatory documents
- Assist in contact with clinical sites for specific requests (e.g., enrollment updates, missing documentation, meeting arrangements)
- Attend project team meetings and generate meeting minutes
- Set up, organize, and maintain clinical study documentation in the trial master file
- Quality control of and archival of the TMF after final study
- Collaboration with third-party archive vendor

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have proven administrative skills to handle and structure multiple tasks and projects, in order to meet deadlines in a dynamic environment.

As a person, you are a team player and enjoy interacting with a variety of people in the organization, where you contribute with energy, competence, and ideas.


- Experience from working with clinical trials and according to ICH-GCP
- Level of education that supports skills and capabilities of the position and ensures successful conduct of responsibilities
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than November 30th 2022.

Please attach degree certificates from higher level education(s) together with your application.

For more information about the position, please contact Marie Saether, Manager Project Coordination, at +46 76 111 06 53, or [email protected]

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical. We kindly decline any contact from recruitment- or staffing firms.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Our culture is our people, and our values make us everything that we are. Please feel free to have a look upon our Culture Handbook to get to know us even more: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/) Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (P... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 120 employees working at our offices in Mölndal, Uppsala and Malmö, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our Corelab-Team in Uppsala.

As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for quality control and analysis of medical images from MR and PET investigations in a technical and research-intensive environment. You will work in a team that together analyze and deliver data for the clinical study. Your responsibility also includes communication with national and international imaging centres. As part of your on-boarding you will receive a mentor and undergo an extensive training programme.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Quality control of the images and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials

- Segmentation and analysis of the images from the MR and PET investigations including documentation of this

- Communication with national and international imaging centres on image quality

Who are we looking for?

We emphasize personal suitability and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to details, who thrives in an environment where high demands are placed on quality. We further believe that you are a positive and communicative person who enjoys collaborating with others, as well as working individually.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology, and medicine, and enjoy tasks that require concentration and attention to detail.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- High school grade, preferably in natural science. We perceive it as an advantage if you have a university degree or relevant higher education.

- Computer proficiency

- Good knowledge of spoken and written English

Experience from working with clinical trials, including knowledge of ICH-GCP, is considered an advantage. Programming knowledge is also meritorious, but not a requirement.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short cover letter and your CV included, no later than April 23rd 2023. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period.

Please attach degree certificates from higher level education(s) together with your application.

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

The recruitment refers to permanent full-time employment.

We only handle applications via our recruitment system TeamTailor. The recruitment if managed by Antaros Medical. We kindly decline any contact from recruitment- or staffing firms.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotech, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/).

Our culture is our people, and our values makes us everything that we are. Please feel free to have a look upon our Culture Handbook to get to know us even more: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

VP QA to Antaros Medical

Would you like to be responsible for QA in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? How about working in a leadership role where you can impact the organisation and the growth journey we are on? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pionee... Visa mer
Would you like to be responsible for QA in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? How about working in a leadership role where you can impact the organisation and the growth journey we are on? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

To deliver on our commitments, we are now looking for a VP QA with broad and deep experience of quality assurance in clinical drug development and in management to join us. The position is ideally based in our Uppsala, Mölndal or Malmö office in Sweden but could possibly be placed home-based in Sweden as well, in which case regular travel to our Uppsala or Mölndal office would be expected.

What would you be responsible for as a VP QA at Antaros Medical?

The position is a senior management role where you will be responsible for the QA Department, today consisting of a team of five employees/consultants. As VP QA, you will be responsible for the department and its processes and activities, where you will actively implement Antaros Medical’s strategy within the department and work closely with the operational departments and the COO.

You will ensure Antaros Medical’s quality by overseeing and conducting necessary audits and trainings to guarantee that our operations comply and run smoothly, and that clinical trials and R&D activities are performed in accordance with applicable study protocols and in compliance with laws, regulations, guidelines, and our processes.

Your main responsibilities:

- Manage and develop the QA function, including complete responsibility of QA process development
- Provide leadership and direction to the QA Department including mentoring, coaching and development of the staff as well as recruitment and introduction of new staff
- Leading the day-to-day QA operations ensuring challenges and changes are addressed, activities are well-planned, and priorities are clear
- Improve efficiency, plan resources, and develop short-term as well as long-term strategies for the QA Department, that align with overall company development, strategy and goals
- Overall responsible for the Antaros Quality system in general and all QA SOPs
- Oversee the development and maintenance of the internal audit plan and ensure audits are performed and closed
- Perform QA activities according to Antaros QS SOPs including but not limited to audits, answering RFIs, SOP review, handle deviations, and vendor qualifications
- Ensure Antaros is up to date with all regulations relevant to our business and inform the organisation of updates

Other responsibilities include:

- Support the development of new SOPs, templates, and other quality system documents and perform gap analysis
- Ensure Antaros staff is well-trained in relevant areas such as GCP, GDPR, Quality system, etc
- Provide day to day general QA support internally

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you are a committed, organized and flexible leader who enjoys and embraces change in which you likewise create structure, and will naturally thrive in our dynamic and rapidly developing environment. You have demonstrated leadership- and collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You enjoy giving quality-related advice to the organisation.

Further, you have the ability to handle multiple tasks and projects to meet deadlines while delivering high quality work. Drive and commitment together with assertiveness in decision making are definite features we value in your character, and we can see that it gives you energy working with continuous improvement initiatives. And last but not least, you value having fun while doing a meaningful job.


- University degree in Natural Science, Medicine or similar field.
- Several years’ experience in managing a QA group or department
- Several years’ experience from clinical trials from the pharmaceutical industry, CROs, or similar business including several years of experience in a QA position
- Extensive understanding of ICH-GCP and other relevant guidelines in relation to both operational aspects as well as quality aspects
- Broad understanding of the full drug development process from a QA perspective
- Thorough understanding of strategic and operational aspects within clinical research and development
- Experience from internal and external audits
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

Knowledge within imaging in clinical trials is perceived as an advantage for the role but not required, as well is knowledge in GLP, GMP and/or GDP.

Are you interested?

Wonderful to hear! Please submit your application via the link with a short personal letter (in English) and your CV included, no later than November 27th, 2022.

Please attach degree certificates from higher level education(s) together with your application.

For more information about the position, please contact Johannes Hulthe, CEO Antaros Medical, on [email protected]

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical. We kindly decline any contact from recruitment- or staffing firms.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clini... Visa mindre

Systemadministratör till Antaros Medical

Tycker du det är spännande att arbeta med IT-system och systemadministration, utveckling, samt att vara med och leda olika IT-relaterade projekt? Skulle du vilja arbeta som Systemadministratör i ett växande företag som ägnar sig åt att göra verklig skillnad i läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling? En plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld ... Visa mer
Tycker du det är spännande att arbeta med IT-system och systemadministration, utveckling, samt att vara med och leda olika IT-relaterade projekt? Skulle du vilja arbeta som Systemadministratör i ett växande företag som ägnar sig åt att göra verklig skillnad i läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling? En plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa.

På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandlingsmetoder, såsom Magnetisk Resonanstomografi (MRI) och Positron Emission Tomography (PET), för att designa och leverera kliniska studier för beslutsfattande och differentiering i läkemedelsutveckling.

Vi värdesätter såväl kompetens och utveckling som idéer och lösningar. Relationer och förtroende är nycklarna till framgång, och det är lika viktigt för oss att ha roligt samtidigt som vi gör ett meningsfullt jobb. Vi har idag cirka 120 anställda på våra kontor i Sverige i Göteborg, Uppsala och Malmö, samt ett nyetablerat dotterbolag i USA, och vi växer och utvecklas kontinuerligt.

Som en del av vår tillväxtresa söker vi en Systemadministratör.
Tjänsten kommer att vara placerad på vårt kontor i Uppsala eller Göteborg. Den här annonsen är för vårt kontor i Uppsala.

Som systemadministratör kommer du att hantera interna system inklusive Office 365, Azure Active Directory, SaaS-lösningar och Cloudapplikationer. Du kommer att ansvara för livscykelhantering och utveckling av system och ingå i IT-relaterade projekt som stödjer företagets digitalisering och expansion.

Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden kommer vara:

- Livscykelhantering av system
- Systemuppsättning, patchhantering, säkerhetshantering
- Initiera, utveckla och implementera system- och processförbättringar
- Driva och delta i IT-system och IT-säkerhetsrelaterade projekt
- IT- och systemsupport

Ytterligare ansvarsområden kan inkludera:

- IT-och systemutbildning av intern personal

Vem letar vi efter?

Vi tror att du har har tekniska färdigheter från utbildning och/eller från arbetslivserfarenhet inklusive systemdrift, administration och utveckling. Du kan arbeta både självständigt och interagera med andra i en stödjande IT-funktion.

Som person är du serviceinriktad och har en analytisk förmåga att närma dig och lösa IT-relaterade problem, genom att vara proaktiv och ta eget ansvar. Du har vidare en tydlig känsla för detaljer och trivs med att arbeta med fokus och struktur.

Utbildning och erfarenhet:

- Kunskaper i Azure AD/Office365 och Powershell
- Gedigna kunskaper om PC/Windows-miljö
- Flytande engelska i tal och skrift

Det är meriterande om du har eftergymnasial utbildning inom IT, till exempel inom systemvetenskap, eller har motsvarande utbildning från ett närliggande område.


Arbetslivserfarenhet av systemadministration, systemutveckling och/eller IT helpdesk.

Det är vidare meriterande om du har erfarenhet av nätverksutrustning (Fortinet, HP), databashantering, publika moln, systemkravshantering, systemvalidering, loggranskning och testning och/eller mjukvaruutveckling inom MS DevOps.

Dessutom ser vi det som meriterande om du har arbetslivserfarenhet från läkemedelsbranschen, med kunskap om ISO27001, GAMP, och ITIL.

Är du intresserad?

Skicka in din ansökan via denna länk med ett kort personligt brev (på engelska) och ditt CV, senast den 13 november 2022.

För mer information om tjänsten, vänligen kontakta Johannes Carlsson, VP IT & QA, +46 73 917 86 50, eller [email protected].

Rekryteringen avser tillsvidareanställning.

Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem, Teamtailor. Rekryteringen sköts av Antaros Medical. Kontakt från rekryterare undanbedes.

Om Antaros Medical

På Antaros Medical kombinerar vi banbrytande bildbehandling med djup erfarenhet av läkemedelsutveckling och djup kunskap om sjukdomsmekanismer. Vi är specialiserade på kardiorenala och metabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partner och kunder, inklusive både Big Pharma och Biotechs, och flera europeiska samarbetsinitiativ som Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) och COST.

Antaros Medical har levererat små komplexa, mekanistiska studier såväl som multicenterstudier i kliniska prövningar över hela världen med hjälp av våra innovativa avbildningsmetoder. Vårt globala huvudkontor och Imaging Corelab är baserat i Sverige, och vi har nyligen öppnat ett dotterbolag i USA. Om du vill veta mer om vårt företag, gå till vår hemsida: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/). Kulturen är våra människor och våra värdeord utgör allting som vi gör. Ta gärna en titt på vår kulturhandbok för att lära känna oss ännu mer: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

Quality Engineer to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Okt 13    Antaros Medical AB    Systemtestare
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging method... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We currently have around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Quality Engineer to join our development team. The position will ideally be at our Uppsala office, but can possible be positioned at our office in Gothenburg as well.

As a Quality Engineer in our rapidly growing team, you will work with activities including quality assurance, software testing and DevOps. You will join a team that consists of Quality Engineers, Software Developers as well as Specialists in image processing and image analysis. Here, you will be responsible for ensuring that new software and systems are validated and that existing systems are maintained in a validated state. You will ensure that validation processes are followed, assist in testing and guide and support the organization in validation activities. In addition, your work role includes setup and support for build- and testing tools for software development.

Depending on your level of experience, your main responsibilities will be to:

- Ensure that all computerized systems are developed, implemented and validated according to defined processes, standards and regulations.

- Work with system management
- Create plans for validation of new computerized systems and leading the work needed for implementation of the plans.
- Create and review documentation for validation of computerized systems, including validation plans, test protocols and validation reports.

- Support system owner with maintaining computerized systems in a validated state by performing periodic review, handling deviations, maintaining documentation, gathering user feedback etc.

- Advice software development team on validation of computerized systems.
- Handle issues, CAPAs and validation non-conformances.
- Continuous improvement of internal processes for development and validation.
- Lead and support risk management activities.
- Assist in customer audits.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for a highly structured and communicative person that can maintain a high level of detail while still thriving in a dynamic and rapidly growing environment. You have a team-oriented approach and enjoy being part of a team that creates, implements and maintain high-quality systems. You also value having fun while doing a meaningful job.


- Bachelor´s degree in relevant field (Nature Sciences, Engineering, IT, Computer Science).
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.


- Experience from clinical trials from the pharmaceutical-, biotech- or medtech industry.
- Understanding of ICH-GCP, EU/Annex 11, GAMP and FDA/21 CFR part 11 and Data Integrity GxP requirements.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than November 13th, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69

The recruitment is for permanent full-time employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, TeamTailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical. We kindly decline any contact from recruitment- or staffing firms.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/). Our culture is our people, and our values makes us everything that we are. Please feel free to have a look upon our Culture Handbook to get to know us even more: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

Bildanalytiker till Antaros Medical

Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du arbeta på ett växande företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling, på en plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa. På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandli... Visa mer
Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du arbeta på ett växande företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling, på en plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa.

På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandlingsmetoder, såsom Magnetisk Resonanstomografi (MRI) och Positron Emission Tomography (PET), för att designa och leverera kliniska studier för beslutsfattande och differentiering i läkemedelsutveckling.

Vi värdesätter såväl kompetens och utveckling som idéer och lösningar. Relationer och förtroende är nycklarna till framgång, och det är lika viktigt för oss att ha roligt samtidigt som vi gör ett meningsfullt jobb. Vi har idag cirka 120 anställda på våra kontor i Sverige i Göteborg, Uppsala och Malmö, samt ett nyetablerat dotterbolag i USA, och vi växer och utvecklas kontinuerligt.

Vi söker nu en analytisk och detaljfokuserad Bildanalytiker (Image Analyst) som vill vara med och bidra på vår resa. Tjänsten är placerad på vårt kontor i Uppsala.

Som Bildanalytiker arbetar du med kvalitetskontroll och analyser av medicinska bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar i en teknisk och forskningsintensiv miljö. Du kommer att arbeta i ett team som tillsammans analyserar och levererar data för den kliniska studien och ha kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker. Du kommer att bli tilldelad en mentor och genomgå ett omfattande träningsprogram som en del av din on-boarding.

Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:

- Kvalitetskontroll av bilder och dokument från MR- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska studier
- Segmentering och analys av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar och dokumentation av detta
- Kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker angående bildkvalitet

Din profil:

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, och ser att du är en strukturerad, noggrann och kvalitetsmedveten person. Vidare tror vi att du är positiv och kommunikativ, som trivs i samarbete med andra, men även att arbeta individuellt. Rollen passar dig som har ett intresse för medicin, teknik och bilder, och som trivs med arbetsuppgifter som kräver koncentration och noggrannhet.

Utbildning och erfarenhet:

- Gymnasieutbildning, inom naturvetenskap eller teknik. Vi ser det som meriterande om du har en universitets- eller högskoleutbildning
- God datorvana
- Goda språkkunskaper i engelska

Erfarenhet av arbete inom kliniska prövningar och inom regelverket GCP är meriterande för rollen. Vidare är programmeringskunskaper meriterande, men inget krav.

Är du intresserad?

Skicka in din ansökan via denna länk med ett kort personligt brev (gärna på engelska) och ditt CV, senast den 6 november 2022. Intervjuer sker löpande.

För mer information om tjänsten, vänligen kontakta Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, på 073-233 00 03 alt. [email protected].

Rekryteringen avser tillsvidareanställning på heltid.

Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem, Teamtailor. Rekryteringen sköts av Antaros Medical. Kontakt från rekryterare undanbedes.

Om Antaros Medical

På Antaros Medical kombinerar vi banbrytande bildbehandling med djup erfarenhet av läkemedelsutveckling och djup kunskap om sjukdomsmekanismer. Vi är specialiserade på kardiorenala och metabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partner och kunder, inklusive både Big Pharma och Biotechs, och flera europeiska samarbetsinitiativ som Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) och COST.

Antaros Medical har levererat små komplexa, mekanistiska studier såväl som multicenterstudier i kliniska prövningar över hela världen med hjälp av våra innovativa avbildningsmetoder. Vårt globala huvudkontor och Imaging Corelab är baserat i Sverige, och vi har nyligen öppnat ett dotterbolag i USA. Om du vill veta mer om vårt företag, gå till vår hemsida: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/). Kulturen är våra människor och våra värdeord utgör allting som vi gör. Ta gärna en titt på vår kulturhandbok för att lära känna oss ännu mer: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (P... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala, and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our Corelab Team in Uppsala.

As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for quality control and analysis of medical images from MR and PET investigations in a technical and research-intensive environment. You will work in a team that together analyze and deliver data for the clinical study. Your responsibility also includes communication with national and international imaging centres. As part of your on-boarding you will receive a mentor and undergo an extensive training programme.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Quality control of the images and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
- Segmentation and analysis of the images from the MR and PET investigations including documentation of this
- Communication with national and international imaging centres on image quality

Who are we looking for?

We emphasize personal suitability and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to details, who thrives in an environment where high demands are placed on quality. We further believe that you are a positive and communicative person who enjoys collaborating with others, as well as working individually.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology, and medicine, and enjoy tasks that require concentration and attention to detail.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- High school grade, preferably in natural science. We perceive it as an advantage if you have a university degree or relevant higher education.
- Computer proficiency
- Good knowledge of spoken and written English

Experience from working with clinical trials, including knowledge of ICH-GCP, is considered an advantage. Knowledge in programming is meritorious, but not a requirement.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 6th November 2022. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period.

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

The recruitment refers to permanent full-time employment.

We only handle applications via our recruitment system TeamTailor. The recruitment if managed by Antaros Medical. We kindly decline any contact from recruitment- or staffing firms.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/). Our culture is our people, and our values makes us everything that we are. Please feel free to have a look upon our Culture Handbook to get to know us even more: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

Lead Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images, image analysis and leading projects? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emis... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images, image analysis and leading projects? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala, and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for a quality and service-minded Lead Image Analyst to join our Corelab Team in Uppsala.

As a Lead Image Analyst, you will be part of a project team where you are responsible for the analysis and delivery of data according to the project’s timeline, as well as to our quality requirements and ICH-GCP. You will also work with quality control and analysis of images from MR and PET investigations and communicate with national and international imaging centres. As part of your on-boarding you will receive a mentor and undergo an extensive training programme.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Ensure that image analysis and delivery of data to client are done according to the project’s timeline
- Development, maintenance, and archiving of study documentation
- Quality control of the images and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
- Segmentation and analysis of the images from the MR and PET investigations including documentation of this
- Communication with national and international imaging centres on image quality

Who are we looking for?

We emphasize personal suitability and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to quality. We further believe that you are a positive and service-oriented person with good communication skills who enjoys collaborating with others.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology, and medicine. You also enjoy working on multiple tasks simultaneously and to plan, coordinate, and follow-up on work in projects.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- University degree or relevant higher education, such as in engineering, biomedicine, pharmacy, biomedical laboratory science or similar
- Computer proficiency
- Good knowledge of spoken and written English

Experience from working with clinical trials, including knowledge of ICH-GCP, is considered an advantage. We further perceive it as beneficial if you have experience from project management and programming, however not a requirement.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 6th November 2022. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period.

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

The recruitment refers to permanent full-time employment.

We only handle applications via our recruitment system TeamTailor. The recruitment if managed by Antaros Medical. We kindly decline any contact from recruitment- or staffing firms.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/). Our culture is our people, and our values makes us everything that we are. Please feel free to have a look upon our Culture Handbook to get to know us even more: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

Systemadministratör till Antaros Medical

Tycker du det är spännande att arbeta med IT-system och systemadministration, utveckling, samt att vara med och leda olika IT-relaterade projekt? Skulle du vilja arbeta som Systemadministratör i ett växande företag som ägnar sig åt att göra verklig skillnad i läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling? En plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld ... Visa mer
Tycker du det är spännande att arbeta med IT-system och systemadministration, utveckling, samt att vara med och leda olika IT-relaterade projekt? Skulle du vilja arbeta som Systemadministratör i ett växande företag som ägnar sig åt att göra verklig skillnad i läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling? En plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa.

På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandlingsmetoder, såsom Magnetisk Resonanstomografi (MRI) och Positron Emission Tomography (PET), för att designa och leverera kliniska studier för beslutsfattande och differentiering i läkemedelsutveckling.

Vi värdesätter såväl kompetens och utveckling som idéer och lösningar. Relationer och förtroende är nycklarna till framgång, och det är lika viktigt för oss att ha roligt samtidigt som vi gör ett meningsfullt jobb. Vi har idag cirka 120 anställda på våra kontor i Sverige i Göteborg, Uppsala och Malmö, samt ett nyetablerat dotterbolag i USA, och vi växer och utvecklas kontinuerligt.

Som en del av vår tillväxtresa söker vi en Systemadministratör.
Tjänsten kommer att vara placerad på vårt kontor i Uppsala eller Göteborg. Den här annonsen är för vårt kontor i Uppsala.

Som systemadministratör kommer du att hantera interna system inklusive Office 365, Azure Active Directory, SaaS-lösningar och Cloudapplikationer. Du kommer att ansvara för livscykelhantering och utveckling av system och ingå i IT-relaterade projekt som stödjer företagets digitalisering och expansion.

Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden kommer vara:

- Livscykelhantering av system
- Systemuppsättning, patchhantering, säkerhetshantering
- Initiera, utveckla och implementera system- och processförbättringar
- Driva och delta i IT-system och IT-säkerhetsrelaterade projekt
- IT- och systemsupport

Ytterligare ansvarsområden kan inkludera:

- IT-och systemutbildning av intern personal

Vem letar vi efter?

Vi tror att du har har tekniska färdigheter från utbildning och/eller från arbetslivserfarenhet inklusive systemdrift, administration och utveckling. Du kan arbeta både självständigt och interagera med andra i en stödjande IT-funktion.

Som person är du serviceinriktad och har en analytisk förmåga att närma dig och lösa IT-relaterade problem, genom att vara proaktiv och ta eget ansvar. Du har vidare en tydlig känsla för detaljer och trivs med att arbeta med fokus och struktur.

Utbildning och erfarenhet:

- Kunskaper i Azure AD/Office365 och Powershell
- Gedigna kunskaper om PC/Windows-miljö

Det är meriterande om du har eftergymnasial utbildning inom IT, till exempel inom systemvetenskap, eller har motsvarande utbildning från ett närliggande område.


Arbetslivserfarenhet av systemadministration, systemutveckling och/eller IT helpdesk

Det är vidare meriterande om du har erfarenhet av nätverksutrustning (Fortinet, HP), databashantering, publika moln, systemkravshantering, systemvalidering, loggranskning och testning och/eller mjukvaruutveckling inom MS DevOps.

Dessutom ser vi det som meriterande om du har arbetslivserfarenhet från läkemedelsbranschen, med kunskap om ISO27001, GAMP, och ITIL.

Är du intresserad?

Skicka in din ansökan via denna länk med ett kort personligt brev (på engelska) och ditt CV, senast den 30 oktober 2022.

För mer information om tjänsten, vänligen kontakta Johannes Carlsson, VP IT & QA, +46 73 917 86 50, eller [email protected].

Rekryteringen avser tillsvidareanställning.

Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem, Teamtailor. Rekryteringen sköts av Antaros Medical. Kontakt från rekryterare undanbedes.

Om Antaros Medical

På Antaros Medical kombinerar vi banbrytande bildbehandling med djup erfarenhet av läkemedelsutveckling och djup kunskap om sjukdomsmekanismer. Vi är specialiserade på kardiorenala och metabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partner och kunder, inklusive både Big Pharma och Biotechs, och flera europeiska samarbetsinitiativ som Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) och COST.

Antaros Medical har levererat små komplexa, mekanistiska studier såväl som multicenterstudier i kliniska prövningar över hela världen med hjälp av våra innovativa avbildningsmetoder. Vårt globala huvudkontor och Imaging Corelab är baserat i Sverige, och vi har nyligen öppnat ett dotterbolag i USA. Om du vill veta mer om vårt företag, gå till vår hemsida: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/). Där hittar du även vår Kulturhandbok, skapad för att ge dig en inblick i vår kultur och dagliga arbetsliv: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

Lead Image Analyst till Antaros Medical

Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du arbeta på ett växande företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling, på en plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa. På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandli... Visa mer
Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du arbeta på ett växande företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling genom banbrytande bildbehandling, på en plats som ständigt går framåt, med fantastisk vetenskap, fantastiska människor och en informell atmosfär? Gillar du att nå mål i en fartfylld miljö genom teamwork och samarbete? Om detta stämmer in på dig, bör du fortsätta läsa.

På Antaros Medical är vi banbrytande inom bildbehandlingsmetoder, såsom Magnetisk Resonanstomografi (MRI) och Positron Emission Tomography (PET), för att designa och leverera kliniska studier för beslutsfattande och differentiering i läkemedelsutveckling.

Vi värdesätter såväl kompetens och utveckling som idéer och lösningar. Relationer och förtroende är nycklarna till framgång, och det är lika viktigt för oss att ha roligt samtidigt som vi gör ett meningsfullt jobb. Vi har idag cirka 120 anställda på våra kontor i Sverige i Göteborg, Uppsala och Malmö, samt ett nyetablerat dotterbolag i USA, och vi växer och utvecklas kontinuerligt.

Vi söker nu en kvalitetsmedveten och serviceinriktad Lead Image Analyst som vill vara med och bidra på vår resa. Tjänsten är placerat på vårt kontor i Uppsala.
Som Lead Image Analyst kommer du att vara en del av ett projektteam där du är ansvarig för att analys av bilder och leverans av data sker enligt projektets tidsplan, och enligt våra kvalitetskrav och god klinisk sed (ICH-GCP). Du kommer även arbeta med kvalitetskontroll och analyser av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar och ha kontakt med nationella och internationella kunder och imaging center/röntgenkliniker. Du kommer att bli tilldelad en mentor och genomgå ett omfattande träningsprogram som en del av din on-boarding.

Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:

- Följa upp att analys av data och leverans till klient sker enligt studiens tidsplan
- Utveckling, underhåll och arkivering av studiedokumentation
- Kvalitetskontroll av bilder och dokument från MR- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska studier
- Segmentering och analys av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar och dokumentation av detta
- Kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker angående bildkvalitet

Din profil:

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, och tror att du är en strukturerad, noggrann och kvalitetsmedveten person. Vidare tror vi att du är en positiv och serviceinriktad person med god kommunikativ förmåga som relaterar till andra på ett lyhört och följsamt sätt. Rollen passar dig som har ett intresse för medicin, teknik och bilder. Du gillar att hantera ett antal olika arbetsuppgifter samtidigt och att planera, koordinera och följa upp arbetet i projekt.

Utbildning och erfarenhet:

- Universitets- eller högskoleutbildning som civilingenjör, biomedicinare, apotekare, biomedicinsk analytiker eller motsvarande.
- God datorvana
- Goda språkkunskaper i engelska

Erfarenhet av arbete inom kliniska prövningar och inom regelverket GCP är meriterande för rollen. Även erfarenhet av projektledning och programmeringskunskaper är meriterande, dock inte något krav.

Är du intresserad?

Skicka in din ansökan via denna länk med ett kort personligt brev (gärna på engelska) och ditt CV, senast den 6 november 2022. Intervjuer sker löpande.

För mer information om tjänsten, vänligen kontakta Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, på 073-233 00 03 alt. [email protected].

Rekryteringen avser tillsvidareanställning på heltid.

Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem, Teamtailor. Rekryteringen sköts av Antaros Medical. Kontakt från rekryterare undanbedes.

Om Antaros Medical

På Antaros Medical kombinerar vi banbrytande bildbehandling med djup erfarenhet av läkemedelsutveckling och djup kunskap om sjukdomsmekanismer. Vi är specialiserade på kardiorenala och metabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partner och kunder, inklusive både Big Pharma och Biotechs, och flera europeiska samarbetsinitiativ som Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) och COST.

Antaros Medical har levererat små komplexa, mekanistiska studier såväl som multicenterstudier i kliniska prövningar över hela världen med hjälp av våra innovativa avbildningsmetoder. Vårt globala huvudkontor och Imaging Corelab är baserat i Sverige, och vi har nyligen öppnat ett dotterbolag i USA. Om du vill veta mer om vårt företag, gå till vår hemsida: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/). Kulturen är våra människor och våra värdeord utgör allting som vi gör. Ta gärna en titt på vår kulturhandbok för att lära känna oss ännu mer: Our culture - Antaros Medical (https://antarosmedical.com/our-culture/). Visa mindre

Proposals & Contracts Coordinator to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Aug 17    Antaros Medical AB    Säljassistent
Would you like to work as a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator in a growing company devoted to making real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? Do you have an analytical mindset where a high level of numeracy comes natural in your character? How about reaching goals together in a fast-paced environment within sales and business development? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneeri... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator in a growing company devoted to making real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? Do you have an analytical mindset where a high level of numeracy comes natural in your character? How about reaching goals together in a fast-paced environment within sales and business development? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala, and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator to our Business Development department. The position will be placed ideally in our Uppsala office.

As a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator, you will have the back-end responsibility to coordinate and trace the different stages of sales- and business development activities, by connecting collaboration, tasks, and actions, and to weave these activities together. You will further support incoming customer requests for information (RFIs) and proposals (RFPs). You will have the responsibility to oversee customer contracts and support Business Development with other tasks, such as change orders.

For the right candidate, this role has the potential to, and may progress into a more senior position within sales and business development.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- A main support in the coordination of sales- and business development activities, by tracking actions in different stages and the flow of the back-end process
- Work together with the departments of Business Development, Imaging Science, and Imaging Services, by creating project budgets and proposals according to defined pricing and proposal templates
- Coordinate and support all efforts required to respond to customer requests for information (RFI) in a timely manner to meet customer deadlines
- Coordinate and support the request for proposal (RFP) end-to-end process, including capturing essential project information, organizing internal review meetings to evaluate RFP, creating as well as delivering proposals and budgets
- Support the Contract and Legal department to review, execute, and maintain contractual documents
- Organize and maintain templates for proposals and budgets

Additional responsibilities could include:

- Support the Imaging Services team to execute change orders
- Support the Business Development team with other tasks, e.g., related to sales

Who are we looking for?

To succeed in the role as Proposals & Contracts Coordinator, it is essential to have strong analytical and numerical skills, be able to distill relevant information, and have exceptional eye for detail. We believe that you have a natural ability to organize and prioritize your work, which is considered especially important when adapting to different scenarios and meeting strict deadlines. You enjoy collaboration with various departments and functions to effectively manage the proposal process from start to end.

As a person, we further believe that you are proactive, personable, and take ownership to deliver with high quality. We value your character and potential to perform in this role higher than explicit work experience.


- Bachelor’s- or Master’s degree, preferably in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (i.e. STEM disciplines), or in economics-related discipline
- High level of proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
- Strong written and verbal communication skills in English


Experience of working with budgets, proposals, and contracts is a merit for this role, but not required. It is more important with motivation and strive to learn quickly in a fast-paced, changeable, and dynamic environment.

It is further beneficial with experience of working within a pharmaceutical service-oriented business, e.g., in a CRO, however also not a requirement.

For a more senior candidate, the responsibilities could be adapted to fit the individual experience, level of seniority and career aspirations.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 21st August 2022.

For more information about the position, please contact:

HR Assistant, Angelika Andersson, on +46 (0) 72-600-62 22 or [email protected]. Planned summer vacation w. 30-32.

Recruiting manager - Caleb Roberts, VP Global Business Development on +46 (0) 70-235-57 02 or [email protected] . Planned summer vacation w. 28-29.

We only handle applications via our recruitment system TeamTailor.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Proposals & Contracts Coordinator to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jul 11    Antaros Medical AB    Säljledare
Would you like to work as a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator in a growing company devoted to making real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? Do you have an analytical mindset where a high level of numeracy comes natural in your character? How about reaching goals together in a fast-paced environment within sales and business development? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneeri... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator in a growing company devoted to making real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? Do you have an analytical mindset where a high level of numeracy comes natural in your character? How about reaching goals together in a fast-paced environment within sales and business development? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala, and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator to our Business Development department. The position will be placed ideally in our Uppsala office.

As a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator, you will have the back-end responsibility to coordinate and trace the different stages of sales- and business development activities, by connecting collaboration, tasks, and actions, and to weave these activities together. You will further support incoming customer requests for information (RFIs) and proposals (RFPs). You will have the responsibility to oversee customer contracts and support Business Development with other tasks, such as change orders.

For the right candidate, this role has the potential to, and may progress into a more senior position within sales and business development.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- A main support in the coordination of sales- and business development activities, by tracking actions in different stages and the flow of the back-end process
- Work together with the departments of Business Development, Imaging Science, and Imaging Services, by creating project budgets and proposals according to defined pricing and proposal templates
- Coordinate and support all efforts required to respond to customer requests for information (RFI) in a timely manner to meet customer deadlines
- Coordinate and support the request for proposal (RFP) end-to-end process, including capturing essential project information, organizing internal review meetings to evaluate RFP, creating as well as delivering proposals and budgets
- Support the Contract and Legal department to review, execute, and maintain contractual documents
- Organize and maintain templates for proposals and budgets

Additional responsibilities could include:

- Support the Imaging Services team to execute change orders
- Support the Business Development team with other tasks, e.g., related to sales

Who are we looking for?

To succeed in the role as Proposals & Contracts Coordinator, it is essential to have strong analytical and numerical skills, be able to distill relevant information, and have exceptional eye for detail. We believe that you have a natural ability to organize and prioritize your work, which is considered especially important when adapting to different scenarios and meeting strict deadlines. You enjoy collaboration with various departments and functions to effectively manage the proposal process from start to end.

As a person, we further believe that you are proactive, personable, and take ownership to deliver with high quality. We value your character and potential to perform in this role higher than explicit work experience.


- Bachelor’s- or Master’s degree, preferably in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (i.e. STEM disciplines), or in economics-related discipline
- High level of proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
- Strong written and verbal communication skills in English


Experience of working with budgets, proposals, and contracts is a merit for this role, but not required. It is more important with motivation and strive to learn quickly in a fast-paced, changeable, and dynamic environment.

It is further beneficial with experience of working within a pharmaceutical service-oriented business, e.g., in a CRO, however also not a requirement.

For a more senior candidate, the responsibilities could be adapted to fit the individual experience, level of seniority and career aspirations.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 14th August 2022.

For more information about the position, please contact Junior HR Business Partner, Emilia Larsson, on +46 (0) 73-728 93 43 or [email protected].

Planned summer vacation w. 29-30, but you are still welcome to send an e-mail in the meantime or call upon return from 1st August.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Proposals & Contracts Coordinator to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jul 22    Antaros Medical AB    Säljassistent
Would you like to work as a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator in a growing company devoted to making real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? Do you have an analytical mindset where a high level of numeracy comes natural in your character? How about reaching goals together in a fast-paced environment within sales and business development? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneeri... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator in a growing company devoted to making real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? Do you have an analytical mindset where a high level of numeracy comes natural in your character? How about reaching goals together in a fast-paced environment within sales and business development? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala, and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator to our Business Development department. The position will be placed ideally in our Uppsala office.

As a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator, you will have the back-end responsibility to coordinate and trace the different stages of sales- and business development activities, by connecting collaboration, tasks, and actions, and to weave these activities together. You will further support incoming customer requests for information (RFIs) and proposals (RFPs). You will have the responsibility to oversee customer contracts and support Business Development with other tasks, such as change orders.

For the right candidate, this role has the potential to, and may progress into a more senior position within sales and business development.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- A main support in the coordination of sales- and business development activities, by tracking actions in different stages and the flow of the back-end process
- Work together with the departments of Business Development, Imaging Science, and Imaging Services, by creating project budgets and proposals according to defined pricing and proposal templates
- Coordinate and support all efforts required to respond to customer requests for information (RFI) in a timely manner to meet customer deadlines
- Coordinate and support the request for proposal (RFP) end-to-end process, including capturing essential project information, organizing internal review meetings to evaluate RFP, creating as well as delivering proposals and budgets
- Support the Contract and Legal department to review, execute, and maintain contractual documents
- Organize and maintain templates for proposals and budgets

Additional responsibilities could include:

- Support the Imaging Services team to execute change orders
- Support the Business Development team with other tasks, e.g., related to sales

Who are we looking for?

To succeed in the role as Proposals & Contracts Coordinator, it is essential to have strong analytical and numerical skills, be able to distill relevant information, and have exceptional eye for detail. We believe that you have a natural ability to organize and prioritize your work, which is considered especially important when adapting to different scenarios and meeting strict deadlines. You enjoy collaboration with various departments and functions to effectively manage the proposal process from start to end.

As a person, we further believe that you are proactive, personable, and take ownership to deliver with high quality. We value your character and potential to perform in this role higher than explicit work experience.


- Bachelor’s- or Master’s degree, preferably in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (i.e. STEM disciplines), or in economics-related discipline
- High level of proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
- Strong written and verbal communication skills in English


Experience of working with budgets, proposals, and contracts is a merit for this role, but not required. It is more important with motivation and strive to learn quickly in a fast-paced, changeable, and dynamic environment.

It is further beneficial with experience of working within a pharmaceutical service-oriented business, e.g., in a CRO, however also not a requirement.

For a more senior candidate, the responsibilities could be adapted to fit the individual experience, level of seniority and career aspirations.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 21st August 2022.

For more information about the position, please contact:

HR Assistant, Angelika Andersson, on +46 (0) 72-600-62 22 or [email protected]. Planned summer vacation w. 30-32.

Recruiting manager - Caleb Roberts, VP Global Business Development on +46 (0) 70-235-57 02 or [email protected] . Planned summer vacation w. 28-29.

We only handle applications via our recruitment system TeamTailor.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Proposals & Contracts Coordinator to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jul 11    Antaros Medical AB    Säljassistent
Would you like to work as a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator in a growing company devoted to making real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? Do you have an analytical mindset where a high level of numeracy comes natural in your character? How about reaching goals together in a fast-paced environment within sales and business development? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneeri... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator in a growing company devoted to making real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? Do you have an analytical mindset where a high level of numeracy comes natural in your character? How about reaching goals together in a fast-paced environment within sales and business development? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala, and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator to our Business Development department. The position will be placed ideally in our Uppsala office.

As a Proposals & Contracts Coordinator, you will have the back-end responsibility to coordinate and trace the different stages of sales- and business development activities, by connecting collaboration, tasks, and actions, and to weave these activities together. You will further support incoming customer requests for information (RFIs) and proposals (RFPs). You will have the responsibility to oversee customer contracts and support Business Development with other tasks, such as change orders.

For the right candidate, this role has the potential to, and may progress into a more senior position within sales and business development.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- A main support in the coordination of sales- and business development activities, by tracking actions in different stages and the flow of the back-end process
- Work together with the departments of Business Development, Imaging Science, and Imaging Services, by creating project budgets and proposals according to defined pricing and proposal templates
- Coordinate and support all efforts required to respond to customer requests for information (RFI) in a timely manner to meet customer deadlines
- Coordinate and support the request for proposal (RFP) end-to-end process, including capturing essential project information, organizing internal review meetings to evaluate RFP, creating as well as delivering proposals and budgets
- Support the Contract and Legal department to review, execute, and maintain contractual documents
- Organize and maintain templates for proposals and budgets

Additional responsibilities could include:

- Support the Imaging Services team to execute change orders
- Support the Business Development team with other tasks, e.g., related to sales

Who are we looking for?

To succeed in the role as Proposals & Contracts Coordinator, it is essential to have strong analytical and numerical skills, be able to distill relevant information, and have exceptional eye for detail. We believe that you have a natural ability to organize and prioritize your work, which is considered especially important when adapting to different scenarios and meeting strict deadlines. You enjoy collaboration with various departments and functions to effectively manage the proposal process from start to end.

As a person, we further believe that you are proactive, personable, and take ownership to deliver with high quality. We value your character and potential to perform in this role higher than explicit work experience.


- Bachelor’s- or Master’s degree, preferably in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (i.e. STEM disciplines), or in economics-related discipline
- High level of proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
- Strong written and verbal communication skills in English


Experience of working with budgets, proposals, and contracts is a merit for this role, but not required. It is more important with motivation and strive to learn quickly in a fast-paced, changeable, and dynamic environment.

It is further beneficial with experience of working within a pharmaceutical service-oriented business, e.g., in a CRO, however also not a requirement.

For a more senior candidate, the responsibilities could be adapted to fit the individual experience, level of seniority and career aspirations.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 14th August 2022.

For more information about the position, please contact Junior HR Business Partner, Emilia Larsson, on +46 (0) 73-728 93 43 or [email protected].

Planned summer vacation w. 29-30, but you are still welcome to send an e-mail in the meantime or call upon return from 1st August.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Quality Engineer to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jun 1    Antaros Medical AB    Systemtestare
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging method... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We currently have around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Quality Engineer to join our development team. The position will ideally be at our Uppsala office, but can possible be positioned at our office in Gothenburg as well.

As a Quality Engineer in our rapidly growing team, you will work with activities including quality assurance, software testing and DevOps. You will join a team that consists of Quality Engineers, Software Developers as well as Specialists in image processing and image analysis. Here, you will be responsible for ensuring that new software and systems are validated and that existing systems are maintained in a validated state. You will ensure that validation processes are followed, assist in testing and guide and support the organization in validation activities. In addition, your work role includes setup and support for build- and testing tools for software development.

Depending on your level of experience, your main responsibilities will be to:

- Ensure that all computerized systems are developed, implemented and validated according to defined processes, standards and regulations.

- Create plans for validation of new computerized systems and leading the work needed for implementation of the plans.
- Create and review documentation for validation of computerized systems, including validation plans, test protocols and validation reports.

- Support system owner with maintaining computerized systems in a validated state by performing periodic review, handling deviations, maintaining documentation, gathering user feedback etc.

- Advice software development team on validation of computerized systems.
- Handle issues, CAPAs and validation non-conformances.
- Continuous improvement of internal processes for development and validation.
- Lead and support risk management activities.
- Assist in customer audits.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for a highly structured and communicative person that can maintain a high level of detail while still thriving in a dynamic and rapidly growing environment. You have a team-oriented approach and enjoy being part of a team that creates, implements and maintain high-quality systems. You also value having fun while doing a meaningful job.


- Bachelor´s degree in relevant field (Nature Sciences, Engineering, IT, Computer Science).
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.


- Experience from clinical trials from the pharmaceutical-, biotech- or medtech industry.
- Understanding of ICH-GCP, EU/Annex 11, GAMP and FDA/21 CFR part 11 and Data Integrity GxP requirements.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than June 12th, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69

The recruitment is for permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, TeamTailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Quality Engineer to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Maj 24    Antaros Medical AB    Systemtestare
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging method... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We currently have around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Quality Engineer to join our development team. The position will ideally be at our Uppsala office, but can possible be positioned at our office in Gothenburg as well.

As a Quality Engineer in our rapidly growing team, you will work with activities including quality assurance, software testing and DevOps. You will join a team that consists of Quality Engineers, Software Developers as well as Specialists in image processing and image analysis. Here, you will be responsible for ensuring that new software and systems are validated and that existing systems are maintained in a validated state. You will ensure that validation processes are followed, assist in testing and guide and support the organization in validation activities. In addition, your work role includes setup and support for build- and testing tools for software development.

Depending on your level of experience, your main responsibilities will be to:

- Ensure that all computerized systems are developed, implemented and validated according to defined processes, standards and regulations.

- Create plans for validation of new computerized systems and leading the work needed for implementation of the plans.
- Create and review documentation for validation of computerized systems, including validation plans, test protocols and validation reports.

- Support system owner with maintaining computerized systems in a validated state by performing periodic review, handling deviations, maintaining documentation, gathering user feedback etc.

- Advice software development team on validation of computerized systems.
- Handle issues, CAPAs and validation non-conformances.
- Continuous improvement of internal processes for development and validation.
- Lead and support risk management activities.
- Assist in customer audits.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for a highly structured and communicative person that can maintain a high level of detail while still thriving in a dynamic and rapidly growing environment. You have a team-oriented approach and enjoy being part of a team that creates, implements and maintain high-quality systems. You also value having fun while doing a meaningful job.


- Bachelor´s degree in relevant field (Nature Sciences, Engineering, IT, Computer Science).
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.


- Experience from clinical trials from the pharmaceutical-, biotech- or medtech industry.
- Understanding of ICH-GCP, EU/Annex 11, GAMP and FDA/21 CFR part 11 and Data Integrity GxP requirements.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than May 29, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69

The recruitment is for permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, TeamTailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Quality Engineer to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Maj 25    Antaros Medical AB    Systemtestare
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging method... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We currently have around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Quality Engineer to join our development team. The position will ideally be at our Uppsala office, but can possible be positioned at our office in Gothenburg as well.

As a Quality Engineer in our rapidly growing team, you will work with activities including quality assurance, software testing and DevOps. You will join a team that consists of Quality Engineers, Software Developers as well as Specialists in image processing and image analysis. Here, you will be responsible for ensuring that new software and systems are validated and that existing systems are maintained in a validated state. You will ensure that validation processes are followed, assist in testing and guide and support the organization in validation activities. In addition, your work role includes setup and support for build- and testing tools for software development.

Depending on your level of experience, your main responsibilities will be to:

- Ensure that all computerized systems are developed, implemented and validated according to defined processes, standards and regulations.

- Create plans for validation of new computerized systems and leading the work needed for implementation of the plans.
- Create and review documentation for validation of computerized systems, including validation plans, test protocols and validation reports.

- Support system owner with maintaining computerized systems in a validated state by performing periodic review, handling deviations, maintaining documentation, gathering user feedback etc.

- Advice software development team on validation of computerized systems.
- Handle issues, CAPAs and validation non-conformances.
- Continuous improvement of internal processes for development and validation.
- Lead and support risk management activities.
- Assist in customer audits.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for a highly structured and communicative person that can maintain a high level of detail while still thriving in a dynamic and rapidly growing environment. You have a team-oriented approach and enjoy being part of a team that creates, implements and maintain high-quality systems. You also value having fun while doing a meaningful job.


- Bachelor´s degree in relevant field (Nature Sciences, Engineering, IT, Computer Science).
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.


- Experience from clinical trials from the pharmaceutical-, biotech- or medtech industry.
- Understanding of ICH-GCP, EU/Annex 11, GAMP and FDA/21 CFR part 11 and Data Integrity GxP requirements.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than June 12th, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69

The recruitment is for permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, TeamTailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Quality Engineer to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Maj 4    Antaros Medical AB    Systemtestare
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging method... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We currently have around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Quality Engineer to join our development team. The position will ideally be at our Uppsala office, but can possible be positioned at our office in Gothenburg as well.

As a Quality Engineer in our rapidly growing team, you will work with activities including quality assurance, software testing and DevOps. You will join a team that consists of Quality Engineers, Software Developers as well as Specialists in image processing and image analysis. Here, you will be responsible for ensuring that new software and systems are validated and that existing systems are maintained in a validated state. You will ensure that validation processes are followed, assist in testing and guide and support the organization in validation activities. In addition, your work role includes setup and support for build- and testing tools for software development.

Depending on your level of experience, your main responsibilities will be to:

- Ensure that all computerized systems are developed, implemented and validated according to defined processes, standards and regulations.

- Create plans for validation of new computerized systems and leading the work needed for implementation of the plans.
- Create and review documentation for validation of computerized systems, including validation plans, test protocols and validation reports.

- Support system owner with maintaining computerized systems in a validated state by performing periodic review, handling deviations, maintaining documentation, gathering user feedback etc.

- Advice software development team on validation of computerized systems.
- Handle issues, CAPAs and validation non-conformances.
- Continuous improvement of internal processes for development and validation.
- Lead and support risk management activities.
- Assist in customer audits.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for a highly structured and communicative person that can maintain a high level of detail while still thriving in a dynamic and rapidly growing environment. You have a team-oriented approach and enjoy being part of a team that creates, implements and maintain high-quality systems. You also value having fun while doing a meaningful job.


- Bachelor´s degree in relevant field (Nature Sciences, Engineering, IT, Computer Science).
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.


- Experience from clinical trials from the pharmaceutical-, biotech- or medtech industry.
- Understanding of ICH-GCP, EU/Annex 11, GAMP and FDA/21 CFR part 11 and Data Integrity GxP requirements.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than May 29, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69

The recruitment is for permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, TeamTailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Clinical Trial Coordinator to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in project coordination in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (M... Visa mer
Are you interested in project coordination in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently over 100 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US.

To deliver on our commitments, we are looking for our next Clinical Trial Coordinator, with experience in clinical drug development and project coordination. As a Clinical Trial Coordinator, you will be responsible for coordination in and administration of our clinical trials. The position will be located in our office in Uppsala.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Provide general administrative support and assistance to the internal project team, primarily the Project Manager.
- Support the internal project team with ongoing conduct of studies including coordination of administrative tasks during the study process
- Contribute to applications & submissions by handling clinical-regulatory documents
- Assist in contact with clinical sites for specific requests (e.g., enrollment updates, missing documentation, meeting arrangements)
- Attend project team meetings and generate meeting minutes
- Set up, organize, and maintain clinical study documentation in the trial master file
- Quality control of and archival of the TMF after final study
- Collaboration with third-party archive vendor

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have proven administrative skills to handle and structure multiple tasks and projects, in order to meet deadlines in a dynamic environment.

As a person, you are a team player and enjoy interacting with a variety of people in the organization, where you contribute with energy, competence, and ideas.


- Experience from working with clinical trials and according to ICH-GCP
- Level of education that supports skills and capabilities of the position and ensures successful conduct of responsibilities
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 22th May 2022.

For more information about the position, please contact Marie Saether, +46 76 111 06 53, or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

System Administrator to Antaros Medical

Do you find it exciting to work with IT-systems and system administration, as well as being involved and lead various IT-related projects? Would you like to work as a System Administrator in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment t... Visa mer
Do you find it exciting to work with IT-systems and system administration, as well as being involved and lead various IT-related projects? Would you like to work as a System Administrator in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We currently have around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for a System Administrator for system management. The position will ideally be positioned at our office in Uppsala or Gothenburg.

As a System Administrator, you will handle internal systems including Office 365, Azure Active Directory, hosted systems and cloud applications. You will be responsible for our system life cycle management process and be part of IT-related projects supporting the company's digitization and expansion.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- System life cycle management
- System implementation, patch management, security management

- Initiate and implement system and process improvements

- Run and participate in IT system and IT security-related projects
- IT and system related support

Additional responsibilities could include:

- IT system-training of internal staff

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have gained initial technical skills from education and/or from work experience including system management, administration, and development. You can work both independently as well as interact with others in a supportive IT-function.

As a person, you are service-minded and have an analytical ability to approach and solve IT-related problems of a different character, by being proactive and taking own responsibility. You have further a clear sense of details and enjoy working with focus and structure.


- At least 2 years work experience of system administration, system development, and/or IT help desk

- Proficiency in Azure AD/Office365 and Powershell
- Solid knowledge of PC/Windows environment

It is perceived as beneficial if you have post-secondary education of IT, for instance, in applied systems science, or hold an equivalent education from a related field.


It is further meritorious if you have experience in network equipment (Fortinet, HP), database management, public clouds, system requirements management, validation and testing and/or software development in MS DevOps.

In addition, we perceive it as an advantage if you have work experience from the medical industry, with knowledge of ISO27001, GAMP, and ITIL.

Are you interested?

We are happy to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter (in English) and your CV included, no later than 12th June 2022.

For more information about the position, please contact Johannes Carlsson, VP IT & QA, +46 73 917 86 50.

The recruitment is for permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Quality Engineer to Antaros Medical

Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging method... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We currently have around 110 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Quality Engineer to join our development team. The position will ideally be at our Uppsala office, but can possible be positioned at our office in Gothenburg as well.

As a Quality Engineer in our rapidly growing team, you will work with activities including quality assurance, software testing and DevOps. You will join a team that consists of Quality Engineers, Software Developers as well as Specialists in image processing and image analysis. Here, you will be responsible for ensuring that new software and systems are validated and that existing systems are maintained in a validated state. You will ensure that validation processes are followed, assist in testing and guide and support the organization in validation activities. In addition, your work role includes setup and support for build- and testing tools for software development.

Depending on your level of experience, your main responsibilities will be to:

- Ensure that all computerized systems are developed, implemented and validated according to defined processes, standards and regulations.

- Create plans for validation of new computerized systems and leading the work needed for implementation of the plans.
- Create and review documentation for validation of computerized systems, including validation plans, test protocols and validation reports.

- Support system owner with maintaining computerized systems in a validated state by performing periodic review, handling deviations, maintaining documentation, gathering user feedback etc.

- Advice software development team on validation of computerized systems.
- Handle issues, CAPAs and validation non-conformances.
- Continuous improvement of internal processes for development and validation.
- Lead and support risk management activities.
- Assist in customer audits.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for a highly structured and communicative person that can maintain a high level of detail while still thriving in a dynamic and rapidly growing environment. You have a team-oriented approach and enjoy being part of a team that creates, implements and maintain high-quality systems. You also value having fun while doing a meaningful job.


- Bachelor´s degree in relevant field (Nature Sciences, Engineering, IT, Computer Science).
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.


- Experience from clinical trials from the pharmaceutical-, biotech- or medtech industry.
- Understanding of ICH-GCP, EU/Annex 11, GAMP and FDA/21 CFR part 11 and Data Integrity GxP requirements.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than May 15, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69

The recruitment is for permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, TeamTailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Clinical Trial Coordinator to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in project coordination in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (M... Visa mer
Are you interested in project coordination in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently over 100 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US.

To deliver on our commitments, we are looking for our next Clinical Trial Coordinator, with experience in clinical drug development and project coordination. As a Clinical Trial Coordinator, you will be responsible for coordination in and administration of our clinical trials. The position will be located in our office in Uppsala.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Provide general administrative support and assistance to the internal project team, primarily the Project Manager.
- Support the internal project team with ongoing conduct of studies including coordination of administrative tasks during the study process
- Contribute to applications & submissions by handling clinical-regulatory documents
- Assist in contact with clinical sites for specific requests (e.g., enrollment updates, missing documentation, meeting arrangements)
- Attend project team meetings and generate meeting minutes
- Set up, organize, and maintain clinical study documentation in the trial master file
- Quality control of and archival of the TMF after final study
- Collaboration with third-party archive vendor

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have proven administrative skills to handle and structure multiple tasks and projects, in order to meet deadlines in a dynamic environment.

As a person, you are a team player and enjoy interacting with a variety of people in the organization, where you contribute with energy, competence, and ideas.


- Experience from working with clinical trials and according to ICH-GCP
- Level of education that supports skills and capabilities of the position and ensures successful conduct of responsibilities
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 22th May 2022.

For more information about the position, please contact Marie Saether, +46 76 111 06 53, or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Quality Engineer to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Maj 4    Antaros Medical AB    Systemtestare
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging method... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We currently have around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Quality Engineer to join our development team. The position will ideally be at our Uppsala office, but can possible be positioned at our office in Gothenburg as well.

As a Quality Engineer in our rapidly growing team, you will work with activities including quality assurance, software testing and DevOps. You will join a team that consists of Quality Engineers, Software Developers as well as Specialists in image processing and image analysis. Here, you will be responsible for ensuring that new software and systems are validated and that existing systems are maintained in a validated state. You will ensure that validation processes are followed, assist in testing and guide and support the organization in validation activities. In addition, your work role includes setup and support for build- and testing tools for software development.

Depending on your level of experience, your main responsibilities will be to:

- Ensure that all computerized systems are developed, implemented and validated according to defined processes, standards and regulations.

- Create plans for validation of new computerized systems and leading the work needed for implementation of the plans.
- Create and review documentation for validation of computerized systems, including validation plans, test protocols and validation reports.

- Support system owner with maintaining computerized systems in a validated state by performing periodic review, handling deviations, maintaining documentation, gathering user feedback etc.

- Advice software development team on validation of computerized systems.
- Handle issues, CAPAs and validation non-conformances.
- Continuous improvement of internal processes for development and validation.
- Lead and support risk management activities.
- Assist in customer audits.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for a highly structured and communicative person that can maintain a high level of detail while still thriving in a dynamic and rapidly growing environment. You have a team-oriented approach and enjoy being part of a team that creates, implements and maintain high-quality systems. You also value having fun while doing a meaningful job.


- Bachelor´s degree in relevant field (Nature Sciences, Engineering, IT, Computer Science).
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.


- Experience from clinical trials from the pharmaceutical-, biotech- or medtech industry.
- Understanding of ICH-GCP, EU/Annex 11, GAMP and FDA/21 CFR part 11 and Data Integrity GxP requirements.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than May 15, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69

The recruitment is for permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, TeamTailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Quality Engineer to Antaros Medical

Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging method... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We currently have around 110 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Quality Engineer to join our development team. The position will ideally be at our Uppsala office, but can possible be positioned at our office in Gothenburg as well.

As a Quality Engineer in our rapidly growing team, you will work with activities including quality assurance, software testing and DevOps. You will join a team that consists of Quality Engineers, Software Developers as well as Specialists in image processing and image analysis. Here, you will be responsible for ensuring that new software and systems are validated and that existing systems are maintained in a validated state. You will ensure that validation processes are followed, assist in testing and guide and support the organization in validation activities. In addition, your work role includes setup and support for build- and testing tools for software development.

Depending on your level of experience, your main responsibilities will be to:

- Ensure that all computerized systems are developed, implemented and validated according to defined processes, standards and regulations.

- Create plans for validation of new computerized systems and leading the work needed for implementation of the plans.
- Create and review documentation for validation of computerized systems, including validation plans, test protocols and validation reports.

- Support system owner with maintaining computerized systems in a validated state by performing periodic review, handling deviations, maintaining documentation, gathering user feedback etc.

- Advice software development team on validation of computerized systems.
- Handle issues, CAPAs and validation non-conformances.
- Continuous improvement of internal processes for development and validation.
- Lead and support risk management activities.
- Assist in customer audits.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for a highly structured and communicative person that can maintain a high level of detail while still thriving in a dynamic and rapidly growing environment. You have a team-oriented approach and enjoy being part of a team that creates, implements and maintain high-quality systems. You also value having fun while doing a meaningful job.


- Bachelor´s degree in relevant field (Nature Sciences, Engineering, IT, Computer Science).
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.


- Experience from clinical trials from the pharmaceutical-, biotech- or medtech industry.
- Understanding of ICH-GCP, EU/Annex 11, GAMP and FDA/21 CFR part 11 and Data Integrity GxP requirements.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than May 15, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69

The recruitment is for permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, TeamTailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Quality Engineer to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Apr 13    Antaros Medical AB    Systemtestare
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging method... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Quality Engineer in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We currently have around 120 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Quality Engineer to join our development team. The position will ideally be at our Uppsala office, but can possible be positioned at our office in Gothenburg as well.

As a Quality Engineer in our rapidly growing team, you will work with activities including quality assurance, software testing and DevOps. You will join a team that consists of Quality Engineers, Software Developers as well as Specialists in image processing and image analysis. Here, you will be responsible for ensuring that new software and systems are validated and that existing systems are maintained in a validated state. You will ensure that validation processes are followed, assist in testing and guide and support the organization in validation activities. In addition, your work role includes setup and support for build- and testing tools for software development.

Depending on your level of experience, your main responsibilities will be to:

- Ensure that all computerized systems are developed, implemented and validated according to defined processes, standards and regulations.

- Create plans for validation of new computerized systems and leading the work needed for implementation of the plans.
- Create and review documentation for validation of computerized systems, including validation plans, test protocols and validation reports.

- Support system owner with maintaining computerized systems in a validated state by performing periodic review, handling deviations, maintaining documentation, gathering user feedback etc.

- Advice software development team on validation of computerized systems.
- Handle issues, CAPAs and validation non-conformances.
- Continuous improvement of internal processes for development and validation.
- Lead and support risk management activities.
- Assist in customer audits.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for a highly structured and communicative person that can maintain a high level of detail while still thriving in a dynamic and rapidly growing environment. You have a team-oriented approach and enjoy being part of a team that creates, implements and maintain high-quality systems. You also value having fun while doing a meaningful job.


- Bachelor´s degree in relevant field (Nature Sciences, Engineering, IT, Computer Science).
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.


- Experience from clinical trials from the pharmaceutical-, biotech- or medtech industry.
- Understanding of ICH-GCP, EU/Annex 11, GAMP and FDA/21 CFR part 11 and Data Integrity GxP requirements.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than May 15, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69

The recruitment is for permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, TeamTailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Image Analyst till Antaros Medical

Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig. Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom Imaging samt analyserar bilder från undersökningar med Magnetröntgen (MR) och Positronemissionstomografi (PET) från kliniska prövningar. Vi är specialiserade inom kardiometabola sj... Visa mer
Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig.

Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom Imaging samt analyserar bilder från undersökningar med Magnetröntgen (MR) och Positronemissionstomografi (PET) från kliniska prövningar. Vi är specialiserade inom kardiometabola sjukdomar och onkologi och har ett globalt nätverk av partners och kunder, både stora och små läkemedelsföretag.

Vi är ett snabbväxande företag och har för närvarande cirka 100 anställda baserade i Mölndal, Uppsala och Malmö. Vi söker nu en analytisk och detaljfokuserad Bildanalytiker (Image Analyst) som vill vara med och bidra på vår resa.

Som Bildanalytiker arbetar du med kvalitetskontroll och analyser av medicinska bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar i en teknisk och forskningsintensiv miljö. Du kommer att arbeta i ett team som tillsammans analyserar och levererar data för den kliniska studien och ha kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker. Du kommer att bli tilldelad en mentor och genomgå ett omfattande träningsprogram som en del av din on-boarding.

Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:

- Kvalitetskontroll av bilder och dokument från MR- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska studier
- Segmentering och analys av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar och dokumentation av detta
- Kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker angående bildkvalitet

Din profil:

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, och ser att du är en strukturerad, noggrann och kvalitetsmedveten person. Vidare tror vi att du är positiv och kommunikativ, som trivs i samarbete med andra, men även att arbeta individuellt. Rollen passar dig som har ett intresse för medicin, teknik och bilder, och som trivs med arbetsuppgifter som kräver koncentration och noggrannhet.

Utbildning och erfarenhet:

- Gymnasieutbildning, inom naturvetenskap eller teknik. Vi ser det som meriterande om du har en universitets- eller högskoleutbildning
- God datorvana
- Goda språkkunskaper i engelska

Erfarenhet av arbete inom kliniska prövningar och inom regelverket GCP är meriterande för rollen.

Övrig information

För mer information om tjänsten, kontakta Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, på 073-233 00 03 alt. [email protected].

Om du vill veta mer om Antaros Medical och vår verksamhet, kika vidare på vår hemsida för att lära dig mer: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Skicka din ansökan (ett kort personligt brev och ditt CV) senast den 24 april 2022. Intervjuer kommer att ske löpande. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem Teamtailor. Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (P... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 100 employees working at our offices in Mölndal, Uppsala and Malmö, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our Corelab Team in Uppsala.

As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for quality control and analysis of medical images from MR and PET investigations in a technical and research-intensive environment. You will work in a team that together analyze and deliver data for the clinical study. Your responsibility also includes communication with national and international imaging centres. As part of your on-boarding you will receive a mentor and undergo an extensive training programme.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Quality control of the images and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
- Segmentation and analysis of the images from the MR and PET investigations including documentation of this
- Communication with national and international imaging centres on image quality

Who are we looking for?

We emphasize personal suitability and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to details, who thrives in an environment where high demands are placed on quality. We further believe that you are a positive and communicative person who enjoys collaborating with others, as well as working individually.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology, and medicine, and enjoy tasks that require concentration and attention to detail.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- High school grade, preferably in natural science. We perceive it as an advantage if you have a university degree or relevant higher education.
- Computer proficiency
- Good knowledge of spoken and written English

Experience from working with clinical trials, including knowledge of ICH-GCP, is considered an advantage.

More information:

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

If you want to find out more about our company, have a look on our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Please submit your application with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than April 24th, 2022. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period. We only accept applications via our recruitment system Teamtailor. Visa mindre

Lead Image Analyst till Antaros Medical

Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder, bildanalys och projektledning? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig. Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom Imaging samt analyserar bilder från undersökningar med Magnetröntgen (MR) och Positronemissionstomografi (PET) från kliniska prövningar. Vi är specialiserade inom k... Visa mer
Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder, bildanalys och projektledning? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig.

Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom Imaging samt analyserar bilder från undersökningar med Magnetröntgen (MR) och Positronemissionstomografi (PET) från kliniska prövningar. Vi är specialiserade inom kardiometabola sjukdomar och onkologi och har ett globalt nätverk av partners och kunder, både stora och små läkemedelsföretag.

Vi är ett snabbväxande företag och har för närvarande cirka 100 anställda baserade i Mölndal, Uppsala och Malmö. Vi söker nu en kvalitetsmedveten och serviceinriktad Lead Image Analyst som vill vara med och bidra på vår resa.

Som Lead Image Analyst kommer du att vara en del av ett projektteam där du är ansvarig för att analys av bilder och leverans av data sker enligt projektets tidsplan, och enligt våra kvalitetskrav och god klinisk sed (ICH-GCP). Du kommer även arbeta med kvalitetskontroll och analyser av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar och ha kontakt med nationella och internationella kunder och imaging center/röntgenkliniker. Du kommer att bli tilldelad en mentor och genomgå ett omfattande träningsprogram som en del av din on-boarding.

Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:

- Följa upp att analys av data och leverans till klient sker enligt studiens tidsplan
- Utveckling, underhåll och arkivering av studiedokumentation
- Kvalitetskontroll av bilder och dokument från MR- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska studier
- Segmentering och analys av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar och dokumentation av detta
- Kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker angående bildkvalitet

Din profil:

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, och tror att du är en strukturerad, noggrann och kvalitetsmedveten person. Vidare tror vi att du är en positiv och serviceinriktad person med god kommunikativ förmåga som relaterar till andra på ett lyhört och följsamt sätt. Rollen passar dig som har ett intresse för medicin, teknik och bilder. Du gillar att hantera ett antal olika arbetsuppgifter samtidigt och att planera, koordinera och följa upp arbetet i projekt.

Utbildning och erfarenhet:

- Universitets- eller högskoleutbildning som civilingenjör, biomedicinare, apotekare, biomedicinsk analytiker eller motsvarande.
- God datorvana
- Goda språkkunskaper i engelska

Erfarenhet av arbete inom kliniska prövningar och inom regelverket GCP är meriterande för rollen. Även erfarenhet av projektledning är meriterande, dock inte något krav.

Övrig information

För mer information om tjänsten, kontakta Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab , på 073-233 00 03 alt. [email protected].

Om du vill veta mer om Antaros Medical och vår verksamhet, kika vidare på vår hemsida för att lära dig mer: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Skicka din ansökan (ett kort personligt brev och ditt CV) senast den 24 april 2022. Intervjuer kommer att ske löpande. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem Teamtailor. Visa mindre

Lead Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images, image analysis and leading projects? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emis... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images, image analysis and leading projects? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 100 employees working at our offices in Mölndal, Uppsala and Malmö, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for a quality and service-minded Lead Image Analyst to join our Corelab Team in Uppsala.

As a Lead Image Analyst, you will be part of a project team where you are responsible for the analysis and delivery of data according to the project’s timeline, as well as to our quality requirements and ICH-GCP. You will also work with quality control and analysis of images from MR and PET investigations and communicate with national and international imaging centres. As part of your on-boarding you will receive a mentor and undergo an extensive training programme.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Ensure that image analysis and delivery of data to client are done according to the project’s timeline
- Development, maintenance, and archiving of study documentation
- Quality control of the images and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
- Segmentation and analysis of the images from the MR and PET investigations including documentation of this
- Communication with national and international imaging centres on image quality

Who are we looking for?

We emphasize personal suitability and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to quality. We further believe that you are a positive and service-oriented person with good communication skills who enjoys collaborating with others.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology, and medicine. You also enjoy working on multiple tasks simultaneously and to plan, coordinate, and follow-up on work in projects.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- University degree or relevant higher education, such as in engineering, biomedicine, pharmacy, biomedical laboratory science or similar
- Computer proficiency
- Good knowledge of spoken and written English

Experience from working with clinical trials, including knowledge of ICH-GCP, is considered an advantage. We further perceive it as beneficial if you have experience from project management, however not a requirement.

More information

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

If you want to find out more about our company, have a look on our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Please submit your application with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than April 24th, 2022. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period. We only accept applications via our recruitment system Teamtailor. Visa mindre

Lead Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images, image analysis and leading projects? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emis... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images, image analysis and leading projects? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 100 employees working at our offices in Mölndal, Uppsala and Malmö, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for a quality and service-minded Lead Image Analyst to join our Corelab Team in Uppsala.

As a Lead Image Analyst, you will be part of a project team where you are responsible for the analysis and delivery of data according to the project’s timeline, as well as to our quality requirements and ICH-GCP. You will also work with quality control and analysis of images from MR and PET investigations and communicate with national and international imaging centres. As part of your on-boarding you will receive a mentor and undergo an extensive training programme.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Ensure that image analysis and delivery of data to client are done according to the project’s timeline
- Development, maintenance, and archiving of study documentation
- Quality control of the images and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
- Segmentation and analysis of the images from the MR and PET investigations including documentation of this
- Communication with national and international imaging centres on image quality

Who are we looking for?

We emphasize personal suitability and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to quality. We further believe that you are a positive and service-oriented person with good communication skills who enjoys collaborating with others.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology, and medicine. You also enjoy working on multiple tasks simultaneously and to plan, coordinate, and follow-up on work in projects.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- University degree or relevant higher education, such as in engineering, biomedicine, pharmacy, biomedical laboratory science or similar
- Computer proficiency
- Good knowledge of spoken and written English

Experience from working with clinical trials, including knowledge of ICH-GCP, is considered an advantage. We further perceive it as beneficial if you have experience from project management, however not a requirement.

More information

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

If you want to find out more about our company, have a look on our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Please submit your application with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than March 20th, 2022. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period. We only accept applications via our recruitment system Teamtailor. Visa mindre

Sales Operations Specialist

Ansök    Mar 23    Antaros Medical AB    Säljledare
Would you like to work as a Sales Operations Specialist in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering ima... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Sales Operations Specialist in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 110 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey and to deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a Sales Operations Specialist. The position will be placed ideally in our Uppsala office.

As a Sales Operations Specialist, you will be a part of the Business Development team to win new business to achieve annual global sales targets. You will work with Business Development, Imaging Science and Imaging Services to create project budgets and proposals according to defined pricing and proposal templates. You will focus on and manage incoming customer requests for information (RFIs), proposals (RFPs) and support Imaging Services with change orders to existing contracts.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Manage all efforts required to respond to customer requests for information (RFI) in a timely manner to meet customer deadlines
- Manage the request for proposal (RFP) end-to-end process, including capturing essential project information, organize internal review meetings to communicate and evaluate specific requirements from the RFP, creating, and delivering proposals and budgets - including quality control edits of outgoing documents
- Support the development of internal processes related to Proposals and Budgeting, working cross-functionally to improve efficiencies
- Organize and maintain templates for proposals and budgets
- Work closely with Imaging Services to develop costings for ongoing and new services as required as well as supporting the change order process
- Support the Contract and Legal department to review, execute and maintain contractual documents
- Support the business development team with other tasks as required

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have the ability to organize and with that enjoy collaboration to effectively manage the proposal process. You have good attention to detail and a high degree of numeracy in order to thrive in this role.

We further see that you are able to prioritize as necessary in your work, to adapt to different scenarios, manage time and handle stress effectively. You are proactive and personable in your character, and take ownership to deliver with high quality and according to strict timelines.


- Bachelor’s degree required, preferably in a numerate or business-related discipline

- At least 5 years’ experience in a sales management- or operations role, including experience of working with proposal development and management
- Experience of creating budgets and proposals
- Strong written and verbal communication skills in English
- High level of proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint

Experience of working within a pharmaceutical service-oriented business, e.g. in a CRO, is perceived as beneficial for the role, where knowledge of drug development process as a further advantage.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 24th April 2022.

For more information about the position, please contact Caleb Roberts, +46 (0)70 235 57 02, or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (https://antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Clinical Trial Coordinator to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in project coordination in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (M... Visa mer
Are you interested in project coordination in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently over 100 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US.

To deliver on our commitments, we are looking for our next Clinical Trial Coordinator, with experience in clinical drug development and project coordination. As a Clinical Trial Coordinator, you will be responsible for coordination in and administration of our clinical trials. The position will be located in our office in Uppsala.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Provide general administrative support and assistance to the internal project team, primarily the Project Manager.
- Support the internal project team with ongoing conduct of studies including coordination of administrative tasks during the study process
- Contribute to applications & submissions by handling clinical-regulatory documents
- Assist in contact with clinical sites for specific requests (e.g., enrollment updates, missing documentation, meeting arrangements)
- Attend project team meetings and generate meeting minutes
- Set up, organize, and maintain clinical study documentation in the trial master file
- Quality control of and archival of the TMF after final study
- Collaboration with third-party archive vendor

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have proven administrative skills to handle and structure multiple tasks and projects, in order to meet deadlines in a dynamic environment.

As a person, you are a team player and enjoy interacting with a variety of people in the organization, where you contribute with energy, competence, and ideas.


- Experience from working with clinical trials and according to ICH-GCP
- Level of education that supports skills and capabilities of the position and ensures successful conduct of responsibilities
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 24th April 2022.

For more information about the position, please contact Marie Saether, +46 76 111 06 53, or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Lead Image Analyst till Antaros Medical

Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder, bildanalys och projektledning? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig. Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom Imaging samt analyserar bilder från undersökningar med Magnetröntgen (MR) och Positronemissionstomografi (PET) från kliniska prövningar. Vi är specialiserade inom k... Visa mer
Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder, bildanalys och projektledning? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig.

Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom Imaging samt analyserar bilder från undersökningar med Magnetröntgen (MR) och Positronemissionstomografi (PET) från kliniska prövningar. Vi är specialiserade inom kardiometabola sjukdomar och onkologi och har ett globalt nätverk av partners och kunder, både stora och små läkemedelsföretag.

Vi är ett snabbväxande företag och har för närvarande cirka 100 anställda baserade i Mölndal, Uppsala och Malmö. Vi söker nu en kvalitetsmedveten och serviceinriktad Lead Image Analyst som vill vara med och bidra på vår resa.

Som Lead Image Analyst kommer du att vara en del av ett projektteam där du är ansvarig för att analys av bilder och leverans av data sker enligt projektets tidsplan, och enligt våra kvalitetskrav och god klinisk sed (ICH-GCP). Du kommer även arbeta med kvalitetskontroll och analyser av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar och ha kontakt med nationella och internationella kunder och imaging center/röntgenkliniker. Du kommer att bli tilldelad en mentor och genomgå ett omfattande träningsprogram som en del av din on-boarding.

Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:

- Följa upp att analys av data och leverans till klient sker enligt studiens tidsplan
- Utveckling, underhåll och arkivering av studiedokumentation
- Kvalitetskontroll av bilder och dokument från MR- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska studier
- Segmentering och analys av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar och dokumentation av detta
- Kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker angående bildkvalitet

Din profil:

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, och tror att du är en strukturerad, noggrann och kvalitetsmedveten person. Vidare tror vi att du är en positiv och serviceinriktad person med god kommunikativ förmåga som relaterar till andra på ett lyhört och följsamt sätt. Rollen passar dig som har ett intresse för medicin, teknik och bilder. Du gillar att hantera ett antal olika arbetsuppgifter samtidigt och att planera, koordinera och följa upp arbetet i projekt.

Utbildning och erfarenhet:

- Universitets- eller högskoleutbildning som civilingenjör, biomedicinare, apotekare, biomedicinsk analytiker eller motsvarande.
- God datorvana
- Goda språkkunskaper i engelska

Erfarenhet av arbete inom kliniska prövningar och inom regelverket GCP är meriterande för rollen. Även erfarenhet av projektledning är meriterande, dock inte något krav.

Övrig information

För mer information om tjänsten, kontakta Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab , på 073-233 00 03 alt. [email protected].

Om du vill veta mer om Antaros Medical och vår verksamhet, kika vidare på vår hemsida för att lära dig mer: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Skicka din ansökan (ett kort personligt brev och ditt CV) senast den 20 mars 2022. Intervjuer kommer att ske löpande. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem Teamtailor. Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (P... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 100 employees working at our offices in Mölndal, Uppsala and Malmö, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our Corelab Team in Uppsala.

As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for quality control and analysis of medical images from MR and PET investigations in a technical and research-intensive environment. You will work in a team that together analyze and deliver data for the clinical study. Your responsibility also includes communication with national and international imaging centres. As part of your on-boarding you will receive a mentor and undergo an extensive training programme.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Quality control of the images and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
- Segmentation and analysis of the images from the MR and PET investigations including documentation of this
- Communication with national and international imaging centres on image quality

Who are we looking for?

We emphasize personal suitability and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to details, who thrives in an environment where high demands are placed on quality. We further believe that you are a positive and communicative person who enjoys collaborating with others, as well as working individually.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology, and medicine, and enjoy tasks that require concentration and attention to detail.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- High school grade, preferably in natural science. We perceive it as an advantage if you have a university degree or relevant higher education.
- Computer proficiency
- Good knowledge of spoken and written English

Experience from working with clinical trials, including knowledge of ICH-GCP, is considered an advantage.

More information:

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

If you want to find out more about our company, have a look on our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Please submit your application with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than March 20th, 2022. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period. We only accept applications via our recruitment system Teamtailor. Visa mindre

Image Analyst till Antaros Medical

Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig. Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom Imaging samt analyserar bilder från undersökningar med Magnetröntgen (MR) och Positronemissionstomografi (PET) från kliniska prövningar. Vi är specialiserade inom kardiometabola sj... Visa mer
Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig.

Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom Imaging samt analyserar bilder från undersökningar med Magnetröntgen (MR) och Positronemissionstomografi (PET) från kliniska prövningar. Vi är specialiserade inom kardiometabola sjukdomar och onkologi och har ett globalt nätverk av partners och kunder, både stora och små läkemedelsföretag.

Vi är ett snabbväxande företag och har för närvarande cirka 100 anställda baserade i Mölndal, Uppsala och Malmö. Vi söker nu en analytisk och detaljfokuserad Bildanalytiker (Image Analyst) som vill vara med och bidra på vår resa.

Som Bildanalytiker arbetar du med kvalitetskontroll och analyser av medicinska bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar i en teknisk och forskningsintensiv miljö. Du kommer att arbeta i ett team som tillsammans analyserar och levererar data för den kliniska studien och ha kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker. Du kommer att bli tilldelad en mentor och genomgå ett omfattande träningsprogram som en del av din on-boarding.

Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:

- Kvalitetskontroll av bilder och dokument från MR- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska studier
- Segmentering och analys av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar och dokumentation av detta
- Kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker angående bildkvalitet

Din profil:

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, och ser att du är en strukturerad, noggrann och kvalitetsmedveten person. Vidare tror vi att du är positiv och kommunikativ, som trivs i samarbete med andra, men även att arbeta individuellt. Rollen passar dig som har ett intresse för medicin, teknik och bilder, och som trivs med arbetsuppgifter som kräver koncentration och noggrannhet.

Utbildning och erfarenhet:

- Gymnasieutbildning, inom naturvetenskap eller teknik. Vi ser det som meriterande om du har en universitets- eller högskoleutbildning
- God datorvana
- Goda språkkunskaper i engelska

Erfarenhet av arbete inom kliniska prövningar och inom regelverket GCP är meriterande för rollen.

Övrig information

För mer information om tjänsten, kontakta Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, på 073-233 00 03 alt. [email protected].

Om du vill veta mer om Antaros Medical och vår verksamhet, kika vidare på vår hemsida för att lära dig mer: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Skicka din ansökan (ett kort personligt brev och ditt CV) senast den 20 mars 2022. Intervjuer kommer att ske löpande. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem Teamtailor. Visa mindre

Lead Image Analyst till Antaros Medical

Ansök    Feb 15    Antaros Medical AB    Biomedicinare
Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder, bildanalys och projektledning? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig. Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom Imaging samt analyserar bilder från undersökningar med Magnetröntgen (MR) och Positronemissionstomografi (PET) från kliniska prövningar. Vi är specialiserade inom k... Visa mer
Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder, bildanalys och projektledning? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig.

Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom Imaging samt analyserar bilder från undersökningar med Magnetröntgen (MR) och Positronemissionstomografi (PET) från kliniska prövningar. Vi är specialiserade inom kardiometabola sjukdomar och onkologi och har ett globalt nätverk av partners och kunder, både stora och små läkemedelsföretag.

Vi är ett snabbväxande företag och har för närvarande cirka 100 anställda baserade i Mölndal, Uppsala och Malmö. Vi söker nu en kvalitetsmedveten och serviceinriktad Lead Image Analyst som vill vara med och bidra på vår resa.

Som Lead Image Analyst kommer du att vara en del av ett projektteam där du är ansvarig för att analys av bilder och leverans av data sker enligt projektets tidsplan, och enligt våra kvalitetskrav och god klinisk sed (ICH-GCP). Du kommer även arbeta med kvalitetskontroll och analyser av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar och ha kontakt med nationella och internationella kunder och imaging center/röntgenkliniker. Du kommer att bli tilldelad en mentor och genomgå ett omfattande träningsprogram som en del av din on-boarding.

Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:

- Följa upp att analys av data och leverans till klient sker enligt studiens tidsplan
- Utveckling, underhåll och arkivering av studiedokumentation
- Kvalitetskontroll av bilder och dokument från MR- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska studier
- Segmentering och analys av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar och dokumentation av detta
- Kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker angående bildkvalitet

Din profil:

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, och tror att du är en strukturerad, noggrann och kvalitetsmedveten person. Vidare tror vi att du är en positiv och serviceinriktad person med god kommunikativ förmåga som relaterar till andra på ett lyhört och följsamt sätt. Rollen passar dig som har ett intresse för medicin, teknik och bilder. Du gillar att hantera ett antal olika arbetsuppgifter samtidigt och att planera, koordinera och följa upp arbetet i projekt.

Utbildning och erfarenhet:

- Universitets- eller högskoleutbildning som civilingenjör, biomedicinare, apotekare, biomedicinsk analytiker eller motsvarande.
- God datorvana
- Goda språkkunskaper i engelska

Erfarenhet av arbete inom kliniska prövningar och inom regelverket GCP är meriterande för rollen. Även erfarenhet av projektledning är meriterande, dock inte något krav.

Övrig information

För mer information om tjänsten, kontakta Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab , på 073-233 00 03 alt. [email protected].

Om du vill veta mer om Antaros Medical och vår verksamhet, kika vidare på vår hemsida för att lära dig mer: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Skicka din ansökan (ett kort personligt brev och ditt CV) senast den 20 mars 2022. Intervjuer kommer att ske löpande. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem Teamtailor. Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Feb 15    Antaros Medical AB    Biomedicinare
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (P... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 100 employees working at our offices in Mölndal, Uppsala and Malmö, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our Corelab Team in Uppsala.

As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for quality control and analysis of medical images from MR and PET investigations in a technical and research-intensive environment. You will work in a team that together analyze and deliver data for the clinical study. Your responsibility also includes communication with national and international imaging centres. As part of your on-boarding you will receive a mentor and undergo an extensive training programme.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Quality control of the images and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
- Segmentation and analysis of the images from the MR and PET investigations including documentation of this
- Communication with national and international imaging centres on image quality

Who are we looking for?

We emphasize personal suitability and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to details, who thrives in an environment where high demands are placed on quality. We further believe that you are a positive and communicative person who enjoys collaborating with others, as well as working individually.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology, and medicine, and enjoy tasks that require concentration and attention to detail.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- High school grade, preferably in natural science. We perceive it as an advantage if you have a university degree or relevant higher education.
- Computer proficiency
- Good knowledge of spoken and written English

Experience from working with clinical trials, including knowledge of ICH-GCP, is considered an advantage.

More information:

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

If you want to find out more about our company, have a look on our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Please submit your application with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than March 20th, 2022. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period. We only accept applications via our recruitment system Teamtailor. Visa mindre

Clinical Project Manager to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Mar 15    Antaros Medical AB    Forskningschef
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imagin... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently over 100 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal, Uppsala and Malmö, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next Clinical Project Manager with experience in clinical drug development. You will ideally join our office in Mölndal, Uppsala or Malmö in Sweden, with flexibility to partly work home-based. The position could possibly be placed internationally home-based in the US as well.

As a Clinical Project Manager at Antaros Medical, you will be overall responsible and accountable for project management of the imaging part in clinical trials, from initiation to end of assigned projects. Your responsibility includes to ensure the projects are delivered accordingly with timelines, to the agreed budget, with high quality, and per internal and client’s SOPs, ICH/GCP and other regulation.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Manage multiple projects ranging in size and complexity, from single to multicenter studies
- Act as a primary contact to the client to ensure smooth operations and communication
- Manage the internal trial team to ensure the right input at the right time from different skills within the company
- Present project information at internal and external meetings
- Risk management responsibility and lessons learned for assigned projects
- Manage the project financials in collaboration with the Finance Department and financial follow-up for assigned projects

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have the flexibility and the ability to handle multiple tasks and projects to meet deadlines while delivering high-quality work in a dynamic environment.

As a person, we further believe that you are outgoing and enthusiastic, a natural communicator, and can adapt your approach depending on the situation. You work as a team player and apply communicative and interactive skills on different levels within the organization and with external parties and customers.


- University degree in Life Science
- At least 3 years’ experience from working with clinical trials from start to end of projects
- Experience within project management of clinical trials is meritorious
- Strong understanding of ICH-GCP and other relevant regulations and guidelines in relation to clinical trials
- Understanding of the full drug development process
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than April 18, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Carin Tervald, +46 76 111 07 11, or [email protected]

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Lead Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images, image analysis and leading projects? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emis... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images, image analysis and leading projects? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and solutions. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 100 employees working at our offices in Mölndal, Uppsala and Malmö, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for a quality and service-minded Lead Image Analyst to join our Corelab Team in Uppsala.

As a Lead Image Analyst, you will be part of a project team where you are responsible for the analysis and delivery of data according to the project’s timeline, as well as to our quality requirements and ICH-GCP. You will also work with quality control and analysis of images from MR and PET investigations and communicate with national and international imaging centres. As part of your on-boarding you will receive a mentor and undergo an extensive training programme.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Ensure that image analysis and delivery of data to client are done according to the project’s timeline
- Development, maintenance, and archiving of study documentation
- Quality control of the images and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
- Segmentation and analysis of the images from the MR and PET investigations including documentation of this
- Communication with national and international imaging centres on image quality

Who are we looking for?

We emphasize personal suitability and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to quality. We further believe that you are a positive and service-oriented person with good communication skills who enjoys collaborating with others.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology, and medicine. You also enjoy working on multiple tasks simultaneously and to plan, coordinate, and follow-up on work in projects.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- University degree or relevant higher education, such as in engineering, biomedicine, pharmacy, biomedical laboratory science or similar
- Computer proficiency
- Good knowledge of spoken and written English

Experience from working with clinical trials, including knowledge of ICH-GCP, is considered an advantage. We further perceive it as beneficial if you have experience from project management, however not a requirement.

More information

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

If you want to find out more about our company, have a look on our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Please submit your application with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than March 20th, 2022. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period. We only accept applications via our recruitment system Teamtailor. Visa mindre

Image Analyst till Antaros Medical

Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig. Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom Imaging samt analyserar bilder från undersökningar med Magnetröntgen (MR) och Positronemissionstomografi (PET) från kliniska prövningar. Vi är specialiserade inom kardiometabola sj... Visa mer
Är du intresserad av medicinska bilder och bildanalys? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig.

Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom Imaging samt analyserar bilder från undersökningar med Magnetröntgen (MR) och Positronemissionstomografi (PET) från kliniska prövningar. Vi är specialiserade inom kardiometabola sjukdomar och onkologi och har ett globalt nätverk av partners och kunder, både stora och små läkemedelsföretag.

Vi är ett snabbväxande företag och har för närvarande cirka 100 anställda baserade i Mölndal, Uppsala och Malmö. Vi söker nu en analytisk och detaljfokuserad Bildanalytiker (Image Analyst) som vill vara med och bidra på vår resa.

Som Bildanalytiker arbetar du med kvalitetskontroll och analyser av medicinska bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar i en teknisk och forskningsintensiv miljö. Du kommer att arbeta i ett team som tillsammans analyserar och levererar data för den kliniska studien och ha kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker. Du kommer att bli tilldelad en mentor och genomgå ett omfattande träningsprogram som en del av din on-boarding.

Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:

- Kvalitetskontroll av bilder och dokument från MR- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska studier
- Segmentering och analys av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar och dokumentation av detta
- Kontakt med nationella och internationella imaging center/röntgenkliniker angående bildkvalitet

Din profil:

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, och ser att du är en strukturerad, noggrann och kvalitetsmedveten person. Vidare tror vi att du är positiv och kommunikativ, som trivs i samarbete med andra, men även att arbeta individuellt. Rollen passar dig som har ett intresse för medicin, teknik och bilder, och som trivs med arbetsuppgifter som kräver koncentration och noggrannhet.

Utbildning och erfarenhet:

- Gymnasieutbildning, inom naturvetenskap eller teknik. Vi ser det som meriterande om du har en universitets- eller högskoleutbildning
- God datorvana
- Goda språkkunskaper i engelska

Erfarenhet av arbete inom kliniska prövningar och inom regelverket GCP är meriterande för rollen.

Övrig information

För mer information om tjänsten, kontakta Anna Ringheim Cadete, Head of Corelab, på 073-233 00 03 alt. [email protected].

Om du vill veta mer om Antaros Medical och vår verksamhet, kika vidare på vår hemsida för att lära dig mer: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

Skicka din ansökan (ett kort personligt brev och ditt CV) senast den 20 mars 2022. Intervjuer kommer att ske löpande. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem Teamtailor. Visa mindre

Software Developer to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Feb 14    Antaros Medical AB    Mjukvaruutvecklare
Does software development of image processing and analysis tools catch your eye? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future? At Antaros Medical, we value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. We are now looking for our next experienced Software Developer to join our development team in Malmö. As a Software Developer, you wil... Visa mer
Does software development of image processing and analysis tools catch your eye? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future?

At Antaros Medical, we value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. We are now looking for our next experienced Software Developer to join our development team in Malmö.

As a Software Developer, you will join a team of software developers and specialists in image processing and image analysis. You will be responsible for designing and developing tools for management, processing and analysis of medical MR and PET images acquired in clinical trials. You will also be member of cross-functional project teams in clinical trials, coordinating software development solutions in the project.

In addition, your work role will include software development support to specialists with rapid prototyping and implementation of method development in advanced image analysis.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Development, maintenance and documentation of validated software for medical image management, processing, and analysis.

- Collaborate with cross-functional clinical trial teams to understand software needs and design and implement high quality solutions to problems.

- Continuous improvement of team processes and tools.

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have been working with professional software development, preferably with medical images in a GxP or medical device setting, for at least 4 years. You are keen on working both independently as well as in teams, communicate well verbally and in writing and thrives in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. You can design and develop advanced yet simple solutions to complex problems in collaboration with other team members that fulfils industry standard quality requirements.


- 4+ years’ experience of professional software development

- B.Sc. degree in relevant field

- Python

- Experience in medical image processing

In addition, we perceive professional knowledge of DICOM, Matlab, C++, Deep learning and/or AWS, to be of advantage in the work role. Experience of GxP or medical device development is also meriting.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than March 15th, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69

The recruitment is for permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology.

We combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and a deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST. Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. Visa mindre

Quality & Compliance Manager in IT

Ansök    Jan 31    Antaros Medical AB    IT-säkerhetschef
Would you like to work with IT and Computerised Systems as a Quality & Compliance Manager, in a growing company devoted to make a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this sounds interesting, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (M... Visa mer
Would you like to work with IT and Computerised Systems as a Quality & Compliance Manager, in a growing company devoted to make a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this sounds interesting, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We are specialized in cardiometabolic diseases (including NAFLD/NASH and chronic kidney disease) and oncology. We have established ourselves as a strategic development partner to the pharmaceutical industry. We combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. Our projects cover clinical trials in all stages of drug development, and we work both with small biotech companies and global big pharma companies. We currently have around 100 employees working at our offices in Mölndal, Uppsala and Malmö.

As Quality & Compliance Manager in IT/Computerised Systems, you will provide QA oversight and support the implementation, development,risk management, validation, management and use of compliance related electronic systems within the business and in the clinical studies in accordance with ICH-GCP, EU/Annex 11, GAMP and FDA/21 CFR part 11, and Data Integrity GxP requirements.

You will also support the internal departments in developing and maintaining SOPs related to electronic systems as well as work with validation, vendor qualification and compliance. You will be working closely with our QA team; VP IT & QA, COO and Head of Software. The position can be based in either Uppsala, Mölndal or Malmö.

As Quality & Compliance Manager in IT/Computerised Systems at Antaros Medical, your main responsibilities will be:

- Ensure that computerized systems are implemented, developed, validated and managed in accordance with the defined processes, SOPs, standards and policies
- Review and approve documents and solutions based on defined processes, SOPs, standards and policies for computerised systemsSupport the development of new and update of existing SOPs, templates and other quality system documents for computerised systems
- Assist in inspections and customer audits and with information in RFIs/vendor assessments
- Advice organisation in data integrity and computerised system related questions concerning compliance with defined SOPs, standards and policies
- Lead and support vendor assessment, qualification and risk-based re-assessment of vendors delivering computerised systems/software
- Take part in validation and release of systems as per internal processes
- Take part in validation of data lifecycle in clinical studies
- Take part in changes of systems as per internal processes
- Perform activities related to the maintenance of the validated state for computerised systems as per internal processes
- Support the clinical study teams in questions related to computerized systems and data integrity/data lifecycles in specific studies
- Lead and provide support for CAPAs, issues and system non-conformities for computerised systems
- Identify suggestions for improvements and lead improvement projects related to processes, SOPs, standards and policies for computerised systems

Who you are

We believe that you are a structured and communicative person who will thrive in our dynamic and rapidly developing environment. You are focused on delivering high-quality results and enjoy giving quality related advice to the organisation. You collaborate very well with others and have a team-oriented approach when engaging with colleagues and clients. Last but not least, you value having fun while doing a meaningful job.


- University degree in Natural Science, Engineering/IT or Medicine.
- Experience within the pharmaceutical-, biotech- or medtech industry as an IT Subject Matter Expert, within quality assurance (QA) working with quality or computerised system
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English


- Experience from clinical trials from the pharmaceutical-, biotech- or medtech industry, CROs, or similar business
- Understanding of ICH-GCP, EU/Annex 11, GAMP and FDA/21 CFR part 11 and Data Integrity GxP requirements, and other relevant guidelines concerning both operational aspects as well as quality aspects

More information

For more information about the position, please contact Johannes Carlsson, VP IT & QA
46 73 9178650

Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter in English and your CV included, no later than February 23rd, 2022. Visa mindre

Clinical Trial Coordinator to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jan 31    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Are you interested in image analysis in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) an... Visa mer
Are you interested in image analysis in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

To deliver on our commitments, we are looking for people with both broad and deep experience in clinical drug development as well as project management.

As a Clinical Trial Coordinator, you will be responsible for coordination in and administration of our clinical trials. The position will be located in our office in Uppsala.

Main responsibilities:

- Provide general administrative support and assistance to the internal project team, primarily the Project Manager.
- Support the internal project team with ongoing conduct of studies including coordination of administrative tasks during the study process
- Contribute to applications & submissions by handling clinical-regulatory documents
- Assist in contact with clinical sites for specific requests (e.g., enrollment updates, missing documentation, meeting arrangements).
- Attend project team meetings and generate meeting minutes.
- Set up, organize, and maintain clinical study documentation in the trial master file
- Quality control of and archival of the TMF after final study
- Collaboration with third-party archive vendor


- Experience from working with clinical trials and according to ICH-GCP
- Level of education that supports skills and capabilities of the position and ensures successful conduct of responsibilities
- Collaboration skills in order to engage with people and clients
- Proven administrative skills
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

More information

For more information about the position, please contact Neha Mehta , +46 76-111-0659, or [email protected].

Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than February 10th 2022. We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical
At Antaros Medical, we are specialised in cardiometabolic diseases (including NAFLD/NASH and chronic kidney disease) and oncology. We have established ourselves as a strategic development partner to the pharmaceutical industry, where we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. Our projects cover clinical trials in all stages of drug development, and we work both with small biotech companies as well as global big pharma companies. We currently have around 90 employees working at our offices in Mölndal and Uppsala. Visa mindre

Clinical Trial Coordinator to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in image analysis in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) an... Visa mer
Are you interested in image analysis in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

To deliver on our commitments, we are looking for people with both broad and deep experience in clinical drug development as well as project management.

As a Clinical Trial Coordinator, you will be responsible for coordination in and administration of our clinical trials. The position will be located in our office in Uppsala.

Main responsibilities:

- Provide general administrative support and assistance to the internal project team, primarily the Project Manager.
- Support the internal project team with ongoing conduct of studies including coordination of administrative tasks during the study process
- Contribute to applications & submissions by handling clinical-regulatory documents
- Assist in contact with clinical sites for specific requests (e.g., enrollment updates, missing documentation, meeting arrangements).
- Attend project team meetings and generate meeting minutes.
- Set up, organize, and maintain clinical study documentation in the trial master file
- Quality control of and archival of the TMF after final study
- Collaboration with third-party archive vendor


- Experience from working with clinical trials and according to ICH-GCP
- Level of education that supports skills and capabilities of the position and ensures successful conduct of responsibilities
- Collaboration skills in order to engage with people and clients
- Proven administrative skills
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

More information

For more information about the position, please contact Neha Mehta , +46 76-111-0659, or [email protected].

Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than February 10th 2022. We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical
At Antaros Medical, we are specialised in cardiometabolic diseases (including NAFLD/NASH and chronic kidney disease) and oncology. We have established ourselves as a strategic development partner to the pharmaceutical industry, where we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. Our projects cover clinical trials in all stages of drug development, and we work both with small biotech companies as well as global big pharma companies. We currently have around 90 employees working at our offices in Mölndal and Uppsala. Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (P... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We have currently around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing. As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our Corelab Team in Uppsala.

As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for delivering high quality measurements and analyses of the imaging scans from MR and PET investigations, which is a core output from our company. You will work in a team that together analyses and delivers data for the clinical study. Your responsibility also includes quality control of such images and communication with imaging centres on image quality. The job environment is highly focused on research and technical development, and requires collaboration within the internal project team as well as with national and international clients and imaging centres.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Quality control of the imaging scans and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
- Segmentation and analysis of the imaging scans from the MR and PET investigations including documentation
- Compiling results from image analysis and report back to clients according to agreed timelines
- Development, maintenance, and archiving of study documentation

Who are we looking for?

We emphasise personal suitability, and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to details, who strives in an environment where high demands are placed on quality. We further believe that you are a service-oriented person who enjoys collaborating with others, as well as working individually.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology and medicine.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- At least high school grade or equivalent, preferably in natural science. We perceive it as an advantage if you have university- or relevant higher education as biomedical scientist or similar.
- Demonstrated computer proficiency (programming skills are meritorious)
- Good knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

Understanding of and/or experience from working with clinical trials is considered an an advantage, including knowledge of ICH-GCP. We further perceive it as beneficial if you have skills and interest in programming.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than January 31, 2022. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period.

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Corelab Manager, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Bildanalytiker till Antaros Medical

Har du intresse av bilder och bildanalys? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig. Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom imaging samt analyserar bilder från MRI- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska prövningar, med specialisering inom kardiometabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partners o... Visa mer
Har du intresse av bilder och bildanalys? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig.

Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom imaging samt analyserar bilder från MRI- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska prövningar, med specialisering inom kardiometabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partners och kunder, både stora och små läkemedelsföretag, och deltar även i flera europeiska forskningssamarbeten. Vi är ett snabbt växande företag och har för närvarande cirka 90 anställda baserade i BioVentureHub i Mölndal och i Uppsala Science Park. Nyligen öppnade vi ett kontor i USA.

Vi söker nu en analytisk och detaljfokuserad Bildanalytiker (Image Analyst) som vill vara med och bidra på vår resa. Som bildanalytiker på Antaros Medical arbetar du med kvalitetskontroll och högkvalitativa mätningar och analyser av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar i en teknisk och forskningsintensiv miljö. Du kommer att arbeta i ett team som tillsammans levererar data för den kliniska studien och ha kontakt med nationella och internationella kunder och imaging-center/röntgenkliniker. Tjänsten är placerad på vårt kontor i Uppsala.

Din profil

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, och tror att du är en strukturerad och noggrann person som trivs i en miljö där höga krav ställs på vårt kvalitetsarbete. Vidare tror vi att du är en serviceinriktad person som trivs i samarbete med andra såväl som att arbeta individuellt. Vi ser gärna att du har ett intresse för bilder, bildananalys, teknik och medicin.

Utbildning och erfarenhet

- Minst gymnasieutbildning, gärna inom naturvetenskap eller vård. Vi ser gärna att du har universitets- eller högskoleutbildning som biomedicinsk analytiker eller motsvarande.
- God datorvana
- Goda språkkunskaper i svenska och engelska

Erfarenhet av arbete inom kliniska prövningar och inom regelverket GCP är meriterande för rollen. Därtill ser vi även det som fördelaktigt med kunskap och intresse inom programmering.

Övrig information

För mer information om tjänsten, kontakta Anna Ringheim Cadete, Corelab Manager, på 073-233 00 03 alt. [email protected].

Om du vill veta mer om Antaros Medical och vår verksamhet, kika in på vår hemsida för att lära dig mer: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com)

Skicka din ansökan (ett kort personligt brev och ditt CV) senast den 30 January 2022. Intervjuer kommer att ske löpande. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem Teamtailor. Samtal från externa rekryteringsföretag och säljare undanbedes. Visa mindre

Software Developer to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jan 31    Antaros Medical AB    Mjukvaruutvecklare
Does software development of image processing and analysis tools catch your eye? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future? At Antaros Medical, we value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. We are now looking for our next experienced Software Developer to join our development team in Malmö. As a Software Developer, you wil... Visa mer
Does software development of image processing and analysis tools catch your eye? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future?

At Antaros Medical, we value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. We are now looking for our next experienced Software Developer to join our development team in Malmö.

As a Software Developer, you will join a team of software developers and specialists in image processing and image analysis. You will be responsible for designing and developing tools for management, processing and analysis of medical MR and PET images acquired in clinical trials. You will also be member of cross-functional project teams in clinical trials, coordinating software development solutions in the project.

In addition, your work role will include software development support to specialists with rapid prototyping and implementation of method development in advanced image analysis.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Development, maintenance and documentation of validated software for medical image management, processing, and analysis.

- Collaborate with cross-functional clinical trial teams to understand software needs and design and implement high quality solutions to problems.

- Continuous improvement of team processes and tools.

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have been working with professional software development, preferably with medical images in a GxP or medical device setting, for at least 4 years. You are keen on working both independently as well as in teams, communicate well verbally and in writing and thrives in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. You can design and develop advanced yet simple solutions to complex problems in collaboration with other team members that fulfils industry standard quality requirements.


- 4+ years’ experience of professional software development

- B.Sc. degree in relevant field

- Python

- Experience in medical image processing

In addition, we perceive professional knowledge of DICOM, Matlab, C++, Deep learning and/or AWS, to be of advantage in the work role. Experience of GxP or medical device development is also meriting.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than February 10th, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69

The recruitment is for a permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology.

We combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and a deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST. Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. Visa mindre

Software Developer to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jan 11    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Does software development of image processing and analysis tools catch your eye? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future? At Antaros Medical, we value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. We are now looking for our next experienced Software Developer to join our development team in Malmö. As a Software Developer, you wil... Visa mer
Does software development of image processing and analysis tools catch your eye? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future?

At Antaros Medical, we value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. We are now looking for our next experienced Software Developer to join our development team in Malmö.

As a Software Developer, you will join a team of software developers and specialists in image processing and image analysis. You will be responsible for designing and developing tools for management, processing and analysis of medical MR and PET images acquired in clinical trials. You will also be member of cross-functional project teams in clinical trials, coordinating software development solutions in the project.

In addition, your work role will include software development support to specialists with rapid prototyping and implementation of method development in advanced image analysis.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Development, maintenance and documentation of validated software for medical image management, processing, and analysis.

- Collaborate with cross-functional clinical trial teams to understand software needs and design and implement high quality solutions to problems.

- Continuous improvement of team processes and tools.

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have been working with professional software development, preferably with medical images in a GxP or medical device setting, for at least 4 years. You are keen on working both independently as well as in teams, communicate well verbally and in writing and thrives in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. You can design and develop advanced yet simple solutions to complex problems in collaboration with other team members that fulfils industry standard quality requirements.


- 4+ years’ experience of professional software development

- B.Sc. degree in relevant field

- Python

- Experience in medical image processing

In addition, we perceive professional knowledge of DICOM, Matlab, C++, Deep learning and/or AWS, to be of advantage in the work role. Experience of GxP or medical device development is also meriting.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than February 10th, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69

The recruitment is for a permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology.

We combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and a deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST. Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (P... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We have currently around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing. As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our Corelab Team in Uppsala.

As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for delivering high quality measurements and analyses of the imaging scans from MR and PET investigations, which is a core output from our company. You will work in a team that together analyses and delivers data for the clinical study. Your responsibility also includes quality control of such images and communication with imaging centres on image quality. The job environment is highly focused on research and technical development, and requires collaboration within the internal project team as well as with national and international clients and imaging centres.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Quality control of the imaging scans and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
- Segmentation and analysis of the imaging scans from the MR and PET investigations including documentation
- Compiling results from image analysis and report back to clients according to agreed timelines
- Development, maintenance, and archiving of study documentation

Who are we looking for?

We emphasise personal suitability, and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to details, who strives in an environment where high demands are placed on quality. We further believe that you are a service-oriented person who enjoys collaborating with others, as well as working individually.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology and medicine.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- At least high school grade or equivalent, preferably in natural science. We perceive it as an advantage if you have university- or relevant higher education as biomedical scientist or similar.
- Demonstrated computer proficiency (programming skills are meritorious)
- Good knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

Understanding of and/or experience from working with clinical trials is considered an an advantage, including knowledge of ICH-GCP. We further perceive it as beneficial if you have skills and interest in programming.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than January 31, 2022. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period.

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Corelab Manager, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Clinical Trial Coordinator to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jan 11    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Are you interested in image analysis in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) an... Visa mer
Are you interested in image analysis in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

To deliver on our commitments, we are looking for people with both broad and deep experience in clinical drug development as well as project management.

As a Clinical Trial Coordinator, you will be responsible for coordination in and administration of our clinical trials. The position will be located in our office in Uppsala.

Main responsibilities:

- Provide general administrative support and assistance to the internal project team, primarily the Project Manager.
- Support the internal project team with ongoing conduct of studies including coordination of administrative tasks during the study process
- Contribute to applications & submissions by handling clinical-regulatory documents
- Assist in contact with clinical sites for specific requests (e.g., enrollment updates, missing documentation, meeting arrangements).
- Attend project team meetings and generate meeting minutes.
- Set up, organize, and maintain clinical study documentation in the trial master file
- Quality control of and archival of the TMF after final study
- Collaboration with third-party archive vendor


- Experience from working with clinical trials and according to ICH-GCP
- Level of education that supports skills and capabilities of the position and ensures successful conduct of responsibilities
- Collaboration skills in order to engage with people and clients
- Proven administrative skills
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

More information

For more information about the position, please contact Neha Mehta , +46 76-111-0659, or [email protected].

Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than February 10th 2022. We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical
At Antaros Medical, we are specialised in cardiometabolic diseases (including NAFLD/NASH and chronic kidney disease) and oncology. We have established ourselves as a strategic development partner to the pharmaceutical industry, where we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. Our projects cover clinical trials in all stages of drug development, and we work both with small biotech companies as well as global big pharma companies. We currently have around 90 employees working at our offices in Mölndal and Uppsala. Visa mindre

Clinical Project Manager to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jan 10    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imagin... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next Clinical Project Manager with experience in clinical drug development. You will ideally join our office in Mölndal or Uppsala in Sweden, with flexibility to partly work home-based. The position could possibly be placed internationally home-based in the US or Europe.

As a Clinical Project Manager at Antaros Medical, you will be overall responsible and accountable for project management of the imaging part in clinical trials, from initiation to end of assigned projects. Your responsibility includes to ensure the projects are delivered accordingly with timelines, to the agreed budget, with high quality, and per internal and client’s SOPs, ICH/GCP and other regulation.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Manage multiple projects ranging in size and complexity, from single to multicenter studies
- Act as a primary contact to the client to ensure smooth operations and communication
- Manage the internal trial team to ensure the right input at the right time from different skills within the company
- Present project information at internal and external meetings
- Risk management responsibility and lessons learned for assigned projects
- Manage the project financials in collaboration with the Finance Department and financial follow-up for assigned projects

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have the flexibility and the ability to handle multiple tasks and projects to meet deadlines while delivering high-quality work in a dynamic environment.

As a person, we further believe that you are outgoing and enthusiastic, a natural communicator, and can adapt your approach depending on the situation. You work as a team player and apply communicative and interactive skills on different levels within the organization and with external parties and customers.


- University degree in Life Science
- At least 3 years’ experience from working with clinical trials from start to end of projects
- Experience within project management of clinical trials is meritorious
- Strong understanding of ICH-GCP and other relevant regulations and guidelines in relation to clinical trials
- Understanding of the full drug development process
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than February 7, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Neha Mehta, +46 76 111 06 59, or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Clinical Project Manager to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jan 7    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imagin... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next Clinical Project Manager with experience in clinical drug development. You will ideally join our office in Mölndal or Uppsala in Sweden, with flexibility to partly work home-based. The position could possibly be placed internationally home-based in the US or Europe.

As a Clinical Project Manager at Antaros Medical, you will be overall responsible and accountable for project management of the imaging part in clinical trials, from initiation to end of assigned projects. Your responsibility includes to ensure the projects are delivered accordingly with timelines, to the agreed budget, with high quality, and per internal and client’s SOPs, ICH/GCP and other regulation.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Manage multiple projects ranging in size and complexity, from single to multicenter studies
- Act as a primary contact to the client to ensure smooth operations and communication
- Manage the internal trial team to ensure the right input at the right time from different skills within the company
- Present project information at internal and external meetings
- Risk management responsibility and lessons learned for assigned projects
- Manage the project financials in collaboration with the Finance Department and financial follow-up for assigned projects

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have the flexibility and the ability to handle multiple tasks and projects to meet deadlines while delivering high-quality work in a dynamic environment.

As a person, we further believe that you are outgoing and enthusiastic, a natural communicator, and can adapt your approach depending on the situation. You work as a team player and apply communicative and interactive skills on different levels within the organization and with external parties and customers.


- University degree in Life Science
- At least 3 years’ experience from working with clinical trials from start to end of projects
- Experience within project management of clinical trials is meritorious
- Strong understanding of ICH-GCP and other relevant regulations and guidelines in relation to clinical trials
- Understanding of the full drug development process
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than February 7, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Neha Mehta, +46 76 111 06 59, or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Dec 27    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (P... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We have currently around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing. As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our Corelab Team in Uppsala.

As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for delivering high quality measurements and analyses of the imaging scans from MR and PET investigations, which is a core output from our company. You will work in a team that together analyses and delivers data for the clinical study. Your responsibility also includes quality control of such images and communication with imaging centres on image quality. The job environment is highly focused on research and technical development, and requires collaboration within the internal project team as well as with national and international clients and imaging centres.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Quality control of the imaging scans and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
- Segmentation and analysis of the imaging scans from the MR and PET investigations including documentation
- Compiling results from image analysis and report back to clients according to agreed timelines
- Development, maintenance, and archiving of study documentation

Who are we looking for?

We emphasise personal suitability, and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to details, who strives in an environment where high demands are placed on quality. We further believe that you are a service-oriented person who enjoys collaborating with others, as well as working individually.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology and medicine.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- At least high school grade or equivalent, preferably in natural science. We perceive it as an advantage if you have university- or relevant higher education as biomedical scientist or similar.
- Demonstrated computer proficiency (programming skills are meritorious)
- Good knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

Understanding of and/or experience from working with clinical trials is considered an an advantage, including knowledge of ICH-GCP. We further perceive it as beneficial if you have skills and interest in programming.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than January 31, 2022. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period.

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Corelab Manager, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Clinical Trial Coordinator to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Dec 10    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Are you interested in image analysis in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) an... Visa mer
Are you interested in image analysis in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

To deliver on our commitments, we are looking for people with both broad and deep experience in clinical drug development as well as project management.

As a Clinical Trial Coordinator, you will be responsible for coordination in and administration of our clinical trials. The position will be located in our office in Uppsala.

Main responsibilities:

- Provide general administrative support and assistance to the internal project team, primarily the Project Manager.
- Support the internal project team with ongoing conduct of studies including coordination of administrative tasks during the study process
- Contribute to applications & submissions by handling clinical-regulatory documents
- Assist in contact with clinical sites for specific requests (e.g., enrollment updates, missing documentation, meeting arrangements).
- Attend project team meetings and generate meeting minutes.
- Set up, organize, and maintain clinical study documentation in the trial master file
- Quality control of and archival of the TMF after final study
- Collaboration with third-party archive vendor


- Experience from working with clinical trials and according to ICH-GCP
- Level of education that supports skills and capabilities of the position and ensures successful conduct of responsibilities
- Collaboration skills in order to engage with people and clients
- Proven administrative skills
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

More information

For more information about the position, please contact Neha Mehta , +46 76-111-0659, or [email protected].

Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than January 10th 2022. We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical
At Antaros Medical, we are specialised in cardiometabolic diseases (including NAFLD/NASH and chronic kidney disease) and oncology. We have established ourselves as a strategic development partner to the pharmaceutical industry, where we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. Our projects cover clinical trials in all stages of drug development, and we work both with small biotech companies as well as global big pharma companies. We currently have around 90 employees working at our offices in Mölndal and Uppsala. Visa mindre

Software Developer to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Dec 10    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Does software development of image processing and analysis tools catch your eye? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future? At Antaros Medical, we value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. We are now looking for our next experienced Software Developer to join our development team in Malmö. As a Software Developer, you wil... Visa mer
Does software development of image processing and analysis tools catch your eye? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future?

At Antaros Medical, we value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. We are now looking for our next experienced Software Developer to join our development team in Malmö.

As a Software Developer, you will join a team of software developers and specialists in image processing and image analysis. You will be responsible for designing and developing tools for management, processing and analysis of medical MR and PET images acquired in clinical trials. You will also be member of cross-functional project teams in clinical trials, coordinating software development solutions in the project.

In addition, your work role will include software development support to specialists with rapid prototyping and implementation of method development in advanced image analysis.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Development, maintenance and documentation of validated software for medical image management, processing, and analysis.

- Collaborate with cross-functional clinical trial teams to understand software needs and design and implement high quality solutions to problems.

- Continuous improvement of team processes and tools.

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have been working with professional software development, preferably with medical images in a GxP or medical device setting, for at least 4 years. You are keen on working both independently as well as in teams, communicate well verbally and in writing and thrives in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. You can design and develop advanced yet simple solutions to complex problems in collaboration with other team members that fulfils industry standard quality requirements.


- 4+ years’ experience of professional software development

- B.Sc. degree in relevant field

- Python

- Experience in medical image processing

In addition, we perceive professional knowledge of DICOM, Matlab, C++, Deep learning and/or AWS, to be of advantage in the work role. Experience of GxP or medical device development is also meriting.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than January 10th, 2022

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69

The recruitment is for a permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology.

We combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and a deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST. Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. Visa mindre

MRI Radiographer/MR Imaging Specialist to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Dec 23    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Would you like to work as an MR Imaging Specialist in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PE... Visa mer
Would you like to work as an MR Imaging Specialist in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We currently have around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden (Mölndal and Uppsala) and we are continuously growing and developing. As a part of our growth journey, we are now looking for an MR Imaging Specialist.

As an MR Imaging Specialist, you will be involved in the start-up and operational phase of clinical trials ensuring the best quality of MR images collected on the clinical imaging sites participating in our contract research studies and as part of our own R&D. Your main focus will be responsibility for setting up harmonized imaging protocols, training the sites on the procedures and communicating with imaging site staff.

You will join a group of imaging specialists with expertise in MR and PET, and you will be working closely with Imaging Scientists, Project Managers, and Image Analysts to deliver innovative imaging solutions to the pharmaceutical industry.

An important aspect of your job will be assuring image quality in clinical studies, including on-site and remote training and assessment of clinical imaging sites. You will be helping the imaging sites with the setting up of imaging protocols according to study requirements and educating them on the processes to be followed in the clinical trials that we work on.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Managing imaging aspects of clinical trials
- Training and qualifying imaging sites


- A radiographer’s degree, specialization in MRI
- Extensive clinical MRI experience working as a radiographer or similar
- Experience in working with MRI scanners from multiple vendors
- Strong communication skills in English (written and oral)

Preferred qualifications:

- Experience in abdominal imaging
- Experience in working according to GCP and in clinical trials
- Experience in the pharmaceutical or medical technology industries

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have strong organizational skills and drive your work independently, but enjoy working in project teams from start to finish to achieve the goal. You are comfortable communicating on the phone/Teams and e-mail.

As a person, we further believe that you are outgoing and enthusiastic, a natural communicator, and can adapt your approach depending on the situation. You work as a team player and apply communicative and interactive skills on different levels within the organization and with external parties and customers.

More information

For more information about the position, please contact Sofia Löwstedt, HR Director, at [email protected] or +46707158790.

Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than January 20, 2022.

The position is ideally based in our Uppsala or Mölndal office in Sweden but could possibly be placed internationally home-based in the US or Europe.

If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com)

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST. Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden. Visa mindre

Clinical Project Manager to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Nov 9    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imagin... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next Clinical Project Manager with experience in clinical drug development. You will ideally join our office in Mölndal or Uppsala in Sweden, with flexibility to partly work home-based. The position could possibly be placed internationally home-based in the US or Europe.

As a Clinical Project Manager at Antaros Medical, you will be overall responsible and accountable for project management of the imaging part in clinical trials, from initiation to end of assigned projects. Your responsibility includes to ensure the projects are delivered accordingly with timelines, to the agreed budget, with high quality, and per internal and client’s SOPs, ICH/GCP and other regulation.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Manage multiple projects ranging in size and complexity, from single to multicenter studies
- Act as a primary contact to the client to ensure smooth operations and communication
- Manage the internal trial team to ensure the right input at the right time from different skills within the company
- Present project information at internal and external meetings
- Risk management responsibility and lessons learned for assigned projects
- Manage the project financials in collaboration with the Finance Department and financial follow-up for assigned projects

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have the flexibility and the ability to handle multiple tasks and projects to meet deadlines while delivering high-quality work in a dynamic environment.

As a person, we further believe that you are outgoing and enthusiastic, a natural communicator, and can adapt your approach depending on the situation. You work as a team player and apply communicative and interactive skills on different levels within the organization and with external parties and customers.


- University degree in Life Science
- At least 3 years’ experience from working with clinical trials from start to end of projects
- Experience within project management of clinical trials is meritorious
- Strong understanding of ICH-GCP and other relevant regulations and guidelines in relation to clinical trials
- Understanding of the full drug development process
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than November 30th, 2021.

For more information about the position, please contact Neha Mehta, +46 76 111 06 59, or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Software Developer to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Nov 9    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Does software development of image processing and analysis tools catch your eye? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future? At Antaros Medical, we value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. We are now looking for our next experienced Software Developer to join our development team in Uppsala. As a Software Developer, you w... Visa mer
Does software development of image processing and analysis tools catch your eye? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future?

At Antaros Medical, we value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. We are now looking for our next experienced Software Developer to join our development team in Uppsala.

As a Software Developer, you will join a team of software developers and specialists in image processing and image analysis. You will be responsible for designing and developing tools for management, processing and analysis of medical MR and PET images acquired in clinical trials. You will also be member of cross-functional project teams in clinical trials, coordinating software development solutions in the project.

In addition, your work role will include software development support to specialists with rapid prototyping and implementation of method development in advanced image analysis.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Development, maintenance and documentation of validated software for medical image management, processing, and analysis.

- Collaborate with cross-functional clinical trial teams to understand software needs and design and implement high quality solutions to problems.

- Continuous improvement of team processes and tools.

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have been working with professional software development, preferably with medical images in a GxP or medical device setting, for at least 4 years. You are keen on working both independently as well as in teams, communicate well verbally and in writing and thrives in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. You can design and develop advanced yet simple solutions to complex problems in collaboration with other team members that fulfils industry standard quality requirements.


- 4+ years’ experience of professional software development

- B.Sc. degree in relevant field

- Python

- Experience in medical image processing

In addition, we perceive professional knowledge of DICOM, Matlab, C++, Deep learning and/or AWS, to be of advantage in the work role. Experience of GxP or medical device development is also meriting.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link along with your CV included, no later than November 30, 2021.

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Manager Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69

The recruitment is for a permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology.

We combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and a deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST. Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. Visa mindre

Clinical Project Manager to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Dec 6    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imagin... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next Clinical Project Manager with experience in clinical drug development. You will ideally join our office in Mölndal or Uppsala in Sweden, with flexibility to partly work home-based. The position could possibly be placed internationally home-based in the US or Europe.

As a Clinical Project Manager at Antaros Medical, you will be overall responsible and accountable for project management of the imaging part in clinical trials, from initiation to end of assigned projects. Your responsibility includes to ensure the projects are delivered accordingly with timelines, to the agreed budget, with high quality, and per internal and client’s SOPs, ICH/GCP and other regulation.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Manage multiple projects ranging in size and complexity, from single to multicenter studies
- Act as a primary contact to the client to ensure smooth operations and communication
- Manage the internal trial team to ensure the right input at the right time from different skills within the company
- Present project information at internal and external meetings
- Risk management responsibility and lessons learned for assigned projects
- Manage the project financials in collaboration with the Finance Department and financial follow-up for assigned projects

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have the flexibility and the ability to handle multiple tasks and projects to meet deadlines while delivering high-quality work in a dynamic environment.

As a person, we further believe that you are outgoing and enthusiastic, a natural communicator, and can adapt your approach depending on the situation. You work as a team player and apply communicative and interactive skills on different levels within the organization and with external parties and customers.


- University degree in Life Science
- At least 3 years’ experience from working with clinical trials from start to end of projects
- Experience within project management of clinical trials is meritorious
- Strong understanding of ICH-GCP and other relevant regulations and guidelines in relation to clinical trials
- Understanding of the full drug development process
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than December 31st, 2021.

For more information about the position, please contact Neha Mehta, +46 76 111 06 59, or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Business Administrator to Antaros Medical

Would you like to work with administration in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET),... Visa mer
Would you like to work with administration in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

To deliver on our commitments, we are looking for a service-minded Business Administrator who enjoys handling administrative tasks that involve multiple sectors of the company.

The position will be based in our office in Uppsala.

Main responsibilities:

- Responsible for the company's switchboard and incoming calls
- Meeting & Event; booking meetings, conference room and arrangement around the meeting
- Booking travels and hotels
- Supporting different departments with administration connected to Clinical Trials
- General office administration, including ordering office supplies

Who you are

We are looking for a service minded and organised person who thrives working in a collaborative environment. We further believe that you have the ability to understand what needs to be done and take initiatives. The role requires attention to details, good communication and coordination skills as well as the ability to work with the employees at all levels throughout the organisation.


- High School education level
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English
- It is an advantage if you have previous experience from similar work tasks such as having worked as a receptionist, or in other administrative roles

More information

For more information about the position, please contact Neha Mehta, +46 76 111 06 59, or [email protected].

Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than November 30th, 2021.

Please apply as soon as possible, our selection process is continuous, and the advert may close before deadline if we find the right candidate.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical
At Antaros Medical, we are specialised in cardiometabolic diseases (including NAFLD/NASH and chronic kidney disease) and oncology. We have established ourselves as a strategic development partner to the pharmaceutical industry, where we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. Our projects cover clinical trials in all stages of drug development, and we work both with small biotech companies as well as global big pharma companies. We currently have around 90 employees working at our offices in Mölndal and Uppsala. Visa mindre

Clinical Trial Coordinator to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Okt 1    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Are you interested in image analysis in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) an... Visa mer
Are you interested in image analysis in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

To deliver on our commitments, we are looking for people with both broad and deep experience in clinical drug development as well as project management.

As a Clinical Trial Coordinator, you will be responsible for coordination in and administration of our clinical trials. The role may also include overall administrative support in driving our business forward. The position will be located in our office in Uppsala or Mölndal.

Main responsibilities:

- Provide general administrative support and assistance to the internal project team, primarily the Project Manager.
- Support the internal project team with ongoing conduct of studies including coordination of administrative tasks during the study process
- Contribute to applications & submissions by handling clinical-regulatory documents
- Assist in contact with clinical sites for specific requests (e.g., enrollment updates, missing documentation, meeting arrangements).
- Attend project team meetings and generate meeting minutes.
- Set up, organize, and maintain clinical study documentation in the trial master file
- Quality control of and archival of the TMF after final study
- Collaboration with third-party archive vendor


- Experience from working with clinical trials and according to ICH-GCP
- Level of education that supports skills and capabilities of the position and ensures successful conduct of responsibilities
- Collaboration skills in order to engage with people and clients
- Proven administrative skills
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

More information

For more information about the position, please contact Neha Mehta , +46 76-111-0659, or [email protected].

Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than October 31, 2021. We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical
At Antaros Medical, we are specialised in cardiometabolic diseases (including NAFLD/NASH and chronic kidney disease) and oncology. We have established ourselves as a strategic development partner to the pharmaceutical industry, where we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. Our projects cover clinical trials in all stages of drug development, and we work both with small biotech companies as well as global big pharma companies. We currently have around 90 employees working at our offices in Mölndal and Uppsala. Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Okt 1    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (P... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We have currently around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing. As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our Corelab Team in Uppsala.

As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for delivering high quality measurements and analyses of the imaging scans from MR and PET investigations, which is a core output from our company. You will work in a team that together analyses and delivers data for the clinical study. Your responsibility also includes quality control of such images and communication with imaging centres on image quality. The job environment is highly focused on research and technical development, and requires collaboration within the internal project team as well as with national and international clients and imaging centres.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Quality control of the imaging scans and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
- Segmentation and analysis of the imaging scans from the MR and PET investigations including documentation
- Compiling results from image analysis and report back to clients according to agreed timelines
- Development, maintenance, and archiving of study documentation

Who are we looking for?

We emphasise personal suitability, and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to details, who strives in an environment where high demands are placed on quality. We further believe that you are a service-oriented person who enjoys collaborating with others, as well as working individually.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology and medicine.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- At least high school grade or equivalent, preferably in natural science. We perceive it as an advantage if you have university- or relevant higher education as biomedical scientist or similar.
- Demonstrated computer proficiency (programming skills are meritorious)
- Good knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

Understanding of and/or experience from working with clinical trials is considered an an advantage, including knowledge of ICH-GCP. We further perceive it as beneficial if you have skills and interest in programming.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than October 31, 2021. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period.

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Corelab Manager, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Clinical Project Manager to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Sep 28    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imagin... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next Clinical Project Manager with experience in clinical drug development. You will ideally join our office in Mölndal or Uppsala in Sweden, with flexibility to partly work home-based. The position could possibly be placed internationally home-based in the US or Europe.

As a Clinical Project Manager at Antaros Medical, you will be overall responsible and accountable for project management of the imaging part in clinical trials, from initiation to end of assigned projects. Your responsibility includes to ensure the projects are delivered accordingly with timelines, to the agreed budget, with high quality, and per internal and client’s SOPs, ICH/GCP and other regulation.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Manage multiple projects ranging in size and complexity, from single to multicenter studies
- Act as a primary contact to the client to ensure smooth operations and communication
- Manage the internal trial team to ensure the right input at the right time from different skills within the company
- Present project information at internal and external meetings
- Risk management responsibility and lessons learned for assigned projects
- Manage the project financials in collaboration with the Finance Department and financial follow-up for assigned projects

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have the flexibility and the ability to handle multiple tasks and projects to meet deadlines while delivering high-quality work in a dynamic environment.

As a person, we further believe that you are outgoing and enthusiastic, a natural communicator, and can adapt your approach depending on the situation. You work as a team player and apply communicative and interactive skills on different levels within the organization and with external parties and customers.


- University degree in Life Science
- At least 3 years’ experience from working with clinical trials from start to end of projects
- Experience within project management of clinical trials is meritorious
- Strong understanding of ICH-GCP and other relevant regulations and guidelines in relation to clinical trials
- Understanding of the full drug development process
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Swedish and English

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 31st October, 2021.

For more information about the position, please contact Neha Mehta, +46 76 111 06 59, or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Bildanalytiker till Antaros Medical

Ansök    Sep 30    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Har du intresse av bilder och bildanalys? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig. Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom imaging samt analyserar bilder från MRI- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska prövningar, med specialisering inom kardiometabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partners o... Visa mer
Har du intresse av bilder och bildanalys? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig.

Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom imaging samt analyserar bilder från MRI- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska prövningar, med specialisering inom kardiometabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partners och kunder, både stora och små läkemedelsföretag, och deltar även i flera europeiska forskningssamarbeten. Vi är ett snabbt växande företag och har för närvarande cirka 90 anställda baserade i BioVentureHub i Mölndal och i Uppsala Science Park. Nyligen öppnade vi ett kontor i USA.

Vi söker nu en analytisk och detaljfokuserad Bildanalytiker (Image Analyst) som vill vara med och bidra på vår resa. Som bildanalytiker på Antaros Medical arbetar du med kvalitetskontroll och högkvalitativa mätningar och analyser av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar i en teknisk och forskningsintensiv miljö. Du kommer att arbeta i ett team som tillsammans levererar data för den kliniska studien och ha kontakt med nationella och internationella kunder och imaging-center/röntgenkliniker. Tjänsten är placerad på vårt kontor i Uppsala.

Din profil

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, och tror att du är en strukturerad och noggrann person som trivs i en miljö där höga krav ställs på vårt kvalitetsarbete. Vidare tror vi att du är en serviceinriktad person som trivs i samarbete med andra såväl som att arbeta individuellt. Vi ser gärna att du har ett intresse för bilder, bildananalys, teknik och medicin.

Utbildning och erfarenhet

- Minst gymnasieutbildning, gärna inom naturvetenskap eller vård. Vi ser gärna att du har universitets- eller högskoleutbildning som biomedicinsk analytiker eller motsvarande.
- God datorvana
- Goda språkkunskaper i svenska och engelska

Erfarenhet av arbete inom kliniska prövningar och inom regelverket GCP är meriterande för rollen. Därtill ser vi även det som fördelaktigt med kunskap och intresse inom programmering.

Övrig information

För mer information om tjänsten, kontakta Anna Ringheim Cadete, Corelab Manager, på 073-233 00 03 alt. [email protected].

Om du vill veta mer om Antaros Medical och vår verksamhet, kika in på vår hemsida för att lära dig mer: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com)

Skicka din ansökan (ett kort personligt brev och ditt CV) senast den 31st October 2021 . Intervjuer kommer att ske löpande. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem Teamtailor. Samtal från externa rekryteringsföretag och säljare undanbedes. Visa mindre

Software Developer to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Sep 27    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Does software development of image processing and analysis tools catch your eye? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future? Are you a person who enjoys a dynamic environment and to be part of a growing team with software developers and specialists? If it ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we value competence and de... Visa mer
Does software development of image processing and analysis tools catch your eye? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future? Are you a person who enjoys a dynamic environment and to be part of a growing team with software developers and specialists? If it ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 80 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as in the US, and we are continuously growing. As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next experienced Software Developer for implementation and validation of software used in clinical trials, to join our Uppsala office.

As a Software Developer, you will join a growing team of software developers and specialists in image processing and image analysis. You will further be part of cross-functional project teams in clinical trials, coordinating software development solutions in the project. This includes working with many different roles in the company such as project management and internal end-users of software. You will be responsible for software development of tools for managing and analysing medical images acquired in clinical trials, consisting of MR and PET images.

You will further support with verification and validation of developed as well as acquired software, including requirement management and test protocol creation.

In addition, your work role will include support in method development and medical image processing.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Development of software tools for medical image management, processing, and analysis.
- Validation of software for analysis of medical imaging data.
- Maintenance and internal support for developed software.

Additional responsibilities could include:

- System owner of applicable computerised systems.

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have been working with professional software development, preferably with medical images, and including verification and validation, for at least 4 years. You are keen on working both independently as well as in teams with software development of image management and image processing systems.

As a person, you have a logic mindset and analytic ability to solve and conclude issues of different character. You are creative by thinking outside the box and approaching a problem from different angles. We further believe that you have demonstrated collaborative and communicative skills to engage with colleagues and clients, including colleagues with other backgrounds than software development. You have the flexibility and ability to meet deadlines while being thorough and delivering high quality work in a dynamic environment.


- 4+ years’ experience of professional software development, including verification and validation
- B.Sc. degree in relevant field
- Proficiency in Python

It is meritorious if you have previous work experience of GCP/GAMP, as well as software development within a regulated industry, such as medical device development or clinical trials, including experience from medical images of MR and PET. It is further perceived as beneficial if you have studied computer science, engineering physics, applied systems science, and/or software development. Longer experience with software development is meriting.

In addition, we perceive professional knowledge of Matlab, C++, AWS, and requirement management to be of advantage in the work role.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter (in English) and your CV included, no later than 31st October 2021.

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Director Image Processing and Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69

The recruitment is for a permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology.

We combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and a deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST. Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. Visa mindre

Clinical Project Manager to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Sep 3    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imagin... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next Clinical Project Manager with experience in clinical drug development. You will ideally join our office in Mölndal or Uppsala in Sweden, with flexibility to partly work home-based. The position could possibly be placed internationally home-based in the US or Europe.

As a Clinical Project Manager at Antaros Medical, you will be overall responsible and accountable for project management of the imaging part in clinical trials, from initiation to end of assigned projects. Your responsibility includes to ensure the projects are delivered accordingly with timelines, to the agreed budget, with high quality, and per internal and client’s SOPs, ICH/GCP and other regulation.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Manage multiple projects ranging in size and complexity, from single to multicenter studies
- Act as a primary contact to the client to ensure smooth operations and communication
- Manage the internal trial team to ensure the right input at the right time from different skills within the company
- Present project information at internal and external meetings
- Risk management responsibility and lessons learned for assigned projects
- Manage the project financials in collaboration with the Finance Department and financial follow-up for assigned projects

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have the flexibility and the ability to handle multiple tasks and projects to meet deadlines while delivering high-quality work in a dynamic environment.

As a person, we further believe that you are outgoing and enthusiastic, a natural communicator, and can adapt your approach depending on the situation. You work as a team player and apply communicative and interactive skills on different levels within the organization and with external parties and customers.


- University degree in Life Science
- At least 3 years’ experience from working with clinical trials from start to end of projects
- Experience within project management of clinical trials is meritorious
- Strong understanding of ICH-GCP and other relevant regulations and guidelines in relation to clinical trials
- Understanding of the full drug development process
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Swedish and English

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 30th September, 2021.

For more information about the position, please contact Neha Mehta, +46 76 111 06 59, or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (P... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We have currently around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing. As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our Corelab Team in Uppsala.

As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for delivering high quality measurements and analyses of the imaging scans from MR and PET investigations, which is a core output from our company. You will work in a team that together analyses and delivers data for the clinical study. Your responsibility also includes quality control of such images and communication with imaging centres on image quality. The job environment is highly focused on research and technical development, and requires collaboration within the internal project team as well as with national and international clients and imaging centres.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Quality control of the imaging scans and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
- Segmentation and analysis of the imaging scans from the MR and PET investigations including documentation
- Compiling results from image analysis and report back to clients according to agreed timelines
- Development, maintenance, and archiving of study documentation

Who are we looking for?

We emphasise personal suitability, and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to details, who strives in an environment where high demands are placed on quality. We further believe that you are a service-oriented person who enjoys collaborating with others, as well as working individually.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology and medicine.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- At least high school grade or equivalent, preferably in natural science
- Demonstrated computer proficiency (programming skills are meritorious)
- Good knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

Understanding of and/or experience from working with clinical trials is considered an an advantage, including knowledge of ICH-GCP.

It is also perceived beneficial if you have previous experience as a radiology nurse or equivalent.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 30th September, 2021. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period.

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Corelab Manager, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Bildanalytiker till Antaros Medical

Har du intresse av bilder och bildanalys? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig. Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom imaging samt analyserar bilder från MRI- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska prövningar, med specialisering inom kardiometabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partners o... Visa mer
Har du intresse av bilder och bildanalys? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig.

Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom imaging samt analyserar bilder från MRI- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska prövningar, med specialisering inom kardiometabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partners och kunder, både stora och små läkemedelsföretag, och deltar även i flera europeiska forskningssamarbeten. Vi är ett snabbt växande företag och har för närvarande cirka 90 anställda baserade i BioVentureHub i Mölndal och i Uppsala Science Park. Nyligen öppnade vi ett kontor i USA.

Vi söker nu en analytisk och detaljfokuserad Bildanalytiker (Image Analyst) som vill vara med och bidra på vår resa. Som bildanalytiker på Antaros Medical arbetar du med kvalitetskontroll och högkvalitativa mätningar och analyser av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar i en teknisk och forskningsintensiv miljö. Du kommer att arbeta i ett team som tillsammans levererar data för den kliniska studien och ha kontakt med nationella och internationella kunder och imaging-center/röntgenkliniker. Tjänsten är placerad på vårt kontor i Uppsala.

Din profil

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, och tror att du är en strukturerad och noggrann person som trivs i en miljö där höga krav ställs på vårt kvalitetsarbete. Vidare tror vi att du är en serviceinriktad person som trivs i samarbete med andra såväl som att arbeta individuellt. Vi ser gärna att du har ett intresse för bilder, bildananalys, teknik och medicin.

Utbildning och erfarenhet

- Minst gymnasieutbildning, gärna inom naturvetenskap eller vård (kanske är du undersköterska, biomedicinsk analytiker eller motsvarande).
- God datorvana
- Goda språkkunskaper i svenska och engelska

Erfarenhet av arbete inom kliniska prövningar och inom regelverket GCP är meriterande för rollen.

Vi ser det även som meriterande om du har tidigare arbetslivserfarenhet som röntgensjuksköterska eller motsvarande.

Övrig information

För mer information om tjänsten, kontakta Anna Ringheim Cadete, Corelab Manager, på 073-233 00 03 alt. [email protected].

Om du vill veta mer om Antaros Medical och vår verksamhet, kika in på vår hemsida för att lära dig mer: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com)

Skicka din ansökan (ett kort personligt brev och ditt CV) senast den 30 september 2021. Intervjuer kommer att ske löpande. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem Teamtailor. Samtal från externa rekryteringsföretag och säljare undanbedes. Visa mindre

Mandarin speaking Clinical Project Manager to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Aug 19    Antaros Medical AB    Utvecklingschef
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imagin... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next Clinical Project Manager with experience in clinical drug development. You will ideally join our office in Mölndal or Uppsala in Sweden, with flexibility to partly work home-based. The position could possibly be placed internationally home-based in the US or Europe.

As a Clinical Project Manager at Antaros Medical, you will be overall responsible and accountable for project management of the imaging part in clinical trials, from initiation to end of assigned projects. Your responsibility includes to ensure the projects are delivered accordingly with timelines, to the agreed budget, with high quality, and per internal and client’s SOPs, ICH/GCP and other regulation.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Manage multiple projects ranging in size and complexity, from single to multicenter studies
- Act as a primary contact to the client to ensure smooth operations and communication
- Manage the internal trial team to ensure the right input at the right time from different skills within the company
- Present project information at internal and external meetings
- Risk management responsibility and lessons learned for assigned projects
- Manage the project financials in collaboration with the Finance Department and financial follow-up for assigned projects

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have the flexibility and the ability to handle multiple tasks and projects to meet deadlines while delivering high-quality work in a dynamic environment.

As a person, we further believe that you are outgoing and enthusiastic, a natural communicator, and can adapt your approach depending on the situation. You work as a team player and apply communicative and interactive skills on different levels within the organization and with external parties and customers.


- University degree in Life Science
- At least 3 years’ experience from working with clinical trials from start to end of projects
- Experience within project management of clinical trials is meritorious
- Strong understanding of ICH-GCP and other relevant regulations and guidelines in relation to clinical trials
- Understanding of the full drug development process
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Swedish and English
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Mandarin

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 19th September, 2021.

For more information about the position, please contact Emilia Larsson, +46 73-728 93 43, or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Software Developer to Antaros Medical

Does software development of image processing and analysis tools catch your eye? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future? Are you a person who enjoys a dynamic environment and to be part of a growing team with software developers and specialists? If it ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we value competence and de... Visa mer
Does software development of image processing and analysis tools catch your eye? How about working in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector where your work contributes to improving drug development of the future? Are you a person who enjoys a dynamic environment and to be part of a growing team with software developers and specialists? If it ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 80 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as in the US, and we are continuously growing. As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next experienced Software Developer for implementation and validation of software used in clinical trials, to join our Uppsala office.

As a Software Developer, you will join a growing team of software developers and specialists in image processing and image analysis. You will further be part of cross-functional project teams in clinical trials, coordinating software development solutions in the project. This includes working with many different roles in the company such as project management and internal end-users of software. You will be responsible for software development of tools for managing and analysing medical images acquired in clinical trials, consisting of MR and PET images.

You will further support with verification and validation of developed as well as acquired software, including requirement management and test protocol creation.

In addition, your work role will include support in method development and medical image processing.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Development of software tools for medical image management, processing, and analysis.
- Validation of software for analysis of medical imaging data.
- Maintenance and internal support for developed software.

Additional responsibilities could include:

- System owner of applicable computerised systems.

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have been working with professional software development, preferably with medical images, and including verification and validation, for at least 4 years. You are keen on working both independently as well as in teams with software development of image management and image processing systems.

As a person, you have a logic mindset and analytic ability to solve and conclude issues of different character. You are creative by thinking outside the box and approaching a problem from different angles. We further believe that you have demonstrated collaborative and communicative skills to engage with colleagues and clients, including colleagues with other backgrounds than software development. You have the flexibility and ability to meet deadlines while being thorough and delivering high quality work in a dynamic environment.


- 4+ years’ experience of professional software development, including verification and validation
- B.Sc. degree in relevant field
- Proficiency in Python

It is meritorious if you have previous work experience of GCP/GAMP, as well as software development within a regulated industry, such as medical device development or clinical trials, including experience from medical images of MR and PET. It is further perceived as beneficial if you have studied computer science, engineering physics, applied systems science, and/or software development. Longer experience with software development is meriting.

In addition, we perceive professional knowledge of Matlab, C++, AWS, and requirement management to be of advantage in the work role.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter (in English) and your CV included, no later than 31st August 2021.

For more information about the position, please contact Carl Sjöberg, Director Image Processing and Software Development, [email protected] +46 73 050 04 69 after 9th August.

The recruitment is for a permanent employment.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology.

We combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and a deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST. Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (P... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We have currently around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing. As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our Corelab Team in Uppsala.

As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for delivering high quality measurements and analyses of the imaging scans from MR and PET investigations, which is a core output from our company. You will work in a team that together analyses and delivers data for the clinical study. Your responsibility also includes quality control of such images and communication with imaging centres on image quality. The job environment is highly focused on research and technical development, and requires collaboration within the internal project team as well as with national and international clients and imaging centres.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Quality control of the imaging scans and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
- Segmentation and analysis of the imaging scans from the MR and PET investigations including documentation
- Compiling results from image analysis and report back to clients according to agreed timelines
- Development, maintenance, and archiving of study documentation

Who are we looking for?

We emphasise personal suitability, and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to details, who strives in an environment where high demands are placed on quality. We further believe that you are a service-oriented person who enjoys collaborating with others, as well as working individually.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology and medicine.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- At least high school grade or equivalent, preferably in natural science
- Demonstrated computer proficiency (programming skills are meritorious)
- Good knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

Understanding of and/or experience from working with clinical trials is considered an an advantage, including knowledge of ICH-GCP.

It is also perceived beneficial if you have previous experience as a radiology nurse or equivalent.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 29th August, 2021. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period.

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Corelab Manager, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Clinical Project Manager to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jun 17    Antaros Medical AB    Forskningschef
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imagin... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? Do you enjoy reaching goals in a fast-paced environment through teamwork and collaboration? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

We value competence and development as well as ideas and creativity. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We have currently around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing.

As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next Clinical Project Manager with experience in clinical drug development. You will ideally join our office in Mölndal or Uppsala in Sweden, with flexibility to partly work home-based. The position could possibly be placed internationally home-based in the US or Europe.

As a Clinical Project Manager at Antaros Medical, you will be overall responsible and accountable for project management of the imaging part in clinical trials, from initiation to end of assigned projects. Your responsibility includes to ensure the projects are delivered accordingly with timelines, to the agreed budget, with high quality, and per internal and client’s SOPs, ICH/GCP and other regulation.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Manage multiple projects ranging in size and complexity, from single to multicenter studies
- Act as a primary contact to the client to ensure smooth operations and communication
- Manage the internal trial team to ensure the right input at the right time from different skills within the company
- Present project information at internal and external meetings
- Risk management responsibility and lessons learned for assigned projects
- Manage the project financials in collaboration with the Finance Department and financial follow-up for assigned projects

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have the flexibility and the ability to handle multiple tasks and projects to meet deadlines while delivering high-quality work in a dynamic environment.

As a person, we further believe that you are outgoing and enthusiastic, a natural communicator, and can adapt your approach depending on the situation. You work as a team player and apply communicative and interactive skills on different levels within the organization and with external parties and customers.


- University degree in Life Science
- At least 3 years’ experience from working with clinical trials from start to end of projects
- Experience within project management of clinical trials is meritorious
- Strong understanding of ICH-GCP and other relevant regulations and guidelines in relation to clinical trials
- Understanding of the full drug development process
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Swedish and English

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 18th July, 2021.

For more information about the position, please contact Richard Olbe, Manager Clinical Operations, at +46 732301011.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Patent Specialist to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jun 15    Antaros Medical AB    Patentjurist
Does working with patents and intellectual property in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector sound interesting to you? Do you have solid patent work experience and want to combine this with the bigger picture of improving drug development and patient diagnosis? Perhaps you are a person who enjoys a supportive work role in a dynamic environment? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we value your c... Visa mer
Does working with patents and intellectual property in an innovative company within the global Life Science sector sound interesting to you? Do you have solid patent work experience and want to combine this with the bigger picture of improving drug development and patient diagnosis? Perhaps you are a person who enjoys a supportive work role in a dynamic environment? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we value your competence and development as well as your ideas and creativity. Relations and trust are keys to success, and it is equally important for us to have fun while doing a meaningful job. We are currently around 90 colleagues working at our offices in Mölndal and Uppsala and we are continuously growing. As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for an experienced Patent Specialist to join us in our office in Uppsala.

As a Patent Specialist, you will manage and protect Antaros Medical’s IP portfolio, including handling of patents and licenses, and overall assist VP Innovation and Patents with tasks related to patents, intellectual property and relationship management. You will be responsible for handling patent applications in different jurisdictions and for collaborations with different agencies. In addition, you will also be internally responsible for first-hand IP support and coordination.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Efficient management of our patent portfolio and licensed patents
- Support the overall IP strategy
- Support general patent and IP-related questions
- Prior art searches
- IP landscape monitoring
- Competition and Freedom to Operate analyses
- Support in-house innovation mining

Additional responsibilities could include:

- Patent application writing
- Research and development to support patent applications
- Education of internal staff regarding patents and IP

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have solid experience from previous work at one or several patent agencies, with significant work experience and proven knowledge of patents and patent applications. Your background might suggestively include public patent experience from PRV, as well as corporate experience, such as from consultancy.

As a person, you are supportive, communicative, and keen on engaging with colleagues as well as external contacts. You are characterized by flexibility and attentiveness towards your surroundings and have a collaborative mindset. In addition, we believe that you have analytical skills, the mindset of accuracy and details, as well as the ability to handle multiple tasks in a dynamic environment.


- Bachelor’s Degree in engineering such as physics, computer science, chemistry, material science, or equivalent
- Three years solid work experience of patents
- Professional English language skills

It is meritorious if you have previous work experience of patent applications related to IT, image analysis, MedTech, chemistry or PET tracers, and/or have patent agent qualifications or have a higher educational degree.

It is further beneficial if you have knowledge in image analysis, or in the imaging modalities MRI, PET, and CT, or have programming skills.

Are you interested?

Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter (in English) and your CV included, no later than 8th August 2021.

For more information about the position, please contact Joel Kullberg, VP Innovation and Patents, +46 73 977 93 86.

The position is ideally based in our Uppsala office in Sweden but could possibly be placed home-based.

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We are specialized in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology.

We combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and a deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST. Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. Visa mindre

Image Analyst to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (P... Visa mer
Are you interested in medical images and image analysis? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A company, where you would contribute and be a part of a collaborative team? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We have currently around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, as well as a newly established subsidiary in the US, and we are continuously growing and developing. As a part of our growth journey, we are looking for our next analytical and detail-focused Image Analyst to join our Corelab Team in Uppsala.

As an Image Analyst, you will be responsible for delivering high quality measurements and analyses of the imaging scans from MR and PET investigations, which is a core output from our company. You will work in a team that together analyses and delivers data for the clinical study. Your responsibility also includes quality control of such images and communication with imaging centres on image quality. The job environment is highly focused on research and technical development, and requires collaboration within the internal project team as well as with national and international clients and imaging centres.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Quality control of the imaging scans and related documentation from the MR and PET investigations in the clinical trials
- Segmentation and analysis of the imaging scans from the MR and PET investigations including documentation
- Compiling results from image analysis and report back to clients according to agreed timelines
- Development, maintenance, and archiving of study documentation

Who are we looking for?

We emphasise personal suitability, and believe that you are a structured and thorough person with attention to details, who strives in an environment where high demands are placed on quality. We further believe that you are a service-oriented person who enjoys collaborating with others, as well as working individually.

We are happy to see that you have an interest in images, image analysis, technology and medicine.

Desired qualifications and skills:

- At least high school grade or equivalent, preferably in natural science
- Demonstrated computer proficiency (programming skills are meritorious)
- Good knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

Understanding of and/or experience from working with clinical trials is considered an an advantage, including knowledge of ICH-GCP.

It is also perceived beneficial if you have previous experience as a radiology nurse or equivalent.

Are you interested?Great to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than 18th July, 2021. Interviews can take place during the advertisement period.

For more information about the position, please contact Anna Ringheim Cadete, Corelab Manager, at +46 73 233 00 03 or [email protected].

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST.

Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden, and we have recently opened a subsidiary in the US. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Clinical Trial Assistant to Antaros Medical

Are you interested in image analysis in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) an... Visa mer
Are you interested in image analysis in clinical trials? Would you like to work in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development.

To deliver on our commitments, we are looking for people with both broad and deep experience in clinical drug development as well as project management.

As a Clinical Trial Assistant, you will be responsible for coordination in and administration of our clinical trials. The role may also include overall administrative support in driving our business forward. The position will be located in our office in Uppsala or Mölndal.

Main responsibilities:

- Provide general administrative support and assistance to the internal project team, primarily the Project Manager.
- Support the internal project team with ongoing conduct of studies including coordination of administrative tasks during the study process
- Contribute to applications & submissions by handling clinical-regulatory documents
- Assist in contact with clinical sites for specific requests (e.g., enrollment updates, missing documentation, meeting arrangements).
- Attend project team meetings and generate meeting minutes.
- Set up, organize, and maintain clinical study documentation in the trial master file
- Quality control of and archival of the TMF after final study
- Collaboration with third-party archive vendor
- General company administration, such as travel booking, expenses, presentations, meetings, etc


- Experience from working with clinical trials and according to ICH-GCP
- Level of education that supports skills and capabilities of the position and ensures successful conduct of responsibilities
- Collaboration skills in order to engage with people and clients
- Proven administrative skills
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

More information

For more information about the position, please contact Sofia Löwstedt, HR Director, +46 707 15 87 90

Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than July 4, 2021. We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical
At Antaros Medical, we are specialised in cardiometabolic diseases (including NAFLD/NASH and chronic kidney disease) and oncology. We have established ourselves as a strategic development partner to the pharmaceutical industry, where we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge in disease mechanisms. Our projects cover clinical trials in all stages of drug development, and we work both with small biotech companies as well as global big pharma companies. We currently have around 90 employees working at our offices in Mölndal and Uppsala. Visa mindre

Director PET Imaging to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Maj 18    Antaros Medical AB    Biomedicinare
Would you like to work as a Director PET Imaging in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET)... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Director PET Imaging in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We currently have around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden (Mölndal and Uppsala) and we are continuously growing and developing. As a part of our growth journey, we are now looking for a Director PET Imaging - an exciting and diverse role at Antaros Medical.

As a Director PET Imaging, you will be involved in the design of clinical trials ensuring the best PET methods are applied in our contract research studies and as part of our own R&D. Your main focus will be responsibility for defining the best approach to imaging the study endpoints, setting up harmonized imaging protocols, selecting and qualifying the participating imaging sites, and training the Antaros Corelab on analysis methods.

You will join a group of imaging specialists with expertise in PET and MR, and you will be working closely with Project Managers, Image Analysts, and Software Developers to deliver innovative imaging solutions to the pharmaceutical industry.

An important aspect of your job will be visiting imaging sites to train the site on study procedures. The job encourages interaction with new potential customers as part of the Antaros Medical sales strategy. Method development is a core activity at Antaros Medical, and scientific communication is an important channel to share our results. We therefore encourage scientific publishing and presenting at international scientific congresses.

Your main responsibilities will be:

- Managing imaging aspects of clinical trials
- Developing analysis methods, training, and certifying Corelab image analysts

Additional responsibilities could include:

- Communication with new customers, supporting sales and business development
- Scientific communication (writing publications and presenting research)


- A Ph.D. degree in a relevant field or comparable work experience
- Experience in Positron Emission Tomography
- Flexibility and ability to handle multiple tasks to meet deadlines while delivering high-quality work in a dynamic environment.
- Demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients.

Preferred qualifications:

- Experience in imaging on PET/MR platforms
- Good understanding of the physiological/pathology behind imaging endpoints
- Experience in scientific communication (publishing and presenting)
- Experience in working hands-on at the scanner, including system quality control
- Experience in the pharmaceutical or medical technology industries
- Experience in GCP and clinical trials

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have strong organizational skills and drive your work independently, but enjoy working in project teams from start to finish to achieve the goal.

As a person, we further believe that you are outgoing and enthusiastic, a natural communicator, and can adapt your approach depending on the situation. You work as a team player and apply communicative and interactive skills on different levels within the organization and with external parties and customers.

More information

For more information about the position, please contact Sofia Löwstedt, HR Director, at [email protected] or +46707158790.

Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than June 13, 2021.

The position is ideally based in our Uppsala or Mölndal office in Sweden but could possibly be placed internationally home-based in the US or Europe.

If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/)

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST. Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden. Visa mindre

QA Specialist to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Jun 10    Antaros Medical AB    Kvalitetssamordnare
Would you like to work as a QA Specialist in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), ... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a QA Specialist in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this catches your interest, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We currently have around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden in Mölndal and Uppsala, and we are continuously growing and developing. To deliver on our commitments, we are now looking for a QA Specialist with broad and deep experience in clinical drug development and GCP to join us. The role will be based in either Uppsala or Mölndal.

As a QA Specialist, you will be responsible for all QA activities related to GCP within Antaros Medical. You will ensure Antaros Medical´s quality by conducting necessary audits and training to guarantee that our operations comply and run smoothly and that clinical trials and R&D activities are performed in accordance with applicable study protocols and in compliance with laws, regulations, guidelines, and our processes. You will be working closely with our QA team and you will be reporting to the VP IT & QA.

As QA Specialist at Antaros Medical, your main responsibilities will be:

- Manage and maintain the Quality System in collaboration with all functional leads and other QA colleagues
- Support the development of new SOPs, templates, and other quality system documents and perform gap analysis
- Responsible for developing and maintaining all QA SOPs related to GCP
- Plan, conduct and report internal and external audits as detailed in the risk-based audit plan
- Host and manage inspections, Sponsor audits, and desk-top audits until closure
- Assist with information in RFIs/vendor assessments
- Manage complaints and deviations
- Manage and follow-up on the full CAPA process, including CAPA effectiveness
- Vendor assessment, qualification, and risk-based re-assessment
- Lead and arrange internal training in relevant areas such as GCP, GDPR, Quality system, etc
- Provide day to day general QA support internally
- Be up to date with all regulations relevant to our business and inform the organisation of updates

Who you are

We believe that you are a structured and communicative person who will thrive in our dynamic and rapidly developing environment. You are focused on delivering high-quality results and enjoy giving quality-related advice to the organisation. You collaborate very well with others and have a team-oriented approach when engaging with colleagues and clients. And last but not least, you value having fun while doing a meaningful job.


- University degree in Natural Science or Medicine.
- Several years’ experience from clinical trials from the pharmaceutical industry, CROs, or similar business including several years of experience in a QA position
- Extensive understanding of ICH-GCP and other relevant guidelines in relation to both operational aspects as well as quality aspects
- Broad understanding of the full drug development process
- Thorough understanding of strategic and operational aspects within clinical research and development
- Knowledge within imaging in clinical trials is an advantage
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Swedish and English

Are you interested?

We are happy to hear! Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter (in English) and your CV included, no later than July 11th, 2021.

For more information about the position, please contact Johannes Carlsson, VP IT&QA;, +46 73 917 86 50 or [email protected]

We only accept applications via our recruitment system, Teamtailor. The recruitment is handled by Antaros Medical.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST. Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden. Visa mindre

Clinical Project Manager to Antaros Medical

Ansök    Maj 10    Antaros Medical AB    Biomedicinare
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading. At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (... Visa mer
Would you like to work as a Clinical Project Manager in a growing company devoted to making a real difference in drug development through ground-breaking imaging? A place that is constantly moving forward, with great science, great people, and an informal atmosphere? If this ticks your boxes, you should continue reading.

At Antaros Medical, we are pioneering imaging methodologies, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), to design and deliver clinical studies for decision making and differentiation in drug development. We currently have around 90 employees working at our offices in Sweden (Mölndal and Uppsala) and we are continuously growing and developing. As a part of our growth journey, we are now looking for a Clinical Project Manager with experience in clinical drug development. The role will be based in either Uppsala or Mölndal.

As Clinical Project Manager at Antaros Medical, you will be overall responsible and accountable for the execution of assigned projects from initiation to end of the project ensuring that the projects are delivered to budget, high quality, and timelines. The position can be located in our office in Mölndal or Uppsala.

As Clinical Project Manager at Antaros Medical, your main responsibilities will be:

- Project management of the imaging part in clinical trials to ensure our trials are delivered on time, to the agreed budget, and to high quality, per internal and client’s SOPs, ICH/GCP, and other regulation
- In parallel manage multiple projects ranging in size and complexity from single to multicenter studies
- Act as a primary contact to the client to ensure smooth operations and communication
- Manage the internal trial team to ensure the right input at the right time from different skills within the company
- Present project information at internal and external meetings
- Responsible for risk management and lessons learned for assigned projects
- Manage the project financials in collaboration with the Finance Department and financial follow-up for assigned projects


- University degree in life sciences
- At least 3 years experience from working with clinical trials from start to end
- Experience within project management of clinical trials is preferred
- Strong understanding of ICH-GCP and other relevant regulations and guidelines in relation to clinical trials
- Understanding of the full drug development process
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both Swedish and English

Who are we looking for?

We believe that you have demonstrated collaboration skills as well as a team-oriented approach to engage with colleagues and clients. You have the flexibility and the ability to handle multiple tasks and projects to meet deadlines while delivering high-quality work in a dynamic environment.

As a person, we further believe that you are outgoing and enthusiastic, a natural communicator, and can adapt your approach depending on the situation. You work as a team player and apply communicative and interactive skills on different levels within the organization and with external parties and customers.

More information

For more information about the position, please contact Sofia Löwstedt, HR Director, at [email protected] or +46707158790.

Please submit your application via this link with a short personal letter and your CV included, no later than June 13, 2021.

The position is ideally based in our Uppsala or Mölndal office in Sweden but could possibly be placed internationally home-based in the US or Europe.

About Antaros Medical

At Antaros Medical, we combine ground-breaking imaging with profound experience in drug development and deep knowledge of disease mechanisms. We are specialised in cardiorenal & metabolic diseases and oncology. We have a global network of collaboration partners and customers, including both Big Pharma and Biotechs, and several European collaboration initiatives such as Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and COST. Antaros Medical has delivered small complex, mechanistic studies as well as multi-center clinical trials worldwide utilizing our innovative imaging methods. Our global headquarter and imaging Corelab are based in Sweden. If you want to find out more about our company, go to our website: www.antarosmedical.com (http://www.antarosmedical.com/) Visa mindre

Bildanalytiker till Antaros Medical

Har du intresse av bilder och bildanalys? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig. Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom imaging samt analyserar bilder från MRI- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska prövningar, med specialisering inom kardiometabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partners o... Visa mer
Har du intresse av bilder och bildanalys? Vill du jobba på ett företag som gör skillnad inom läkemedelsutveckling, på en arbetsplats där du får vara en del av ett sammansvetsat team? Då har vi en intressant tjänst för dig.

Antaros Medical utvecklar nya metoder inom imaging samt analyserar bilder från MRI- och PET-undersökningar från kliniska prövningar, med specialisering inom kardiometabola sjukdomar och onkologi. Vi har ett globalt nätverk av partners och kunder, både stora och små läkemedelsföretag, och deltar även i flera europeiska forskningssamarbeten. Vi är ett snabbt växande företag och har för närvarande cirka 90 anställda baserade i BioVentureHub i Mölndal och i Uppsala Science Park. Nyligen öppnade vi ett kontor i USA.

Vi söker nu en analytisk och detaljfokuserad Bildanalytiker (Image Analyst) som vill vara med och bidra på vår resa. Som bildanalytiker på Antaros Medical arbetar du med kvalitetskontroll och högkvalitativa mätningar och analyser av bilder från MR- och PET-undersökningar i en teknisk och forskningsintensiv miljö. Du kommer att arbeta i ett team som tillsammans levererar data för den kliniska studien och ha kontakt med nationella och internationella kunder och imaging-center/röntgenkliniker. Tjänsten är placerad på vårt kontor i Uppsala.

Din profil

Vi lägger stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet, och tror att du är en strukturerad och noggrann person som trivs i en miljö där höga krav ställs på vårt kvalitetsarbete. Vidare tror vi att du är en serviceinriktad person som trivs i samarbete med andra såväl som att arbeta individuellt. Vi ser gärna att du har ett intresse för bilder, bildananalys, teknik och medicin.

Utbildning och erfarenhet

- Minst gymnasieutbildning, gärna inom naturvetenskap eller vård (kanske är du undersköterska, biomedicinsk analytiker eller motsvarande).
- God datorvana
- Goda språkkunskaper i svenska och engelska

Erfarenhet av arbete inom kliniska prövningar och inom regelverket GCP är meriterande för rollen.

Vi ser det även som meriterande om du har tidigare arbetslivserfarenhet som röntgensjuksköterska, forskningssjuksköterska eller motsvarande.

Övrig information

För mer information om tjänsten, kontakta Anna Ringheim Cadete, Corelab Manager, på 073-233 00 03 alt. [email protected].

Skicka din ansökan (ett kort personligt brev och ditt CV) senast den 6de juni 2021. Intervjuer kommer att ske löpande. Vi tar endast emot ansökningar via vårt rekryteringssystem Teamtailor. Samtal från externa rekryteringsföretag och säljare undanbedes. Visa mindre